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25-75 Gil Costs

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  • 25-75 Gil Costs

    Ok, I'm level 26, I have Emperor's Hairpin, Leaping Boots, Hawker Knives ready to go, yadda yadda...

    2,600,000 gil in the bank.

    I'm aware of E-bow, I'm still debating about that. It keeps floating around in price on Fenrir (2,500,000 a month ago, but one went a few days ago for 3,500,000). But anywho, if they're any Rangers 65+ around that can comment if that's enough gil to get me to, well, 65+ that'd be great.

    I'm real sick of gil. Everything to do with gil I'm real sick of. I just want to know if that's enough, plenty, or whatever.


  • #2
    if you play with guns, you will run out in 3 levels at 9,000g per stack of bullets. If you stick to bows and buy your arrows from the AH we can calculate the cost.

    From 40-50 i used a stack of scorpion arrows every 20min or so at 2,500g, and a meat mithkabob every 30min at 220g. lets do the math.

    I average a level with a decent party in about 5 hours. ((rough estimate)) This is an average, and there is way, way to many variblaes to get this exact. so here is your base line calculation.

    5hr * 60min = 300min / 20min = 15 stacks of arrows * 2,500g = 37,500g per lvl

    5hr * 60min = 300min / 30min = 10 meat * 220g = 2,200g per lvl

    Grand total per lvl is 39,700g in ammo and food only

    From level 40-50 you can plan on spending 397,000g in ammo and food only

    After a certain point 60 I believe someone please chime in. The exp to next level quadruples from like 7,500exp to 22,000exp so you too need to quadruple your arrow cost per lvl.

    For the purpose of calculations only lets say that the exp per level quadruples at 60.

    so from 60-70 You will spend 1,588,000 on arrows and meat. You have plenty of dough as long as you dont blow it all on euritos bow. + you could always farm again or hunt NM's. There are MUCH more farming options at lvl 70.

    Or if your really smart you sell your gil on e-bay at no less then 400$ per million. You can break it down into smaller chunks then a million too just like a crack dealer!


    • #3
      Just level who cares - farm when you get there. There are a bajillion variations of this post out there. Rangers cost money - Level up and see how far it gets you - then farm again. To be honest I think thats WAY to much money and should carry you a long time, you should of started leveling your ranger long ago.

      I started my ranger with 15k and crappy thf gear I had.


      • #4
        Lvl 40-75, Scorpion Arrows.

        1500 gil crafted
        2000-2500 gil at AH

        About 10 stacks of scorpion arrows used per 10,000 exp if you play your Ranger properly(i.e. 1 stack per 1000 exp). Bard can lower this number down as stuff just dies alot quicker. In a well formed group you'll use less arrows, in crappy groups you'll tend to use more.

        There is an EXP chart somewhere on the internet, just sum up the total EXP needed then divide it by 1,000. Muliply that by cost of a stack of Scorpion Arrows you'll get the amount you need.


        • #5
          How much gil does it take get to the point in woodworking where you can successfully craft Scorpion Arrows?


          • #6
            I am really getting sick of these threads. Do people seriously expect an exact $ amount right down to the last gil? Its a spendy job what else can you say.
            Rank - 4 RNG-49 WHM-40 NIN-26 RDM-22 SMN-20 THF-15 WAR-10 BLM-5


            • #7
              Originally posted by Peppara
              I am really getting sick of these threads. Do people seriously expect an exact $ amount right down to the last gil? Its a spendy job what else can you say.
              Then why post in them? Why bump them up? Why read it when its title is clear?

              Apparently you just like complaining.

              Anywho, for the people that responded with good advice: Thanks.


              • #8
                The reason she says that and I agree is because there are like atleast 5+ of these post on the first page of the ranger forum - Rangers cost money - and by posting and bumping it and people reading it .. it will do 1 of 2 things make them realize hey rangers cost money or 2 realize there are 20 bajillion more of these post that they can look through instead of starting more.

                Fact 1. Ranger is expensive.

                Fact 2. You do not need to save 3 million gill to start ranger. If you do you will be way behind all the rangers who just played and farmed as they leveled.

                Fact 3. You will not get exact cost since you die and lose xp, you will get good and bad xp parties, so there is no exact total because there are so many factors. (ie chocobos teleports etc just to name a few)

                Hattori - Dont worry about ebows till you are 55 because itll be a while and the price will most likely drop by then.

                Chezgod - It will run you about 300k from what I hear, I never bothered because I buy from crafters for 1k per stack of scorps so thats 300stacks to level with. ^^


                • #9
                  *as a note to the earlier calculation by antant, at level60, you need 30,000 exp to level. Currently at 64, need 33k to level.


                  • #10
                    60 - 20k
                    61 - 30k


                    • #11
                      Just to give you an idea, I started my ranger with around 225k. With the 225k, I spent some of it to get Utsusemi:Ichi. I didn't buy from the AH, I did the quest, but bought tons of zinc ore. I leveled Ninja to 19, and then leveled my ranger job to 28.

                      That allowed me to use reasonable equipment, but no hairpins, leaping boots, etc. I used the best bows, arrows, with a couple +agi and +acc items, including dual archer knives (lvl 28, or course, but I bought them ahead of time). I also got my woodworking up to 17, crafted lots of bolts, and used x-bows in addition to bows because I liked the status effects.

                      Anyway, once my ranger hit 28, I needed to farm more because I only had about 12k left. I farmed again recently and got another 50k in a day of farming to buy a quiver of silver arrows and some more shihei to level up a little more. Now I'm up to 32, and still have enough gil to do a few levels until I have to farm again.

                      2.6M would have left me with no worries for a very long time If I decided to save up that much. I wouldn't worry about it, as others have said. Just level up, and farm when you need to.


                      • #12
                        i dont know why people say ranger is expensive. you can make by using iron arrows at 800 gil a stack till 40 and continue with scorpions till 75. i probably spent 150k max on arrows 12-54 where i am now. you guys need to learn to not just accept any shitty drk invite you get


                        • #13
                          if you used iron arrows to lvl 54 like you say, then at lvl 43 the DRK was doing more dmg then you for 11 levels. DRK pwns ur irn shooting ranger.


                          • #14
                            ive been using scorpions since 40 you retard you can get to 40 on irons and still be outdamaging everyone else.


                            • #15

