The thing is there are so many variables in one single PT setting that parsers will inherently have some margin of error. How large was his measuring size, and was the exact same setting existent for the entire measuring size of both tests? It's not enough if he only xp'ed for 1 hr for each test, or maybe they xp'ed on several different types of monsters... there are just too many variables.
Apple Pie's method uses the actual mathematical formula which can be reverse engineered from the TP formula: all the variables are accounted for and thus there is very little margin for error.
I think the best method would be for you (or some other RNG since you are 75 now Cayne) to parse 2 PT settings yourself. I might try this perhaps... what I mean is, in the same PT (so that the setting is the same), use sarashi for 2 hours, stop gathering, then start a new parse file and repeat for another 2 hours with life belt or rkbelt+2 or whatever. Life belt would probably be best for this test, since the NA parser only shows damage and whatnot, thus the benefit of damage from sarashi (haste) and rkbelt+2 (more str and rng atk) would be displayed similarly... whereas life belt only has more acc.
I plan to do 2 such parsings with gun vs e-bow soon; after that I'll buy a sarashi and try something like this I guess... but probably only after I hit 63.
Apple Pie's method uses the actual mathematical formula which can be reverse engineered from the TP formula: all the variables are accounted for and thus there is very little margin for error.
I think the best method would be for you (or some other RNG since you are 75 now Cayne) to parse 2 PT settings yourself. I might try this perhaps... what I mean is, in the same PT (so that the setting is the same), use sarashi for 2 hours, stop gathering, then start a new parse file and repeat for another 2 hours with life belt or rkbelt+2 or whatever. Life belt would probably be best for this test, since the NA parser only shows damage and whatnot, thus the benefit of damage from sarashi (haste) and rkbelt+2 (more str and rng atk) would be displayed similarly... whereas life belt only has more acc.
I plan to do 2 such parsings with gun vs e-bow soon; after that I'll buy a sarashi and try something like this I guess... but probably only after I hit 63.