I can't understand half the guides out there. A detailed description of all of them would be great but not needed. Just wondering if it's out there? All AF's or just certain ones welcome.
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Anyone got a Ranger AF guide not written in broken english?
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I got by following the guide on the bilingual site.
For all of the RNG AF quests (excluding hands, and obviously coffers) talk to Perih Vashai in Windurst Woods (the same mithra who gave you the RNG advance job quest).
These are just some details that aren't clear from the walkthroughs there:
AF1: Sin Hunting
This is actually pretty easy for a group of 40s. You'll get aggro from stuff in the pass but everything but the eyes are sound. Even then nothing is particularly difficult. The weapons are also an easy fight. The Glittersand (Rare/Ex quest item) is a common but not guaranteed drop, I had to kill all three weapons to get one sand. Also the sand drops even if you don't have the quest apparently for what that's worth. For the last part in Jugner it only has to be the full moon, not at night. I was standing there waiting for night around 1300 Vana diel time and the cutscene activated.
AF2: Fire and Brimstone
The Bilingual site fails to mention that to get at the southern room in Eldieme you may have to activate switches to open the doors to gain access. If there's a way to get at it w/o doing so, I don't know it. I had a friend operate the switches while I made a dash for the room. There are sight/magic aggro monsters (a bomb I think) by the switches that will aggro a lv50+ (what level they don't I'm not sure). Also if you've never been into the large rooms in Eldieme, don't walk onto the large patches of skulls. You'll fall through to the area below which is very bad. I messed up once because of this.
The next part of the quest in Castle Oztroja (or Chicken Castle as some of my friends call it) can technically be soloed, I did it but I don't recommend it. The parasite pond is a straight shot past the door with 4 levers. There are Yagudo in front and beyond the door that are decent to tough to a 51 (when I did the quest) and 54 (when I was a group killing for Yagudo Holy Water for WHM AF2). Yagudo are sight, Parasites are sound. Getting to the pond is not too hard solo (getting past the door is tricky if the Conquistador there is up), but the real catch is the pond. You have to scavenge for the Old Earring (quest item) in the pond. Next to the Parasites. From some other posts in this forum you apparently have to be lucky to get it on the first scavenge which quite possibly will be all you get before you die if you do it solo. Given that my sneak wore off the instant I walked into the pond for some reason, I'm not sure if Scavenge cancels it (it does cancel invisibility however). Though I guess if you're RNG/NIN you can blink before trying to blitz the pond if you do it solo, giving you enough time to instant warp out. Which was my plan but that was sort of shot after the Parasites started raping me 2 steps into the pond.
AF3: Unbridled Passion
I haven't completed this yet and have a few points I'd like to be clarified by anyone who has completed it. But for others just starting, you need a Gold Earring like the Bilingual site's guide says, you give it to Koh Lenbalalako in Mhaura (which isn't mentioned by the guide, though its obvious once you do it).
I was wondering if someone could clarify if the NM fight is in Castle Zvahl or Xarcabard? The bilingual site is something like this:
Go to Xarcabard and an event starts.
Go leftward from the Castle Zvahl and investigate ??? in front of the cave with a wathc fire at E-7. An NM tiger appears.
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For AF2, after you get the quest from the NPC (Perih Vashai), make sure you go to Mhaura and talk to the NPC in Blacksmith Guild name Lenbalalako, if you don't talk to the NPC at Mhaura and go straight to Eldieme, you won't get the item you needed.
As for AF3, after get the quest, go Jeuno and buy yourself a Goldpiece (earring), it cost around 50k-60k on Ragnarok, dunno how much on your server. Anyway, after you get goldpiece, go to Mhaura and talk to Lenbalalako again. You will trigger an event, after that event trade the goldpiece to her. Then just have someone teleport you to Xarcarbard to make sure you get the quest right. When you teleport to Xarcarbard and an event started, you are good to go. Now just make an alliance 12+ lv60 would be able to kill the tiger NM. There are 2 ??? spot at entrance to Zvahl Castle, one is on the left, the other is on the right. Now whenever your alliance is ready, make sure you kill those Demons/Float Eyes for TP, touch the ??? on the left side of Zvalhl Castle to make the NM pop. It's easy NM but every few seconds it will do paralyzega, sleepga etc...that's the problem. After you defeat the NM, run to the right side of Zvahl Castle and touch the ??? there to get an event start. After that, return to quest giver for your boots.
As for Coffer AF, there's one in Crawler's Nest, Monastic Cave and Garlaige Citadel.Seishi-Ultimate Champion of the World!
Mercenary for Hire!
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Well There are only 3 Unique AF Quest.
The AF Gloves (which are 52 for Ranger) is the Dark Spark quest regaurdless of job. (Garlaige Cit. Coffer for Rng)
And the 2 pieces are coffers.
Legs (56) - Crawlers Nest Coffer (Hint: At 51-53 Helm beetles are extremley good xp, and they drop the coffer key with 2 coffer spawns near the camp spots. I suggest hunting them and picking up your AF legs while xping.)
Chest (58) - Davoi Coffer
If anyone needs any more in depth help or any help just let me know Ill do my best.-Trimpton
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for AF2 I had to scavenge for my earring 11 times, so I do not suggest that anyone does the /nin trick as you'll probably not get it on the first go.
I solo'd all of AF2 and it was quite easy. For the latter part i was rng/whm, I casted sneak and invis on myself until scavenge was refreshed, then I ran into the pond and scavenged. immediately after doing so I activated camoflauge (so as not to agro the yags) and ran off to a safe spot to wait for scavange/camo to refresh.
doing scavange will NOT cancel sneak, so as long as it's fresh, everything should be cool.
Davoi coffer is hardest (but also most rewarding) because beastmen coffer key drops are seriously poor ; ;
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Yeah. I was hoping that Scavenge didn't cancel Sneak at the time. I had just used that oil to and less than a minute later it decides to wear on me. I died rather horribly in a manner rather funny in context to the story of the quest, but I got lucky and managed to get the item on first try.
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Rng AF3 was horrible ><". Had 12 ppl about lv 60. massacre.... i felt so bad when the bodies piled up.
But anyways im writing this to hope nobody else ends up like me. I think the main reason we lost the first time was because we underestimated it. Thought we could take it down no problem.
You should bring a pld to tank instead of a nin. The tigers dbl atk and his area paralyze will get the nin killed pretty quickly and chances are that u wont be able to remove the paralyze b4 the nin has to recast utsusemi. make sure to have your pld take enough aggro b4 you start doin a lot of damage to the tiger.. the tigers atks are brutal. i sidewinder it fairly quickly and i was eating dirt b4 i knew why... i had utsusemi on too ><. so basically keep the tiger on the pld cuz no other classes gona be able to tank it for long except maybe a galka mnk cuz he lasted pretty long b4 he died when he used 100fists. keep the pld unparalyzed.
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I did this for a couple ranger friends, and what I noticed was that any time a ranger did Sidewinder, he bit it hardcore real fast (even when they waited well into the fight). Barrage was a little bit safer. I'd suggest waiting till at least 50% health before you blast out sidewinder, and even then, be real careful. The mob isn't that tough if you keep it on the paladin...but it really does kill other classes damn near instantly if they get aggro.For The Horde!!
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