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PUP general tips

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  • PUP general tips

    Ok, I put off PUP a good while back, and now that I have PLD at 75 with the gear and merits I wanted for now, I am picking PUP back up. PUP is lv42 and I subjobs/frames/parts are not a problem, I have them all. The only things I dont have for PUP is....


    -Spiritreaver Head
    -Animator +1
    -Reactive shield
    -Optic Fiber

    I am not looking for anything specific to be honest, just wandering if any other PUPs out there had general tips or thoughts on things so I can do the job right ;p
    Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.

  • #2
    Re: PUP general tips goes.

    You'll want to get that spiritreaver head at 50, until then try and keep that magic skilled up through soloing Fields of Valor or duo/trioing, or just using your rdm head in general party use.

    Animator +1 is nice, but definetly not something you'll need untill the time when you can equip it. If you do einherjar, and you have a ritter's for your pld, and your gonna play PUP endgame, it's one of those "ought to have it" pieces.

    The attachments are where you need to focus, and they're expensive i know, but so worth it. and i'll try and give you an idea of where each of the parts shine, and if it isn't a big part of your play style then don't worry about it....least not for a while

    -Reactive Shield - Have it, don't ever use it, If i recall correctly it's blaze spikes for your puppet when you have a fire maneuver up. I could see this being useful in the Pulling the strings solo BCNM60, but most of the time your pup shouldn't be getting engaged enough to warnt the use of this attachment.

    -Tranquilizer- This is a must have for endgame pup nuking. I'm pretty sure it's Magic Acc. and your pup needs as much as possible when nuking the bigger NM's like Kirin, cerberus, etc.

    -Optic Fiber- This along with Turbo charger should be fulltimed in all frames. This is like a kirin's osode, or maat's cap for all things your puppet does. Increases everything, by 1% with no light maneuvers, and around 3ish% with 3 light maneuvers up. ranged Acc, Atk; Melee Acc,Atk; Etc. etc. this and turbo charger are probably the two most useful attachments out there IMHO.

    -Schurzen- Ahhh puppet earth based attachments....i looked for 1 1/2 months for this stupid attachment...and i got it... and never used it. It's mediocore and not at all useful for all but the valoredge frame.

    -Equalizer- oh god i'm drawing a blank, so no comment until tomorow, when i can do some more reasearch.

    -Economizer- this is basically a scholars convert for your pup, only it dosen't drain HP, it uses Dark Maneuvers and turns them into MP, The conversion ratio is like 15%,35%,50% of your MP will be restored by comsuming 1,2,3 maneuvers, respectivly. I use this solely on any Mage frame, it's just too useful. If your pup gets low on mp say 150/988, stack up 3 dark maneuvers, deploy on the nearest MOB, and instantly re-call your 'maton, and he should use econimser and get you back like 460+ MP. Very useful.

    -Condenser- This is the attachment that makes all the Blackmages say " -.- wtf was that" when you drop a big big big Tier IV on a mob, and then wipe your hate by de-activating your auto. I've seen screen shots, and vid's of Pup's in full pet nuking gear drop 1400+ Blizz IV's to Magic Neutral Mobs.

    Now around 42 I stuck with my SS in parties, and my soulsouther for Solo. With Optic/turbo combo you and your pup's dmg out put at these levels with utterly destroy any DD's if you play it properly.


    • #3
      Re: PUP general tips

      cool thanks for the info, after gearing myself, and buying a few of the attachments I did not have (the cheap ones) I hae about 3k to my name -.- so these attachments will ahve to wait till I can get some gil.
      Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


      • #4
        Re: PUP general tips

        Oh I’lll post since I’m in love with pup atm.

        -Reactive shield
        I rarely use this one…it’s more of a ‘filler’ if I cant decide on the last couple slots

        -Tranquilizer- This is a must have for endgame pup nuking. I'm pretty sure it's Magic Acc. and your pup needs as much as possible when nuking the bigger NM's like Kirin, cerberus, etc.
        I usually go bst to kirin to kite so I’ve never tried this on bigger NMs such as that. But I have certainly seen a difference when using this for diorite farming or some Tier 3 ZNMs. It was almost pointless to use magic on VT+ without it. Now that I have it, resists are pretty rare. Sadly on hades this went from 500k to about 1.3m within a very short time…and very rare on the AH ; ;

        -Optic Fiber
        I try to have this one on a lot but haven’t used it to its potential yet. But I agree this should go hand-in-hand with turbo charger though.

        Drawing a blank as well…must not use it that much.

        Same with this…rarely use it

        -Economizer- this is basically a scholars convert for your pup, only it dosen't drain HP, it uses Dark Maneuvers and turns them into MP, The conversion ratio is like 15%,35%,50% of your MP will be restored by comsuming 1,2,3 maneuvers, respectivly. I use this solely on any Mage frame, it's just too useful. If your pup gets low on mp say 150/988, stack up 3 dark maneuvers, deploy on the nearest MOB, and instantly re-call your 'maton, and he should use econimser and get you back like 460+ MP. Very useful.
        Probably one of my favorite attachments. If you’re able to time it right, you can have your puppet use this with 2 or 3 darks up. Which is a nice amount of MP in those situations where your puppet is at 98% and won’t cure itself (meaning you can’t call a new one). Great for soloing w/ whm frame.

        -Condenser- This is the attachment that makes all the Blackmages say " -.- wtf was that" when you drop a big big big Tier IV on a mob, and then wipe your hate by de-activating your auto. I've seen screen shots, and vid's of Pup's in full pet nuking gear drop 1400+ Blizz IV's to Magic Neutral Mobs.
        Another must have to go with Ice Maker for you BLM puppet. On some ZNM Tier 3s I’ve hit just over 1400 (fully merited Magic/Optimization and 3 ice ). I’ve also see a pup who geared his ACP armor with Pet: MAB along with a couple other lucky augments on random items and broke 1800 on EM/T normies.

        Now around 42 I stuck with my SS in parties, and my soulsouther for Solo. With Optic/turbo combo you and your pup's dmg out put at these levels with utterly destroy any DD's if you play it properly.
        42 might be out of East Ron [s] range…not sure. I do remember going there with 1 cor and 5 puppets. 3 with Rng frame out, 2 with Whm frame out and a Cor to buff/pull. Was simply amazing ^^.

        I also did a lot of FoV on my pup…hence the 15,000+ tabs I have…

        ---------- Post added at 04:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:22 PM ----------

        cool thanks for the info, after gearing myself, and buying a few of the attachments I did not have (the cheap ones) I have about 3k to my name -.- so these attachments will ahve to wait till I can get some gil.
        yeah stuff is expensive and un-returnable ; ;. And unless you spam Targeting the Captain…you’re stuck purchasing them. In the bright side, it’s a one time cost. I rarely spend anything on Pup now-a-days. Basically oil/powders if I’m /war…and maybe food.

        -Ukon (85) 27/75 claws
        -Farsha (90) Completed!!
        -Verth (90) Completed!!
        -Guttler (95) Completed!
        -Gandiva (80) 24/50 wings
        -Ochain 27/50, 50/75, 8/75
        -Aegis just started

        ***Thank you xxFunWithJugsxx for all the help/support***


        • #5
          Re: PUP general tips

          Thanks for the info, I think I am getting the hang of PUP again, now I need to talk about macros, I have many setup, but before I doom anyone to their death, I would like to make sure I am setting them up right. What are some good general and or complicated macros for PUP?
          Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


          • #6
            Re: PUP general tips

            Originally posted by ShepardG View Post
            -Condenser- This is the attachment that makes all the Blackmages say " -.- wtf was that" when you drop a big big big Tier IV on a mob, and then wipe your hate by de-activating your auto. I've seen screen shots, and vid's of Pup's in full pet nuking gear drop 1400+ Blizz IV's to Magic Neutral Mobs.
            From BG;

            Puppets Max MAB - Order of the Blue Gartr

            BLM QQ more? >.>

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • #7
              Re: PUP general tips

              0.o ......yeah cant wait to get that BLM head at level 50. The WHM one is really good at keeping me alive ;p
              Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


              • #8
                Re: PUP general tips

                I don’t have much swappable gear at the moment…so not many macros for that.

                Control 1 – 8 are my maneuvers, control 9 has both waltz I and berserk
                Control 0 both waltz II and Provoke. I do that so I don’t have to switch macro sets between /dnc or /war…maybe because I’m lazy.

                My alts are some basics. Got deploy, retreat. 2 are weapon skills. I can’t remember the name at the moment but the lower lvl H2H stun WS is a good one to macro. Saved me many times. I use that or Dragon kick at 75. DK for light skill chaining and the stun one to save me from a hit or dangerous TP moves/spells.

                I separate my activate and deactivate instead of merging. Think I have a Samba/Defender in there too.

                Last but not least I have my pup stats
                /echo puppet HP <pethpp>, Puppet TP <pettpp>
                This way I can see if he’s full for deactivation or see his TP for skill chaining.

                Are puddings considered ‘magic neutral mobs’? I thought they were weak to magic hence the insane damage blms/pups could do on them…never fought them though.

                Also, I’m pretty sure pups can do even a little better then that on a pudding...if your serious about pup (with Pet: MAB on ACP and I think some relic pieces).
                Also also, he used Fire IV…maybe he needs more magic merits for Bliz IV…or just recently shot one off but Bliz would do more I’d expect

                0.o ......yeah cant wait to get that BLM head at level 50. The WHM one is really good at keeping me alive ;p
                Not sure about other pups…but I rarely used my blm puppet pre 75 . It was mostly whm frame with the occasional rng.
                At 75 it’s the opposite. 75% Blm, 20% whm, 5% other. And I wasn’t impressed with Blm till I maxed out its magic merits.

                I take that last part back. A few times when I was past 50, I duo’d with a blm friend (level sync) on Gob pets in Bibiki Bay. Worked great
                Last edited by Romyro; 10-28-2009, 08:36 AM.
                99 BST, PUP, WAR, MNK, THF, WHM, BLM, SMN, RNG, BLU, RUN, PLD

                -Ukon (85) 27/75 claws
                -Farsha (90) Completed!!
                -Verth (90) Completed!!
                -Guttler (95) Completed!
                -Gandiva (80) 24/50 wings
                -Ochain 27/50, 50/75, 8/75
                -Aegis just started

                ***Thank you xxFunWithJugsxx for all the help/support***


                • #9
                  Re: PUP general tips

                  Yeah puddings take 50% more dmg from Magic, and that guy didn't have as much Pet MAB as possible, or full merits. So even that good, it can get that better ^^


                  • #10
                    Re: PUP general tips

                    well I do say, I need to find a duo partner or something, its easy bur boring to solo ;p

                    I am getting better with my macors, I make some with things labeled "Avoke" "Acure" and its all in the way the macro is set up with the element deploy and retrieve, I know for BLM head, I will need to set aside 8 slots for the diffrent nukes, so I can force the auto to do what I want it to ;p
                    Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.

