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Is it really that expensive

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  • #61
    I just have to add that bone and stone arrows are acceptable if you're farming low-level mobs... The bow is what does the damage to these little mobs, so aceing them with wooden arrows even is cheaper and works out the same in the end - dead mob, gil in the bank.
    Rank 10 - Zilart 16 done
    "Does my mic work?"


    • #62
      He pities me....well now life is complete.
      **Co-Founder of TheCynicalJadedBastardsWhoUsedToGiveAShitButRealizedThatGetsYouNowhereSoNowWeJustInsultPeopleAndCussALot**
      +302 lvls gained (not including the -20 for purposely deleveling BRD to 45)

      If you havent played BST past 35, you havent played BST.


      • #63
        You shouldnt need to worry about the *best* armour (defense wise) before your ammo. If your in good parties the paladin or ninja will keep hate just fine, so you wont be getting hit much. I'm not saying that haveing non-up to day armor is a good thing, but you should worry about ammo a little more than the armour.
        Beacause ten billion years' time is
        so fragile, so ephemeral...
        it arouses such bittersweet,
        almost heartbreaking fondness.


        • #64
          Ghost, what were those Quote-Posts supposed to accomplish? They did not help your position in this conversation at ALL. Never in those posts did I say that rangers should have the BEST EQUIPMENT POSSIBLE.

          I even CAPITALIZED 'DECENT' equipment. Are you blind or just stupid?
          MNK: 31 RNG:70 WAR:35 SAM:10 NIN:35

          Current Funds: 1,300,000


          • #65
            I think a party should expect Rangers to use good arrows (but not necessarily the most expensive available). Sounds to me like Beetle and then later Scorpion arrows fit the bill.

            There's a huge difference between insisting on the very best available equipment (which is unreasonable) and insisting on adequate equipment (which is quite reasonable).

            Everyone expects a level 41 Rdm to have Refresh. If he hits 41 and can't afford it, he should stop levelling and farm until he can. People don't expect him to have every bit of +MP, +INT, or +MND equipment on the market.

            Everyone expects a tank to have the up to date armor and to use fishkabobs or crab. If he can't afford what he needs, he should stop levelling and farm until he can.

            Everyone expects a Ninja to blink, no matter the cost.

            And everyone should expect a Ranger to have an up to date Bow and to use good arrows, because having any less shortchanges his party and makes him an xp leech.

            They shouldn't expect him to have every NM drop he could equip, but they should insist on good arrows.
            Anything you can do,
            Taru do better.
            Taru do anything
            Better than you


            • #66
              Well, the whole point is some people "think" they are good enough with bone/iron arrows after level 40, others "think" that those sucks.

              Easy, try them both and see. After 1 or 1/2 hr using one type of arrow and another level with the other type of arrow. I can say that you will love Scorpion arrows and you will start thinking that it's a must!

              For those who think that the "rare" and +1 equipments are not nessessary, think again when you stay in a party with someone (or everyone!) who have those. My Rng was at lv 47 and using everything I can buy (ie. decent equipments, nothing 100k+) and yup using food and scorpion arrows. I was so shocked that a Dragoon almost out damage me! He had Peacock charm and the +10 acc belt (lv 48). He used 2 types of spear (one of which is more powerful), his damage range from 80~95 per hit with a total delay almost equal to the time I needed to shoot an arrow (normal delay + after shot delay). My dmg = 90~100. He never missed, not even once which shocked me!

              After that I told myself that I must invest in STR, DEX and AGI; not just AGI only. I now can get the emperor hair pin since I want the DEX badly (not really think the AGI will help much but better than the Kingdom badana). You can never see that you suck until you see others out perform you in the same battle >_<. I highly reccomend you to use the best possible equipments you can pay for and never think that decent is enough since decent means average and an average ranger = good dragoon (who don't have to pay for arrows!).


              • #67
                Weird, at that level my Arrows were hitting for 120~ per shot.

                I assume you weren't subbing warrior?
                MNK: 31 RNG:70 WAR:35 SAM:10 NIN:35

                Current Funds: 1,300,000


                • #68
                  I do but I can only hit at 120~140 with berserk on and with Minuet I can go to 160 (on beetles).

