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Ranger battle tactics?

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  • Ranger battle tactics?

    I have heard such grea tthings about how a Ranger can attack worms without being hit or with ease, but as I am leveling my Ranger (currently at 9) around La Theine and fighting worms, I stand back as far as I can, shoot, and run back, but their spells still hit me...

    Can someone one post the best way to attack worms, in order to not get hit?

  • #2
    You can't solo worms like that anymore, sorry. Their cating range has been greatly increased, and they'll go under and not come back up if you take to long to kill them.

    Us NA RNGs sure got the shaft, eh? Oh well. It really was an exploit if you think about it, no one should be able to trick the system like that.
    ~30 MNK~ ~15 THF~ ~33 RNG ~9 SAM~ ~8 DRK~ ~7 WHM~ ~6 BRD~
    ~5 BST~ ~5 WAR~
    (Rest 0)

    ~32 Woodworking~

    NM Fights/Drops
    Doppleganger Dio ~ 2/1
    Stinging Sophie 6/0 (Had rare)
    Bomb King 2/0 (Had rare)
    Jaggedy-Eared Jack 1/0
    Serpopard Isthtar 1/0

    Encounters: Spiny Spipi (Stolen) Jolly Green (Ignored)


    • #3
      i bet you could still take them with a WHM or RDM if you stood like this

      Worm (large a gap as possible) >Ranger (large a gap as possible >WHM/RDM

      get the whm to cast barstonera, shell and then stand casting cure the mage should be far out of the worms casting range

      barstonera gives something like 50% protection vs stone dmg


      • #4
        That would probably work.
        Has anyone tried fighting Maze Makers with their Rangers?
        I lvled there very easy on my mage, you get like 200 Exp each fight, you should head there soon, and just head to Valk later around lvl 15.
        Nobutada, San d'Oria Rank 9
        Ninja - 75
        Paladin - 44
        Warrior - 39
        Thief - 37
        Samurai - 32
        Ranger - 25
        Monk - 24
        Beast Master - 20
        Black Mage - 20
        Whm - 14


        • #5
          I leveled in La Theine on worms using the "shoot and run" technique, then moved to Korrolloka and did the exact thing there.

          Seemed to be working fine for me, just takes awhile to get the pattern done really well so you don't get hit. If you do get your pattern off a little bit you're either gonna get hit with a stone spell or the worm will go underground. However, the patterns that I found in the posts on the forum here worked great for me.

          I didn't bother to solo the worms in Qufim though, as parties can take them done very fast, without downtime, and the exp is good.

          This was right before Christmas 2003, about three weeks ago.

          Good luck! Oh, and send me some gil for woodcrafting !

          Crappy parties and Maat win. Now a full-time Fisherman. Fishing: 50.1


          • #6
            Forgot to say that I never solo'ed the worms before the patch was implemented, so I'm not sure whether they are actually a whole lot harder now or whatnot.

            I was mainly responding to the statement that NA players got the shaft, so I wanted to give my experiences thus far.

            Crappy parties and Maat win. Now a full-time Fisherman. Fishing: 50.1

