Do they last infinitely, or are they like normal arrows, 1 use and that's it? Seems sorta stupid if they're one use. That's a hell of a lot of CP points. ;p
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CP Arrows?
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you only get one.
use it in conjunction with unlimited shot + ws
something like this:
/ja "Unlimited Shot" <me>
/equip ammo "Patriarch Protector's Arrow"
/ws "Sidewinder" <t>
/equip ammo "Demon Arrow"
and throw some /wait x in there as well.. our set pt ranger has a macro that looks somewhat like whm67, blm37, thf37, war30, mnk58.
missions done: windurst: 16/20. zilart: 4/17.
unique quests completed: 240, maps obtained: 38.
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No, they are 2 seperate job abilities. Unlimited Shot saves your next bullet or arrow while barrage shoots 4(number increases at LV 50 to 5 and 60 to 6) bullets or arrows at one time. Using one of these JA's will cancel each other out. You get Unlimited Shot at LV 51.________________________
RIP Lazane RIP
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Anyone have the information on the CP arrows? I tried to find some information on them and found nothing so far.
I guess if nobody knows or doesn't respond, I can at least try and find out what the Sandoria one looks like. It must be a pretty highly ranked item though. I have never seen it on the rank 5 or below list.
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Windy Rank7 32,000CP
Patriarch Protector's Arrow
lvl:60 dmg:40 delay:120
Ranged Accuracy+40
Ranged Attack+10
Additional Effect : Paralysis
Bastok Rank7 32,000CP
Gold Musketeer's Bolt
lvl:60 dmg:60 delay:140
Ranged Accuracy+10
Ranged Attack+20
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