I'm going to be playing the game sometime this week and the job that seems apealing to me is the PUP,but after reading all these messageboards from g-faqs, everyone says negative things about this job...So what can you guys tell me about the PUP
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Is PUP an interesting job?
Re: Is PUP an interesting job?
I would think that leveling MNK to Lv.30 to unlock Advanced jobs would greatly benefit PUP. That way your Hand-to-Hand skill would be cap'd until the early 30's.
As far as the job itself. A number of us feel that it does need adjustments, but a number of us have been enjoying it. I leveled the job solo to Lv.15 in a weekend. Was pretty fast, and I must say I had fun with it. Past Lv.15 I tried to duo and I was noticing how little damage both my Automaton and I did against Tough mobs.
I have no experience with the job in an actual EXP party so I can't give any 1st hand thoughts on that. I just know a BST in my LS leveled it to Lv.30 and then abandoned it, while a BRD in my LS took it up and has been loving it. He's in the 60's now and doesn't seem likely to give it up until he finishes climbing the mountain.
I've found the job great for farming Beastman Seals, I've heard of PUP doing very well with a few Lv.20 BCNM fights, but I think ultimately you will just have to try it out yourself. There are 18 jobs in FFXI. That's a lot of options for a Main job, so once you do unlock PUP and try it out, if you find you don't like it you have 17 other jobs to pick from. Never know, you may end up really enjoying the job you take to Lv.30.Odude
PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4
Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1
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Re: Is PUP an interesting job?
As a 70 pup I've had tons of fun lvling it. It is a very underestimated job but can be strong if played right, though it does need quite a few improvements. There is even a video of a 75 pup/rdm soloing all the prime avatars and very few jobs can do that. From 1-50 it is not uncommon to do the most dmg in a pt. From 51-70 is when other jobs catch up to us but we can still hold our own. 70+ I don't know since I just got 70 but I have heard is when pup start to fall behind a little but still can still do good dmg and keep up with other DDs if played right. Also we rely heavily on our pet, it is not uncommon if the automaton outdamages you occasionally. Although I've never tanked in a pt, we can tank certain mobs quite well though some healers don't like pup tanks for obvious reasons.
As for subjobs well I can say that warrior, monk, white mage, red mage, bard, dragoon, and thief are all subjobs that can be used by pup though going /mage or /brd will be rare. /Drg is really only good 70+.Drg 75, Pup 75, War 37, Sam 37, Mnk 37, Rdm 41, Smn 18, whm 37
Windurst Rank 10, CoP complete, Zilart Complete
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Re: Is PUP an interesting job?
Puppetmaster is quite expensive as well. Just keep that in mind, and if you feel you're not performing as well as you could, you probably need an upgrade. Tier II and III attachments can get pricey--not to mention trying to squeeze every little bit of defense out of HQ mage armors and the odd selection of H2H weapons. ^^
The Mage Frame (Stormwalker) is hands down, the most complicated of the frames. You'll want to review this guide:
Puppetmaster: Behavior of the Stormwalker Frame
I've seen people bust out stormy and throw the wrong maneuvers. Stormy will start throwing spells you don't want it to like Bio and Silence (on non-mages) if you pick the wrong maneuver combinations.
As I peruse the data on the aforementioned guide, I find that it may be rather difficult to prevent your puppet from casting Bio and Silence b/c it seems to have a great affinity for them for some arcane Square-Enix reason.Last edited by Sabaron; 11-08-2006, 12:06 AM.
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Re: Is PUP an interesting job?
I picked up PUP recently, and I really wish it was available earlier on in the game. As I've decided to wind down my play and eventually quit, I don't think I'll be doing this job much longer. It's a fun little job. You will notice however, that much like BST or to a lesser extent THF, you're going to be having to prove yourself alot in every party. As a Damage over Time melee, you will have generally low numbers, but still manage to beat out everyone else at the end of the damage parse.
There's also something really nice about being able to take this job and solo whatever you want for a good ways up the food chain. Most of the time, if I'm waiting around looking for a party, it's because I'm in the other room watching TV instead of soloing.
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