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ideal equipment

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  • ideal equipment

    Before i get any further with leveling ranger i want all the greatest equipment i can get. (within reason)
    Could someone give me an idea of the items i will need and there general cost or if an NM drops the items i need.
    Im lvl 30 at the moment.

  • #2
    emp hairpin+:LL boots = big E-penis. until the 60s theres not much that shows you are rich.

    you can always buy +1 armors but its usually not worth it


    • #3
      Hawker Knives +1
      Emp's Hairpin
      Peacock Charm
      Nomad's Mantle +1
      Strider Boots
      Use guns starting at 22

      All things you can get/do to show people you're rich.


      • #4
        Use guns starting at 22
        Nah, that just shows you're retarded and trigger happy.

        Bows > Guns ~50.
        MNK: 31 RNG:70 WAR:35 SAM:10 NIN:35

        Current Funds: 1,300,000


        • #5
          how about using demon arrows as your main arrows instead of scorpion arrows from 60-75


          • #6
            Originally posted by FeralisCallidus

            Nah, that just shows you're retarded and trigger happy.

            Bows > Guns ~50.
            Someone's poor... or trying to make excuses.


            • #7
              martial slacks
              Windurst Rank: 6
              Main Job: BLU
              All others:
              THF: 60 - BRD 57 - NIN: 31 - WAR: 38


              • #8
                So are these things actually worth the cash or just for showing off?


                • #9
                  What good does a nomad mantle +1 do?
                  +2 AGI

                  try Amemet mantle +1..
                  Beacause ten billion years' time is
                  so fragile, so ephemeral...
                  it arouses such bittersweet,
                  almost heartbreaking fondness.


                  • #10
                    Basicly what Narru listed minus the guns part.

                    However... unless like like farming forever, You increases are going to be pretty marginal over cost spent compared to the standard versions of hawkers and nomads mantle tho. I would go with centurion legs & boots until you can use bastokan.

                    Guns outdamage bows from about the 22-30 range too. But the difference is marginal enough so that it's pretty irrelivant when you consider the +Racc from the fang arrows and bows, and the difference in +Rattack from the bow.

                    From there, crossbow + holy bolts or mythril bolts "might" be able to keep with the bows until 50, but I doubt it. They cripple your barrage, WS damage and don't exactly help accuracy much.

                    I guess they might be okay to use if you had unlimited cash, but the cost effectiveness is terrible, not to mention guns blow for pulling.


                    • #11
                      In order of cost effectiveness...

                      +1 rings / +1 bows
                      Standard agi/str gear (Centurions, nomads, bastokan, Martial slacks, etc.)
                      Emp hairpin
                      The rest of the stuff narru listed.

                      You can generally expect anything over about 300k to be marginal returns, although I expect the Ebow and Anemit to be very good cost/effectiveness.


                      • #12
                        So im gonna go rng/thf and hunt NM and farm for the cash too get the items i need.
                        Too save some time do any Low lvl NM drop the items on the list apart from the obvious leaping lizzy for leaping boots and
                        valkurm emporer for the hairpin.
                        Also animal glue is selling really well on my server at the moment, does anyone know what the drop rate is like with treasure hunter subbed.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Narru
                          Hawker Knives +1
                          Emp's Hairpin
                          Peacock Charm
                          Nomad's Mantle +1
                          Strider Boots
                          Use guns starting at 22

                          All things you can get/do to show people you're rich.
                          Strider Boots arent good for exping, only good for increased speed, Use leaping boots, or hume rse boots, or elvaan rse boots if your either race
                          Edit: Bu yes strider boots make you look pretty


                          • #14
                            How is +10% increased running speed not as good as an added +2 agi? (AF socks) I guess if you're a stat whore, you can hotkey gear swaps, but I know of more than a few situations where that speed would've been very useful.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by oozma
                              What good does a nomad mantle +1 do?
                              +2 AGI

                              try Amemet mantle +1..
                              Yes but the original poster listed level 30, so I kept my list to around that level.

                              Winged Boots +1 would also be effective to show that you're rich, if you want to swap out for exp parties and emergency situations/pulling.

