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Turbo Charger for Mage Frames?

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  • Turbo Charger for Mage Frames?

    I haven’t really tested lately due to work and family stuff but does anyone know if having Turbo Charger on your mage frames speed up spell casting (sorta like mana booster)? Or does it just speep up actual spell recast.

    I plan on getting the MKE head piece soon and adding +5% pet haste on it. Just wondering if that + Turbo Charger would do much for the mage puppets. It seems like it would be great for Valor and Rng frames though.

    -Ukon (85) 27/75 claws
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    -Verth (90) Completed!!
    -Guttler (95) Completed!
    -Gandiva (80) 24/50 wings
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    ***Thank you xxFunWithJugsxx for all the help/support***

  • #2
    Re: Turbo Charger for Mage Frames?

    Unfortunatley +haste% won't affect pet recast in this instance. Puppets are on that set timer, and so far I haven't heard of anything affecting it. I know there was alot of talk and testing to see if Tactical Processor affected this, and it was found to be .... still unknown as to it's purpose.

    BUT, that +5% haste is amazing when you have your sharpshot, or valoredge frame deployed. For me personally it's a toss up between:

    +10ACC +5ATK
    +15 WS ACC +4STR


    +13ACC +5ATK
    PET: Haste +5%

    Stringing pummel is pretty epic, and with that 1st head piece, i'd say your avg WS dmg will jump probably 100-125dmg easily, with many more spike's of goodness (if that makes sense)


    you take that 2nd piece and work on your DOT, as your pup will be pushing the standard player equip haste cap, with just 2 wind maneuvers.

    It's a toss up.

    I'm trying to work a mirke wadecors with +10acc for the master and pet MAC,MAB +7, along with the Anwig Salade with the +25ish ACC and +4 STR and +5 Atk. I think i'd be a pretty useful player in dynamis at that point, as thats kind of my personal standard I hold when setting a goal for Dmg output. Birds are 'mEH" and mammol are decent, but if i'm hiting dynamis mobs 85-90% acc, and nuking statues for over 800dmg (or more) I think I'll be doing good for myelf. We'll see though.

    Also I haven't forgot about that parse, in a previous thread, i still need to get it going, but i haven't gotten a party together with my original parameters, and i think the recent update messed up Kparser. So we'll see. let me know what you get, and how it workes. ^^
    Last edited by ShepardG; 07-27-2009, 12:53 PM.


    • #3
      Re: Turbo Charger for Mage Frames?

      A slightly off topic question but in regards to the Turbo Charger and pet haste. Is there a 25% equipment haste cap on pets? If so, what does teh Turbo Charger haste effect count as? JA/MA or equip?


      • #4
        Re: Turbo Charger for Mage Frames?

        As i'm privy too, I believe it would count as Equipment haste. However, it's so hard to test, and there's no actual way to cast any sort of haste on your pup, you'd be better off looking at any haste as neither equipment or magic, but instead just "Haste". Turbo Charger gives a 10%, with 1 Wind Manevuer(1WM) you'd be at 15%, 2WM would bring you to 20%, 3 would put you at 25%. Now....if you have Optic Fiber equiped, you can almost add 1-2% more haste ontop of that with 3 up.
        It get's complicated at this point, to calculate exact's, and if you have the Moogle head piece, you could fesiably break 31%, but as the players cap @ 25% on equipment, the question arises if this is true with pups. 5% difference at those levels should be quite easy to test though, as soon as someone get's around to doing it.

        SIDE NOTE: I think my previous statement about haste not affecting re-cast maybe incorrect. As I saw some mention it over on Alla, by a Jinte, who is more versed in the finer numbers game that is puppetmaster. I'd check there for more proven info.


        • #5
          Re: Turbo Charger for Mage Frames?

          I have the Pantin gloves, so with 3 wind manuvers and Turbo Charger I should be at %28. What would be good parser for working with haste numbers? I could probably test that out and run it again when I get my helm from the Moogle quest.

          As far as Overdrive. I've read it stacks 25% haste on top and I would assume that would be JA haste. Please correct me if I'm wrong on this.

          With the full setup available to us, with 2hr, pup should be able to get to %58 haste which should be abou 2.5 attacks per round. Now we need to bug SE to give us 8% more haste somewhere to hit the 3X point.

