Ok, planning on being a Ranger/Warrior when I get the game tomarrow. I have many questions.
I assume for the first 30 levels I'll be a Warrior. Does doing Warrior for the first 30 levels give you a bonus rather than, say, going monk then switching to Ranger/Warr?
I'll be starting in the Elvaan starting town because thats where my guild from EQOA will be meeting up. I know as a Ranger I'll have to start farming, which is no problem because I farmed a lot in EQOA. My question is, what are some good places to farm around there?
Just to make sure I have it correct, once I reach 30 or so with Warrior, then switch to Ranger, the Ranger will be level 1 again correct?
For groups, am I constantly shooting arrows or am I also meleeing in between the arrow shots?
At what level would you say is a good time to start buying guns?
When you guys talk about stacks, how many arrows are in a stack?
I know I have more, but they slip my mind atm.
Sorry if I sound like a huge noob (which I am) but I couldn't find these answers anywhere else. Help a brother become the best Ranger he can be.
Thank You.
I assume for the first 30 levels I'll be a Warrior. Does doing Warrior for the first 30 levels give you a bonus rather than, say, going monk then switching to Ranger/Warr?
I'll be starting in the Elvaan starting town because thats where my guild from EQOA will be meeting up. I know as a Ranger I'll have to start farming, which is no problem because I farmed a lot in EQOA. My question is, what are some good places to farm around there?
Just to make sure I have it correct, once I reach 30 or so with Warrior, then switch to Ranger, the Ranger will be level 1 again correct?
For groups, am I constantly shooting arrows or am I also meleeing in between the arrow shots?
At what level would you say is a good time to start buying guns?
When you guys talk about stacks, how many arrows are in a stack?
I know I have more, but they slip my mind atm.
Sorry if I sound like a huge noob (which I am) but I couldn't find these answers anywhere else. Help a brother become the best Ranger he can be.
Thank You.
