Yeah, This has been posted before, but I didn't exactly find my awnser there. I know.. "Any job is good for any race!" but, would there really be a big disadvantage? I'm currently lvl 28 WHM / 14 BLM, but I have taken the time to lvl WAR/THF and THF/WAR up to the mid-teens. I used top of the line bows lvling war and thf, and almost always pulled. My archery skill is up fairly high, and I really want to do ranger. I was thinking about RNG/NIN, dual weilding archers knives (or daggers? forgot, hehe) to make up for some of my disadvantages..? If I shouldn't do rng, please try to assist me in chosing another job? ^^
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Taru Ranger?
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Taru Ranger?
Thf 12 - Mnk 3 - Rng 5 - War 7 - Rdm 10 - Blm 8 - Whm 31- Drk 18 - Bst 10 - BRD 13 -
Bastok ; Rank 3
Crafting: Cooking 0, Woodworking 51, Fishing 9, Goldsmith 8, Blacksmith 4, Weaving 0, Leatherworking 0, Boneworking 0.
NM: Stray Mary 0/2
Leaping Lizzy 1/4 -
I think for taru's, /nin is the vastly superior subjob, for the sole reason that blink/utsusemi would lower your chances of death considerably when you have a mob's attention.
As a non-rng, I've never really noticed that much of a difference between all races, and nobody seems to discriminate against taru rng's (as opposed to, say, galkan mages).
Thanks 0
Thanks ^^ I decided to go rng/nin, and i lvled whm up to 29 today.. closing in on the big 30! Hopefully tomorrow I can get it, and have ranger/ninja by the weekend!Thanks again for your guidance, it helped a lot.
Thf 12 - Mnk 3 - Rng 5 - War 7 - Rdm 10 - Blm 8 - Whm 31- Drk 18 - Bst 10 - BRD 13 -
Bastok ; Rank 3
Crafting: Cooking 0, Woodworking 51, Fishing 9, Goldsmith 8, Blacksmith 4, Weaving 0, Leatherworking 0, Boneworking 0.
NM: Stray Mary 0/2
Leaping Lizzy 1/4
Thanks 0
Coooool ^^ Yeah, I havent had much time to get on ffxi lately, so my whm is sadly still at lvl 29.. :mad: I think i might lvl whm to 36 for teleports, and for sub warp. It would be a nice way to make gil when i dont want to farm :p
Voodoo - Thanks, I found a nice soloing guide, i think i'll do that.. ^^Hobbit
Thf 12 - Mnk 3 - Rng 5 - War 7 - Rdm 10 - Blm 8 - Whm 31- Drk 18 - Bst 10 - BRD 13 -
Bastok ; Rank 3
Crafting: Cooking 0, Woodworking 51, Fishing 9, Goldsmith 8, Blacksmith 4, Weaving 0, Leatherworking 0, Boneworking 0.
NM: Stray Mary 0/2
Leaping Lizzy 1/4
Thanks 0