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Petition : Activate Recast

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  • Petition : Activate Recast

    Hello, I have made a petition about the Activate Recast. It seems that a 20 minute recast on a job-defining job ability, is just too much. If the Puppet dies early on, the Master cannot make up any damage for it.

    The Puppet can die very easily high levels, and the easy death rate for theme excludes PUP from many endgame events, and also Conflict. Lowering the Activate recast also let's the Puppetmasters have the ability to customize the puppet much more often, utilizing the job of all of it's abilities. If you do not want to sign this petition, please disregard this thread.

    If you do, please sign it here :

    Thanks for your time, if it reaches a very high amount of signatures, I will submit this to Square, a GM told me that if I get a petition of PUPs together, maybe SE will change this.

    Please do not sign anonymously.

    This is not a game breaking change, Call Beast is at 5 minute recast, and Summoner can resummon at any time. Five minute recast is just fine, but 20 can exclude us from endgame events, and Conflict type events.

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  • #2
    Re: Petition : Activate Recast

    Call Wyvern is 20 minutes as well. It used to be 2 hours. 20 minutes is just fine. I agree it can be frustrating to lose them that fast though.

    Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


    • #3
      Re: Petition : Activate Recast

      Or you could just tell people to send comments and concerns directly though the POL browser. Its there for a reason.

      BTW: Cross-posting on different forums is annoying. Already saw this on Alla.
      Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 08-31-2007, 10:50 PM.


      • #4
        Re: Petition : Activate Recast

        lol internet petitions.

        BTW, I played dragoon for months with a *2 hour recast* on my pet. 20 minutes is getting into Girly-Man territory, anything lower would just be stupid.


        • #5
          Re: Petition : Activate Recast

          I'd say 10 Minute recast sounds pretty fair for both DRG and PUP. PvP does seem like a bit more of an issue, but I think that has more to do with the fact both grant gatebreach and shouldn't.
          Read my blog.

          Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
          Entry 32: Death to Castro


          • #6
            Re: Petition : Activate Recast

            May as well introduce a macro or command for Auto's MP. We have <pettp>, <pethpp>, but nothing for MP.
            Server: Quetzalcoatl
            Race: Hume Rank 7
            75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU


            • #7
              Re: Petition : Activate Recast

              BRP has a bit of a point, PVP ONLY though. PUP and DRG should have a much easier time respawning their pets in PVP, I'd personally recommend something like a 1/1 Ring that "In Ballista: (30 seconds equip time, 2 minute recast) Raise Pet PUP/DRG", which will automagically respawn the wyvern or puppet.


              • #8
                Re: Petition : Activate Recast

                To the people who say the recast is fine, I take it you've never played PUP. Higher levels, Repair just doesn't do it. Your puppet can get one-shotted very easily, even on Valoredge, especially Stormwalker.

                To the people who say DRG is fine with a 20 minute recast, you need to take two things in consideration. I know Call Wyvern is very important to a Dragoon, but Activate is a complete job-defining ability for PUP. Activate is the most important tool for a Puppetmaster, and most of us feel it should be lower, so we can actually be like Masters of our Puppets.

                BST uses Call Beast every 5 minutes, and it's less of a job defining job than PUP. If it was a very job defining job, it would probly be at level one.

                SMN can recast whenever, PUP cannot. If BST or SMN has a pet die, they can wait a very short time, while PUP must wait a very long time. The Puppet can cause 40-60% of a Puppet's damage, that is why we want a 5 minute recast, just like Call Beast.

                Which FF Character Are You?


                • #9
                  Re: Petition : Activate Recast

                  I take it you've never played PUP.
                  I take it you never played DRG with a 2Hr Recall.

                  Trust me, 20 minutes recall on PUP and DRG is fine. BST and SMN are different jobs, about using the most effective tool for the job, not about having a partner that you constantly use.

                  Do you really think Spirit Link is that effective-- a small amount of HP every five minutes? You think Wyverns don't get killed easily? Trust me, if I could live with 2 hours between calls, you can live with 20 minutes. Having a partner for a pet is all about taking care of them-- if that means not fighting mobs that spam AOEs, that's what you do.


                  • #10
                    Re: Petition : Activate Recast

                    Originally posted by Legal Fish View Post
                    I'd say 10 Minute recast sounds pretty fair for both DRG and PUP. PvP does seem like a bit more of an issue, but I think that has more to do with the fact both grant gatebreach and shouldn't.
                    Originally posted by Feba View Post
                    BRP has a bit of a point

                    How in the hell did I not catch this before? lol

                    Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                    • #11
                      Re: Petition : Activate Recast

                      I take it you never played DRG with a 2Hr Recall.

                      Trust me, 20 minutes recall on PUP and DRG is fine. BST and SMN are different jobs, about using the most effective tool for the job, not about having a partner that you constantly use.

                      Do you really think Spirit Link is that effective-- a small amount of HP every five minutes? You think Wyverns don't get killed easily? Trust me, if I could live with 2 hours between calls, you can live with 20 minutes. Having a partner for a pet is all about taking care of them-- if that means not fighting mobs that spam AOEs, that's what you do.
                      First of all : The Puppet does more damage and effectiveness than the puppet. Secondly, I've DRG long ago, before Call Wyvern wasn't a two-hour, and it was very tough.

                      Last time I checked, PUP wasn't DRG.

                      I don't know why you really seem to be against this Feba.... Puppetmasters cannot do events like Ballista, Brenner, CoP missions, Besieged, Dynamis, and a lot more endgame events because of the rediculous 20 minute recast on a job ability that DEFINES our job.

                      As you can see, from the signatures, many PUPs support this, and furthermore give more reasons why it should be raised.

                      Feba, I'm not trying to flame you and all, but based on what you're saying, I take it you have not only never tried PUP very high, but also not partied with barely any of them.

                      20 minute recast is rediculous. How would you like it if DRGs Jumps were 20 minute recasts? RDM Convert being 40 minute recast? SAM Meditate being 10 minutes? It's like that, and it should not be, if we are truly the master of our puppet.

                      Which FF Character Are You?


                      • #12
                        Re: Petition : Activate Recast

                        There's a glaring difference between a Drg having call wyvern on a 20 minute timer and Pups having activate on a 20 minute timer.

                        Drg's can work without a pet, Pup's can't.

                        I say this as someone who has no interest in either job.
                        "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                        • #13
                          Re: Petition : Activate Recast

                          Just so you know Feba, I meant outside PvP too.

                          I think Job Abilities outside Merits with 20 min timers is pretty stupid. Every job ability obtained from merits would be 5 or 10 mins. But anyway...

                          A melee can die and be raised and be in full fighting shape within 5 mins. Unless he died 10 mins after he brought his pet out, neither DRG or PUP can say that for themselves. A 10 min timer would allow a PUP to take less precautions in the say melee do not have to thanks to having a healer to back them up.
                          Read my blog.
                          Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
                          Entry 32: Death to Castro


                          • #14
                            Re: Petition : Activate Recast

                            Just so you know Feba, I meant outside PvP too.
                            I know you did, which is why I clarified that your point is only valid inside PVP.

                            I wouldn't be opposed to refreshing the job abilities everytime someone respawned at a home point or game out of weakness, it would make a lot of sense actually. Having a generic timer so low though encourages people to abuse their pets, which I am against as far as PUP and DRG go.


                            • #15
                              Re: Petition : Activate Recast

                              Originally posted by Feba View Post
                              I wouldn't be opposed to refreshing the job abilities everytime someone respawned at a home point or game out of weakness, it would make a lot of sense actually. Having a generic timer so low though encourages people to abuse their pets, which I am against as far as PUP and DRG go.
                              There is a difference between a wyvern and a puppet, though. The wyvern is about a third of a DRG's usefulness, while the puppet is, what, three-quarters or so of a PUP's usefulness? That being said, though, making PUP able to reconfigure their puppet every five minutes just might make them a little too good; maybe a better solution would be a Raise-equivalent for puppets on a 5-to-10-minute timer, letting a PUP bring their last configuration of puppet back in a weakened state which wears after a minute or so. -- Pteryx
                              Last edited by Pteryx; 09-02-2007, 11:27 AM. Reason: Typo

