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Bullets, same penalty as Arrows/Bolts vs. Bones?

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  • Bullets, same penalty as Arrows/Bolts vs. Bones?

    Arrow damage on bones is really bad. I 'm thinking of getting my Marksmanship up to speed, will it help?

  • #2
    Stay with a longbow and good arrows until at least 22, when you can use a gun with bullets if you wish, but unless you're really rich, I suggest you just keep the longbow for your ranger life. On paper the arrows look like they do junx damage, but add that to great bow damages and bonuses, and you end up outdamaging everyone by a good margin.

    If you want to level marksmanship, be sure to use a crossbow, if you don't know that already. Guns are just too costly to waste levelling a skill.
    ~30 MNK~ ~15 THF~ ~33 RNG ~9 SAM~ ~8 DRK~ ~7 WHM~ ~6 BRD~
    ~5 BST~ ~5 WAR~
    (Rest 0)

    ~32 Woodworking~

    NM Fights/Drops
    Doppleganger Dio ~ 2/1
    Stinging Sophie 6/0 (Had rare)
    Bomb King 2/0 (Had rare)
    Jaggedy-Eared Jack 1/0
    Serpopard Isthtar 1/0

    Encounters: Spiny Spipi (Stolen) Jolly Green (Ignored)


    • #3
      You didn't really answer my question. My damage is very poor vs. Skeletons because arrows suffers huge penalty against them. I'm asking if bullets have the same penalty as arrows. I'm lvl 56 now, my marksmanship is only around 10 :sweat: , so I'm wondering if it's worth the time getting the skill up.


      • #4
        Bullets and Bolts are also piercing type weapons, and suffer the same penalties as arrows vs. Skeletons.
        "We grab swords to protect small wounds that had been buried deep in old memories."
        - Old saying


        • #5
          I know that grapples does well against bone and I now know that piercing weapons do bad against bone.

          Are there any other cases like this with other type of monsters?
          "Know the enemy and know yourself; in one hundred battles you will never be in peril."
          -Sun Tzu


          • #6
            high defense mobs (crabs) are more vulnerable to piercing weapons than blunt weapons.

            I.e. scythe vs. hand to hand.
            MNK: 31 RNG:70 WAR:35 SAM:10 NIN:35

            Current Funds: 1,300,000

