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Dusk Trousers a worthy purchase?

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  • Dusk Trousers a worthy purchase?

    I know these reduce moving speed,but it shouldnt be a problem if u could switch to af trousers then switch them back to the latter when fighting.Well,is the huge price tag worth paying for these?Someone with this equip could give me an opinion,thanks

  • #2
    they're the best trousers for rng in game. +10 rng acc, yes they're worth it.
    but my guess is, by the time you're lv72, you're already hitting 90-95% of the time, so you gotta wonder how much more effective they can make you.


    • #3
      Gotta spend your HNM money on something =)
      MNK: 31 RNG:70 WAR:35 SAM:10 NIN:35

      Current Funds: 1,300,000


      • #4
        don't wear them while running, wear them when you get into combat. :D


        • #5
          they are great (~_~) with brd prelude2x,optical hat,dusk trouser never miss hnm. they are worth it!


          • #6
            except optical hat is super rare and super ugly. :mad: :mad: :mad:


            • #7
              Originally posted by poweryoga
              except optical hat is super rare and super ugly. :mad: :mad: :mad:
              i think it looks cool!


              • #8
                Not really super rare and it's so cute! (mithra only!)

                You have to Kill Hakutaku and get Hakutaku eye drops. Not just regluar ones but Damp, Burning, Earthen, um.. forget the rest but you kill them in Sea Serpents, King Ran's, Ifrits, Den of Rancor. Once you hve all 5 types, have someone alchemy 84+ synth it with light crys and fien'd blood, you get Hakutaku Eye Cluster. I call it eyeball soup, thengo to den of rancor, and trade to ??? Need alliance of 75ish to kill it though, that's the hardest part Im try to be a gimp Lv 70 and get people to go this weekend, already have my soup and everything >_<


                • #9
                  i think war beret +1 would be an exception to wearing the godawful optical hat >_>


                  • #10
                    I like it.. Sometimes I wear fungus hat with my scorpion harness... makes me look cool until we go get the real thing ; ; Hopefully this weekend. Maybe I will post how the fight goes


                    • #11
                      but the weed hat is so much cooler than pointy ugly hat...


                      • #12
                        i like the AF hat, though I haven't seen the war beret +1 or the optical hat. Anyone have any links to pics of these items so I can see what they look like?
                        Dauthitaru Ranger Extrodinaire at your service!

                        Job Levels: Ranger: 34 Ninja: 13 Warrior: 15 White Mage: 30 Red Mage: 15 Thief: 5

                        E-Bow: not yet
                        Peacock Charm: not yet
                        Onithus Bow: not yet
                        Leaping Boots: got them
                        Emporer's Hairpin: got it
                        Optical Hat: not yet


                        • #13
                          optical hat: See fungus hat.

                          War Beret: Scroll up and look at Voodoo's avatar, its wearing one.


                          • #14
                            I think the Fungus Hat/Optical Hat design is the most stylish hat type in the game, second only to the pimp hat.


                            • #15
                              they should design pink puffy pants to go with the hat.

