God Cat, do you even read posts?
Let me take the time to point out ONE of your many mistakes (as there are too many to point out, I don't feel like it, nor want to take the time to).
We all state "Thieves do more damage than Rangers levels 15-45"
You reply with something of the nature "Omg I don't believe what you're trying to say!! Here's a log parse of a couple of fights when I was level 71 to disprove your statement... See, Rangers do more damage than Thieves at level 71"
See something odd there? :angel:
Let me take the time to point out ONE of your many mistakes (as there are too many to point out, I don't feel like it, nor want to take the time to).
We all state "Thieves do more damage than Rangers levels 15-45"
You reply with something of the nature "Omg I don't believe what you're trying to say!! Here's a log parse of a couple of fights when I was level 71 to disprove your statement... See, Rangers do more damage than Thieves at level 71"
See something odd there? :angel: