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How many arrows a RNG use per hour?

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  • How many arrows a RNG use per hour?

    I'm looking for a raw number on how much ammo a ranger use every hours.
    BRD 75 / NIN 66 / WHM 37 / WAR 30 / RDM 23 / BST 20

    San d'Oria Rank 10
    Zilart Mission 14
    CoP Chapter 4-2

  • #2
    math hurts

    well, differs per bow/arrow delay, but try this,
    1min =60 seconds
    60 min=1 hr, so
    X 60min
    3600 seconds/hour

    lets use lvl 1 bow, shortbow for next math, 5/360, and to go with lvl 1 bow, we'll use wooden arrow, 5/120, so that bow ends up being 10/480. thats one shot every 4.8 seconds, to save my brain we'll round up to 5 seconds to account for server lag and such

    5/3600= 720, so providing i did my math right thats 720 shots an hour, or 12 shots a minute, providing your hitting something every refresh of /ra <t>
    March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
    Use search, or deal with assholes like me


    • #3
      Realisticly you're looking at about 2, maybe 3 stacks per hour, at least in the 30's range. I think I used more in the late 20's before I was able to upgrade bows.


      • #4
        Tonight, leveling in Kuftal Tunnel on Robber crabs, I used 5 and a half stacks of scorpion arrows, and half a stack of ice arrows in about two hours.

        So 3 stacks an hour, or 6,800 gil an hour on Valefor

        2-3 stacks is a good estimate for sure.

        Crappy parties and Maat win. Now a full-time Fisherman. Fishing: 50.1


        • #5
          sounds about right. 2-3 stacks per hour.... unless your pld can't keep hate, which would make it about 2 stacks an hour


          • #6
            i dunno... in garlaige at level 32-36 i was using 1-2 stacks an hour
            yhoater was much more since there was alot to pull. but you gotta consider pull time, monster training time, and other things along those lines. if your pld dies, thats like 10 mins down.
            Genaki 1+2- Done
            AF 1+2+4+5- Done
            QUIT as of April 2004


            • #7
              Originally posted by Ascendancy
              if your pld dies, thats like 10 mins down.
              I suddenly feel so much better now about dying.
              Level your sub, Ashcroft. D:

