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Yet another subjob question...

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  • Yet another subjob question...

    Ok, I'm a Elvaan RNG, currently Lv 23.
    As of right now I'm using WAR as a sub, and was maybe looking into subing NIN at Lv 28 for the dual archer knives, but is the extra +10 Rng.Acc and +1 AGI that extremly much more important than Berserk etc. which you get at lv 30? (I'd just hate to take another subjob through Valkurm/Qufim)
    I'd like some input from other players on their experiences playing a RNG/WAR 30+, and some tips from someone who has tried both RNG/NIN and RNG/WAR past Lv 30 would be greatly appreciated.


    "We grab swords to protect small wounds that had been buried deep in old memories."
    - Old saying

  • #2
    No firsthand experience here, but I read too much, and that reading tells me you are gonna have people telling you NIN for the accuracy. Mithra may be better with war cuz they are better off in the acc department and could use compensation for their relativley low str. But elvaan need the acc/agi most.


    • #3
      RNG/WAR would proably make it eaiser to get a pt. No one will need you to have nin sub, but some pts will need you to be sub war.

      EX: RNG with THF(also certian classes using thf sj after 60) in the pt uses taunt+ws to turn the enemy so thf can use sneak+trick and turn it back to the tank doing lots of damage in the process.

      Defender isnt blink but its still nice to have if you need that extra defense while the tank get the enemy under control, and its free. ^^


      • #4
        From what I have read and people I have talked to in-game accuracy is a bit overrated aswell (don't take me wrong, I dont neglect rng.acc, but it's to my understanding you wont notice a big difference between +30 rng.acc and +40 rng.acc), that's why I was asking really if +10 rng.acc would make that world of a difference compared to damage increasing abilites like Berserk What I've read and heard might be wrong, but hey, if it is, I will stand corrected.
        "We grab swords to protect small wounds that had been buried deep in old memories."
        - Old saying


        • #5
          You are elvaan, you agi is naturally low I think you should counter that by subbing ninja. However if you feel you are hitting the target enough def. go for war the dmg incrase on berzerk+sharpshot+barrage is unbelievable. And everyone loves atk and def up. Ninja does make a difference, I sub ninja and its nice to have blink and invis powders.. mainly when you start taking the aggro away with your big dmg shots.

          Honestly its pure preference between those two.


          • #6
            I am rng/war and im perfectly fine with doing 330-630 barrage on IT hornflies in nest/ and if you do sub war be sure to have a pld or others to get the hate off you. o yea if you would like a comparison between war and nin sub job as in damage, war does about 10 more without berserk and about 30-40 more with it ^^. My friend is rng/war and he was doing bout 107-120 on horn flies and his crits did 140. I was doing 130-160 wiht berserk and food and my sc was doing 200+ everytime. sometimes 400. plus u dont need ninja sub if u have a good pt and have good + stat items on. I believe that is more important than one more knife.
            I hate the Idiots... :mad:


            • #7
              o yea one more thing id like to add. when i used my gun's barrage and did 891 (my highest) and i did that in gustav tunnel at lvl 38 and that was with war sub. i believe the att bonus not str helped on that one
              I hate the Idiots... :mad:


              • #8
                Mobs you fight b4 50 are a whole diff. story to the mobs you fight past 50. Since your Elvan I highly suggest you sub nin instead of war since your not really lacking in the str department. Yes that one knife (ranged accuracy +10) will help alot. I'm mithra Rng/Nin and i find myself missing sidewinders or my barrages don't connect all 5 shots. So you can just wonder if your Elvan Rng/War how much more you will miss.


                • #9
                  But have you actually tried RNG/WAR at that level to state that? Don't take me wrong, just trying to get some views, I'm still considering going RNG/NIN at LV 28.
                  But what if the group had a BRD even? Would you level both subjobs (though a bit time consuming) even, and switch based on your party setup?
                  "We grab swords to protect small wounds that had been buried deep in old memories."
                  - Old saying


                  • #10

                    And that is exactly what i plan to do. When I ding to 60rng, I am going to go spend time leveling my samurai and ninja, as well as beefing my warrior up to lv 30-37.
                    MNK: 31 RNG:70 WAR:35 SAM:10 NIN:35

                    Current Funds: 1,300,000


                    • #11
                      I have a friend thats a bard too. We have been pting since lvl 26. So yea rng/war is more eff for me with the brds. the only things that i really miss against is stuff with high evade like facing flies at a lower lvl than im suppose to, like i tried flies at lvl 39 in nest and was missing a decent amount without the brd but with i hit alot more.
                      I hate the Idiots... :mad:

