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Ugh..should I just go /Nin?

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  • Ugh..should I just go /Nin?

    I was PT'ing in Valkrum today, and noticed during lvl 12 and now during 13 that my numbers of misses are increasing dramatically. Sometimes I miss like 4 times in a row. I know I should wait until I put on my Ranger Necklace, Beetle rings+1 and archer's knife before considering this, but I was Elvaan Rng/War's still miss alot, even with all the Racc+ gear they can afford? I so far have the best I can buy (and will buy snipers rings, etc when the time comes) but I just hope it's not all in vain. I'll do the /Nin quest if missing really does become an issue, not because of blink, but I feel like I'm letting my PT down whenever I miss Your thoughts/info?

    PS- And who else hates missing WS's? It annoys me so much to save up 300% TP and lose it all due to a miss. Does EES ever miss? Sheesh I'd hate to be in the situation where it does
    Everybody can be great... because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love. - MLK Jr.
    RNG-33 WAR-32 MNK-18 THF- 17 WHM-28 RDM-44 BLM-28

    NIN-18 SAM- 5 PLD-12 BRD-55 BST- 13

  • #2
    You're still in the low levels, so you won't really see a difference right now if you sub nin or war. Wait until 14, when you can get your necklace and rings, then you'll won't be missing *as* much.

    As for WSs: that's what Sharpshot is for. All though, RNGs do gain TP like mad, so you won't be using weapon skills every 5 minutes, but you should try to use it with your WS as much as you can.

    And yes, Eagle Eye Shot does miss. Not a lot, but it does. I died once cause EES missed.



    • #3
      I agree with Cometgreen. I actually soloed RNG to 24 because I can't stand the dunes right now with all the new players. You wont miss as much on worms and I even get a few xp chains to 240xp solo! Anyway are you fighting stuff with high evasion? If you are at that level you will miss several times in a row.
      Rank - 4 RNG-49 WHM-40 NIN-26 RDM-22 SMN-20 THF-15 WAR-10 BLM-5


      • #4
        what you want to look for is the following:

        food: wild onions (vit-6 agi+4)

        level 7:
        bee stinger (agi +1 dex+1)
        leaping boots (dex +3 agi +3)
        [i didn't have these, but then i'm mithra, but i'm still getting them when i can]
        level 10:
        ryl. ftm. bandanna (agi +1)
        ryl. ftm. gloves (atk +3)
        [get the upgraded versions at 15 if you want]
        level 12:
        hunter's long bow (agi +1 str+1 some other stats)

        level 14:
        tourmaline rings (agi +1)
        [the HQs would be a waste, 'cause you're only going to wear them for two levels]

        level 15:
        fang arrows (the +rng acc is _very_ helpful)

        level 16:
        bone rings +1 (acc-1 rng acc+2) x2

        i've used this stuff ('cept for the leaping boots) up to 20, and since 14 i solo'd worms (in the maze till 17/18, then korroloka tunnel till 20)

        i think some of the garrison gear has +agi on it... not sure though, haven't really looked at it

        and the reason i didn't list beetle arrows is that the fang have more damage, and since you don't have to worry about someone else holding hate, might as well go all out with damage. as for the choice in food, i tested mithkabobs, i did a whole two points more damage, but missed more often than when i used onions, and since i was hitting for 30 using bone arrows, and when i changed over to fang arrows it was somewhere around 40ish, i don't see the point in adding two damge per shot, but miss roughly two more times, and when a worm goes down in no more than ten shots, i'd rather hit 10 times for 30/40 using 13 arrows, instead of hitting 10 times for 32/42 using 16 arrows or so...

        [edit] oh, and i subbed whm with some +mp/mnd gear so i'd have cures and barstone (albiet it negated very little damage, it was better than taking 90dmg stonegas)


        • #5
          Make sure you archery is capped for starters. That is your biggest source of misses there. From then, you're basicly going to be in "miss land" until 15-16 now, and then it dosen't really get too much better until about 30.

          And no, it's not an elvaan thing, all races have a sucky hit rate at that level


          • #6
            METDeath - Thanks for the info on the onions, I've been using mithkabobs because Windhurst salads are never in stock. I'll try them out when I go back to sandy to refill my arrows. Equipment wise, I have all that stuff (including the boots) except the rings. I have a pair of courage rings (str+2) simply because I have them left over from my early War days (I bought dex rings later).

            greysenn- I had my archery in the 30's or 40's by the time I unlocked ranger, it's just my marksmanship that needs work (which is why I don't use crossbows in PT's yet). I guess I'll just wait until 16 and hope things get better. Thanks for the comments all, I appreciate the feedback.
            Everybody can be great... because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love. - MLK Jr.
            RNG-33 WAR-32 MNK-18 THF- 17 WHM-28 RDM-44 BLM-28

            NIN-18 SAM- 5 PLD-12 BRD-55 BST- 13


            • #7
              I think your miss rate difference between salads and mithkabobs is a mind thing. 1 ranged acc is not going to make all that much difference. I will agree that the damage boost you get out of kabobs is not hugely noticeable until a little later though. (Say the 20's).

              Aside from using sharpshot for WS's, theres not too much you can do until later on. I would try to stay out of renkei's until later on if it bothers you that much


              • #8
                I've never been able to try out a salad, because they have never been in stock on any of the AH's I go to
                Everybody can be great... because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love. - MLK Jr.
                RNG-33 WAR-32 MNK-18 THF- 17 WHM-28 RDM-44 BLM-28

                NIN-18 SAM- 5 PLD-12 BRD-55 BST- 13


                • #9
                  not to mention archer knives are lvl 28 so it doesn't matter if you sub ninja in valkru.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Rido
                    I've never been able to try out a salad, because they have never been in stock on any of the AH's I go to

                    They are very expensive to make and I believe they dont stack so they are not very popular. Also I believe these are used for rank 3 cooking exam?
                    Rank - 4 RNG-49 WHM-40 NIN-26 RDM-22 SMN-20 THF-15 WAR-10 BLM-5

