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Ways to make gil as PUP

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  • Ways to make gil as PUP

    I'm looking to see if anyone can give some feedback on ways Puppetmaster can make gil. Currently Puppetmaster is my highest job at level 40 (Next three highest: 38 WHM, 25 DNC, 25 BLU.) and could participate in BCNM fights up to that level. Unfortunately Puppetmaster seems a bit limited for those fights because if you lose your automaton you're screwed. Basically I'm wondering if there are any NM fights a Puppetmaster of my level could stand a chance against and make a decent profit on the side. Preferably solo options because it may be hard to get a group, but don't leave out possible party fights I could participate in. (Note that I have now obtained the Soulsoother head for my Stormwaker frame, but have not yet put it to test in a full six man party.)

  • #2
    Re: Ways to make gil as PUP

    Try farming Ladybug Shells in the new expansion? You can turn them in as a repeatable quest for 3000gil per four, or sell them on the AH as crafting supplies. The drop rate isn't horrible, and there's millions of them out south of the tower in East Ronfaure [S]. You might be able to solo them at your level, but they're aggresive by sight and link.


    • #3
      Re: Ways to make gil as PUP

      Ho Muu the Torrent? You can get Yag Necks, Silver Beastcoins, and Beehive Chips while you wait.
      FFXIV Balmung Server
      Tenro Matashi


      • #4
        Re: Ways to make gil as PUP

        Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
        Try farming Ladybug Shells in the new expansion? You can turn them in as a repeatable quest for 3000gil per four, or sell them on the AH as crafting supplies. The drop rate isn't horrible, and there's millions of them out south of the tower in East Ronfaure [s]. You might be able to solo them at your level, but they're aggresive by sight and link.
        Oh I don't think that will work. The ones in East Ronfaure [s] are 44-47 and all of their weapon skills are very nasty. Amnesia would totally destroy my ability to fuction.


        • #5
          Re: Ways to make gil as PUP

          Originally posted by Silent Howler View Post
          Oh I don't think that will work. The ones in East Ronfaure [s] are 44-47 and all of their weapon skills are very nasty. Amnesia would totally destroy my ability to fuction.
          If you fight them at night, they don't use Amnesia or any of their nasty tp moves. It makes it a bit tough to farm them though since it can't be done continuously.

          You could always farm sheep, rams and bees in Konschat. If you're lucky, you may just track down Stray Mary. If you've leveled Leathercraft at all, it helps a great deal.

          Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


          • #6
            Re: Ways to make gil as PUP

            Originally posted by eticket109 View Post
            If you fight them at night, they don't use Amnesia or any of their nasty tp moves. It makes it a bit tough to farm them though since it can't be done continuously.

            You could always farm sheep, rams and bees in Konschat. If you're lucky, you may just track down Stray Mary. If you've leveled Leathercraft at all, it helps a great deal.
            Level range is still too high. Tried fight an even match beetle in Jugnar Forest (S) and it was indeed an even match. Close fight ending in my lose. Ladybugs would only be worse.

            Right now I'm mainly trying to find ways to make gil outside of farming in hopes that obtaining level 40 as Puppetmaster opens up more opportunties for me.

