I just wanted to know how expensive it would be for a ranger say..25 and up, I'm playing Ninja right now and hate paying for ninjutsu equipment, is it true that ranger is more expensive or about the same
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Is it really that expensive
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keep in mind ive never leveled ninja...
okay im currently a level 30 ranger/warrior
i spent:
55000 bow +1
5000 x2 rings +1
44000 on armor
2400 gil a level on food (mithkrabobs)
1000 gil per 1000xp on arrows
10000 on archer knife
so u kinda get the idea of things. take in mind this is level 30, and i still dont have all the items i want yet (merc belt, nomad mantle)
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Well im kinda frugal with my arrows.. I probally use one to pull it if it is a Decent or harder mob. Easy mobs I just run up to and Bash away and dont waste arrows since they die so quickly.
Also u must take in consideration building ur skill for arrows.. So when fight harder mob that are decent, Evens, Tough will raise ur skill faster then Easy mobs. Now my Ranger is only lvl 8 so I know that the next weapon skill dosent come til lvl 13 if that is true there no reason to waste arrows on every mob. I have seen that my Archery skill grow everytime I use my Flaming Arrow and that dosent cost any arrows to shoot.
Cost of Ranger hasnt been to bad I just very Frugal and killing lots of Crawlers for silk that sells for 1k each.. To make some money for future exploits.
Also when play Ranger make sure you use your map and track whatever mobs u want ie. Crawlers with the Wide Scan Abilitty. This takes so much guess work out on where they could be spawning at around u..
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Honestly ranger isnt bad at all, Starting out is bad cause of all the misses, but later on --
25k - Powerbow+1 (level 20)
Sold - Powerbow+1 for 25k (level 30)
25k - Greatbow+1
Pretty much no money is spent on new bows, for arrows if your tight on gil, use wooden arrows (300gil per 99) they only do around 20 damage less than iron/silver, which isnt too horrible.
Other than that... you need to buy new armor just like any other class, and Archer daggers help tons (only 6k on my server)
I'd say i spent more money on my Sub ninja than my ranger
*evil Utsusemi scroll and tools*
The silk way is good to make money, or gardening / farming any other type of monsters >:]Beacause ten billion years' time is
so fragile, so ephemeral...
it arouses such bittersweet,
almost heartbreaking fondness.
Thanks 0
Originally posted by oozma
Pretty much no money is spent on new bows, for arrows if your tight on gil, use wooden arrows (300gil per 99) they only do around 20 damage less than iron/silver, which isnt too horrible.
It's like saying a PLD shouldn't eat defense food, because taken 20 damage more per hit from the monster isn't all that much anyway. Or a melee fighters don't need to eat Mithkabobs because 20 more damage per hit isn't worth it.
If you're lv15 or so leveling in valkurm, maybe, but when you start to live in Jeuno, I'd expect rangers to use at least iron arrows.
Just my opinion, anyway.
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You should nevereverever use stone or wooden arrows, even if you're low on gil. That's just pathetic ^ ^
I'm not some ridiculous level or some ranger professional, but I can say I'm well learned in the auction mechanics and such, methods of making that gil, and I have a mind for what's cost effective and what's not.
Right now, I can only use bone arrows. Bone arrows sell for about 800 gil a stack in the San D'Oria auction, something like 1500(!) in the Jueno auction. I can make four stacks of them for about 550-800 gil at level 0 (level 2 now) woodworking. Earth crystals, used in bone arrows, are CHEAP at 300 gil a stack, and if I need to cut up some arrowood logs I already have about five wind clusters hanging around from hunting newbie elementals with my 30 Monk/15 Thf. Elementals are easy, and there are about five that spawn in the exact same areas.
With Treasure Hunter I get 2-4 cluster drops, that's 24-48 crystals in a few minutes. They're also pretty cheap at auction, but not as cheap as earth or water.
Yaggie fletchings go for 300 a stack, bone arrowheads run at 200. Go to the guild, get advanced support, and synth four stacks. Repeat untill you have a ton of arrows.
Let's say it costs an even thousand gil for four stacks, now compare this to 800 per stack at auction, 3200 gil. You save 2200 gil. On later arrows, like beetle arrows, the savings are even higher, but you need a beefy woodworking skill for that.
Cost effective? After reviewing the arrows, I'd say use woodens for newbie levels only, bones for 7-17 (or whatever the level is for beetles) skip irons unless you have a lot of excess cash, of course. Use beetles, the best looking arrow until scorpion arrows (or the next 'normal' arrow type.)
12 damage 90 delay +5 Ranged Accuracy with beetles vs. 14 damage 120 delay for irons. Obviously the beetles, and they cost considerably less to buy and to make. So they're higher level? Of COURSE they're better!
12 damage 90 delay +5 Ranged Accuracy vs. 19 damage 120 delay with silvers. I still think beetles outweigh to EXPENSIVE nature of both the silver arrows themselves, and their ingredients. I'd rather take more accuracy and less delay over 7 more damage. Silver arrows are also difficult to make unless you're really advanced in woodworking and goldsmithing, and failure synthing these would really hurt. TWO bags of Yaggie fletchings, silver arrowheads, and the lumber.
That's just my piece. My philosophy is to stay sane and enjoy ranger, not listen to the arrow nazis and go broke and give up trying to buy silver, gold, or magical sparkling arrows just because that's 'what a ranger's supposed to do.' I partied with a ranger using beetle arrows, and she still outdamaged all of us by a huge margin. Keep the best bow you can, and the best +1 equipment and all, but just have some decent arrows.
Money spent on 'hard' equipment isn't wasted, but arrows can drag you down. If you run into a party of arrow nazis (probably not if you're a NA-er, since most people don't know the first thing about rangers, let alone to check their arrows for 'maximum perfomance.') just keep one of the best possible arrow for your level around and put it in your ranged slot, then switch back. They won't know the difference.~30 MNK~ ~15 THF~ ~33 RNG ~9 SAM~ ~8 DRK~ ~7 WHM~ ~6 BRD~
~5 BST~ ~5 WAR~
(Rest 0)
~32 Woodworking~
NM Fights/Drops
Doppleganger Dio ~ 2/1
Stinging Sophie 6/0 (Had rare)
Bomb King 2/0 (Had rare)
Jaggedy-Eared Jack 1/0
Serpopard Isthtar 1/0
Encounters: Spiny Spipi (Stolen) Jolly Green (Ignored)
Thanks 0
Heh, if your low on gil and want to level what are you going to do then? hit it with your dagger? that ruins the "ranger" part..Beacause ten billion years' time is
so fragile, so ephemeral...
it arouses such bittersweet,
almost heartbreaking fondness.
Thanks 0
I'm a 37 ranger right now, almost 38. The cost of arrows aren't too bad. I used wooden arrows (3 gil per) bought from merchant until around 15. Then I moved Bone arrows (5 gil per), been using them ever since. I'll make the switch to Iron arrows (7 gil per) soon. The only expensive thing has been buying various equipment pieces. Namely the bow + 1 bows, but other then that it's not too bad.
For emergencies, I keep a gun with some most current level bullets I can use for Eagle Eye and barrage if group gets into a pinch.
Thanks 0
Originally posted by oozma
Heh, if your low on gil and want to level what are you going to do then? hit it with your dagger? that ruins the "ranger" part..
Thanks 0