Does anyone know how to force an ability from an attachment? I keep trying to get my puppet to cast stoneskin when I send him after a critter but no dice... I'm using PUP as a sub while I get BRD to at least a level I can party with. He just doesn't seem to be listening as well as he did when he was my main job.
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Attachement activation w/PuP sub.
Re: Attachement activation w/PuP sub.
*nods* He's acting a bit 'off' though, I was using my Valoredge Frame with the attachement, I'd activate him - earth manuver - and set him on a critter, after about the 3rd battle and the frame being almost dead he would finally put stoneskin up and I could start in with other manuvers (because a level 3 puppet is just kinda silly against a level 8 mob w/out stone skin ^.^;; ) that's about how his behavior was, just kind of unwilling to helpsigpic
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Re: Attachement activation w/PuP sub.
When you jump-in to a new zone, or activate the automation, it takes about 3 minutes before you can trigger the 1st Stoneskin, and then about 50 seconds for the next Stoneskin, etc... (I am not sure the exact timer for automation's stoneskin, but basically some ability or magic that comes from attachment has a timer, like Flash, Stoneskin, etc)Server: Quetzalcoatl
Race: Hume Rank 7
75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU
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Re: Attachement activation w/PuP sub.
Originally posted by Celeal View PostWhen you jump-in to a new zone, or activate the automation, it takes about 3 minutes before you can trigger the 1st Stoneskinsigpic
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Re: Attachement activation w/PuP sub.
Yeah, you do have to wait a while before your automaton will use the activating attachments. The Flashbulb timer seems to be shorter than the Shock Absorber timer. I had the theory that after activation these timers start at their maximum level (example: you have to wait 3 minutes after activation for Shock Absorber but only 1 minute for Flashbulb). I haven't tested this though.
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Re: Attachement activation w/PuP sub.
I'll have to run a few tests to see if he is quicker on the uptake with attachement activations for a main job as opposed to a sub... I'd test when I get home but I promised I wouldnt level pup as a main job unless it was with my girlfriend ^^ So here's to hoping we get our homework done and tests studdied for this weekend and get on FFXIsigpic
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Re: Attachement activation w/PuP sub.
Well, here is the detail:
Shock Absorber - FFXIclopedia - a Wikia Gaming wiki
* 100 HP stoneskin regardless of level.
* An Earth Maneuver must be active to use this attachment.
* Three minute recast time.
* Cannot be used until three minutes after zoning or using the job ability Activate.Server: Quetzalcoatl
Race: Hume Rank 7
75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU
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Re: Attachement activation w/PuP sub.
Until you get your af animator, it may take some time for abilities to go off. When you get the AF animator, the abilities go off almost instantly. You have to wait a couple second for it to do another ability. Recast timers are still the same though. Pre-af put a maneuver up then wait for about 10 secs, then deploy and it should do stoneskin automatically I think.Drg 75, Pup 75, War 37, Sam 37, Mnk 37, Rdm 41, Smn 18, whm 37
Windurst Rank 10, CoP complete, Zilart Complete
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