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tough decision

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  • tough decision

    my tuff decision is i want to be a god... so its ether dark knight or ranger imo

    also im mithra is it possible to still have money and lvl fast?? as ranger and as a mithra with good equip could i hit hnm??

    if your a ranger answer if not feel free to read
    taru power woo phanalx

  • #2
    i want to be a god
    "We grab swords to protect small wounds that had been buried deep in old memories."
    - Old saying


    • #3
      bah i cant be the only one who says he/she wants to be godly
      taru power woo phanalx


      • #4
        No.. all the rest of us want to be plebians and kiss your godly paws... =/

        you want to be a *godess*
        Thingol - Elvaan- Male - Sandoria Rank 9
        69 Bard/34Whm (30 War, 20 monk, 17 Rdm)

        Toe - Elvaan - Female - Sandoria Rank 7
        70 Pld/35 War (You are next Maat)


        • #5
          goddess...oh an hey im doing the same exact think...So prepare to be my rival. Ill win of course woohahahha


          • #6
            Rangers DO cause a lot of damage, however you will need Ranged Accuracy boosting as much as possible.(Dual weild Archer knifes for me) Rangers have a bad habit of missing a lot. The level 30 Barrage i've seen someone do 300+ with it and it's a 5 minute ability, so thats quite nice. ~28 Ranger
            Beacause ten billion years' time is
            so fragile, so ephemeral...
            it arouses such bittersweet,
            almost heartbreaking fondness.


            • #7
              yea barrage pushed me over the line for going ranger

              but for accuracy now as war im using 2 beetle rings and beetle arrows ahah and power bow.
              taru power woo phanalx


              • #8
                I use: 2 beetle ring +1 , Rangers necklace, 2 Archer knifes,
                Great Bow + 1, Silver arrows. (o'.')o
                Beacause ten billion years' time is
                so fragile, so ephemeral...
                it arouses such bittersweet,
                almost heartbreaking fondness.


                • #9
                  Holy crap, how do you afford silver arrows? I managed to make a lot of money leveling my sub, and now it's almost gone off only iron arrows... (and mithkabobs of course, no self respecting ranger is without them for long)


                  • #10
                    Well, for one. A good friend of mine quit, leaveing me with 80,000 Gil. But a GREAT way to make money, if your a thief.. go to Ghelsba Outpost near the entrance to the second level of Youghott Grotto and kill all of the orcs. They drop 30-40 gil each with the Gilfinder ability. Also while you hunt them, use steal and get some Silver Beastcoins! ( 5k per dozen on Odin ) Other than that.. I mostly use my conquest points on Royal Footman Bandanas and sell them for 3k each.
                    Beacause ten billion years' time is
                    so fragile, so ephemeral...
                    it arouses such bittersweet,
                    almost heartbreaking fondness.

