Hi, im Avaelius lvl 50 rng and im noticing there are to many rng now, its bad enough that our costs are high, but now there are more rng so prices are booming up. I cant stand seeing a war bow +1 at 70K go up to 130K in 1 week, and guess what, its raising, i just bought it for 130K and now its at 150K, its enough already. Scorp arrows are nice and reliable staying at the same price, but the bows are giving me a headach. Plus now that there are more rng, there are more bad rng lol. sure at one given time you only see maybe 2 or 3 rng lvl 50-60 online, but just today i saw 12 of them, half with shity exp coments like "rnged acc +6!" and "i have a hunters bow +1", cmon, your lvl 50+ not lvl -1.
just waiting for the huge amount of rng to get offline so posting this thread to waste time (dont tell me to go farm, i have enough gil as it is). i can only help for no flames or useless posts like "sigh
" that i see all to often, btw im on Odin. anyone else seeing the future here? yep, soon every NA player will have enough gil to just "get by" rng without being to crapy, meaning prices will explode.... :spin:
hmmm ima make a huge amount of smilies
:angel: :confused:
:mad: :mad: :p
:spin: :angel: :confused: :spin: :dead:
:confused: :confused: :angel: :mad:
:sweat: :dead: :spin:
:confused: :angel: :spin:
:mad: :p :p
just waiting for the huge amount of rng to get offline so posting this thread to waste time (dont tell me to go farm, i have enough gil as it is). i can only help for no flames or useless posts like "sigh

hmmm ima make a huge amount of smilies
