Ok, I'm level 26, I have Emperor's Hairpin, Leaping Boots, Hawker Knives ready to go, yadda yadda...
2,600,000 gil in the bank.
I'm aware of E-bow, I'm still debating about that. It keeps floating around in price on Fenrir (2,500,000 a month ago, but one went a few days ago for 3,500,000). But anywho, if they're any Rangers 65+ around that can comment if that's enough gil to get me to, well, 65+ that'd be great.
I'm real sick of gil. Everything to do with gil I'm real sick of. I just want to know if that's enough, plenty, or whatever.
2,600,000 gil in the bank.
I'm aware of E-bow, I'm still debating about that. It keeps floating around in price on Fenrir (2,500,000 a month ago, but one went a few days ago for 3,500,000). But anywho, if they're any Rangers 65+ around that can comment if that's enough gil to get me to, well, 65+ that'd be great.
I'm real sick of gil. Everything to do with gil I'm real sick of. I just want to know if that's enough, plenty, or whatever.