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What DO PUP s do anyway ? =/

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  • What DO PUP s do anyway ? =/

    I am sorry if this seems stupid but...what do they do? Most PUPs that i partied with only melee and i see their automatons use Dia...ever since a few Dune parties i havent partied with them at all.. and i havent invited any to my party since because i wasnt sure what i can invite them for...DD? Support ? This one guy said they can do it all...but most PUP dont have much search comments that say what they are willing to do in the party or what subs(what are the subs they use anyway?) they have..

    So basically i am confused....what DO PUP do in parties...?

  • #2
    Re: What DO PUP s do anyway ? =/

    I wonder the same thing ... I think a lot of people do ... Possibly some PUPs.
    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


    • #3
      Re: What DO PUP s do anyway ? =/

      Originally posted by Taskmage
      I wonder the same thing ... I think a lot of people do ... Possibly some PUPs.
      It's so true. Based on what I've seen from parties with a PUP they don't really have a specific role. Probably because they don't really know what role they can fill.

      The worst part? Twice the only reason a PUP was invited was because they had a PL with them. Both times I didn't really stick around (not a fan of PL parties), but I certainly hope that's just a random coincidence and not indicative of a larger problem (ie: PUP's purpose is so confusing that they only get in with outside help).


      • #4
        Re: What DO PUP s do anyway ? =/

        They keep DRG company. :p

        I don't really know, I haven't partied much with any of the new jobs. The one party I was in with a PUP they were in a DD roll. They were fine like that but really, I have no clue what any of the new jobs do. I don't put parties together so I haven't found out.
        I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

        HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



        • #5
          Re: What DO PUP s do anyway ? =/

          Activating and Deactivating your Puppet rapidly when it is a mage puppet causes it to spam spells for 0 MP cost. Besides that...uhm...not sure really...last Puppetmaster I was with was when I was 30 in Yhoator.
          All spells obtained!
          Homam Gear: 2/5


          • #6
            Re: What DO PUP s do anyway ? =/

            The development team says Puppetmasters were created in hopes that they could work out another solo-friendly job like Beastmaster. I don't think many people realize that as yet, and try to use it in party environments more.
            PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
            Rockman - Fairy

            WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
            Currently Playing:
            FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


            • #7
              Re: What DO PUP s do anyway ? =/

              well melee puppet's a good backup tank for now.... voke/flash pretty high evasion and hp is good for emergency pt situations or bc's. the mage puppet's add magic spam is definitely good for self-cure and spamming tier 3 nukes w/o hate. from some high lvl (70+) pup parses, they've said the ranged puppet can outdamage ranger o_o, i dont know the validity, but the rng puppet seems pretty handy.

              and from personal experience... pup duos and trios are fast and very good. however, nobody ever thinks they work so they never pt with me T_T. so... until the next ffxi patch, i dont know what to say


              • #8
                Re: What DO PUP s do anyway ? =/

                Originally posted by Pai Pai Master
                The development team says Puppetmasters were created in hopes that they could work out another solo-friendly job like Beastmaster. I don't think many people realize that as yet, and try to use it in party environments more.
                Really? Where did you read this? If so then maybe they should Duo with BST and might work out a little better or i dont know...

                So they have no party roles? @_@ Disappointing...i was eager to party with all the new jobs...ah well..


                • #9
                  Re: What DO PUP s do anyway ? =/


                  Duo with a BST sounds like a plan, PUP/nin + mage puppet and BST/whm

                  Because PUP doesnt get an exp cut from their 'maton, i doubt SE planned on them to solo, but go out and try PUP/nin with mage 'maton and you'll see its very possible to solo your way easily, but its as slow as BST, if not more.

                  In any case i've said this over and over: PUP needs fixing. Its clear the job was rushed in to fill in a deadline, thus PUP needs to be finished, and i bet (and hope) that SE really has something coming for PUP that might make the job better, dont compare it to DRG because DRG is awesome and PUP is not, atm.

                  A couple things about fixing the job come to mind...

                  Let us further customize the 'maton, giving us like 20 attachments and letting us equip 12 of them sounds like even though you can choose the 'maton's job, they will all be equipped with the same stuff, and the job is too "all-around", how about more Strobes to give the maton further Hate? or how about more Analyzers to give the maton a higher bonus?

                  Technically allowing PUP to focus on something, more STR, more INT, whatever... and special attachments too, for example, an attachment allowing the maton to cast cures on party members... else it's pretty much useless in parties.

                  Higher tier body parts, sounds silly that any /pup can have all the body parts they want, give PUP more upgrades every 10 levels, 40-50-60-70, who knows... it might look like some robot-from-hell in the 70's dissing out the big numbers be it on damage or cure potential.

                  Right now, PUP is a gimped MNK with a fellow NPC who does some nice tricks.

                  Though, in the 70's ive seen some major ass-kicking from some PUP's, but... even a well equiped red mage could do the same. Or a monk with 30 less levels.
                  Last edited by Balfree; 06-16-2006, 03:09 AM.
                  signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                  • #10
                    Re: What DO PUP s do anyway ? =/

                    my pup right now is 33 because i'm doing some stuff on my bst right now, but up until about level 40 a puppetmaster tends to do the most damage in parties if he's well equipped. After about level 50, players reported seeing a decline in the damage and it became very noticeable closer to 60. The job was worked out well for the lower levels, but they did not balance it for higher levels. PUP is DD it seems, but the same can be said for bsts or drg. They are all jobs that melee with their pet to create combined damage.

                    Unfortunately puppetmaster is going to be another one of those jobs that gets a bad reputation in the begining and never lives it down so may be forced into solo work. But as you can see from my other jobs (smn,drg,bst) I like playing unpopular jobs so i will get right back to pup as soon as i'm done with bst.


                    • #11
                      Re: What DO PUP s do anyway ? =/

                      One of the big things I can see for the Valoredge Puppetmaster is a 2nd provoke for a Ninja Tank, but Puppet voking isn't quite as quick as say a warrior b/c of the double activation. My hope is that PUP receives a good charge of adrenaline from upcoming patches to make them more party friendly too--I know I enjoy both soloing and partying and I'd like to see the PUP filling more party roles. They're like the lost child of the pet classes:

                      Summoners have Bloodpacts and fill much the same roll as a mage would and have pet damage (and if they melee as well) that is on-par with most characters with tank setup. Summoner is thusly the Pet-focused Magic Pet Class.

                      Beastmasters can take on just about anything they want by taking monsters from their environment and duelling them with other monsters in the area, have a wide array of jug pets, and can melee in much the same way as a tank would. They are the Pet-focused Physical Pet Class.

                      Dragoon can do incredible things with hate management and is a competent and skillful Damage Dealer (even though many people seem to hate them for some unknown reason). Their pet is versatile, but generally takes a back seat to the Dragoon. They are the Character-focused Physical Pet Class.

                      That leaves the Puppetmaster. He's not the Character-focused Magic Pet Class, so what is he? He's like a Beastmaster with an underpowered monster and he has to wear mage armor. He is, however, the most versatile of the pet classes. I think that SE flubbed when they made all of the puppet parts merchant purchasable and level independent--no other class has this. PUP only gets same-old same-old after they get all of their puppet bodies. I'm really looking forward to some high-level quested or crafted puppet parts that don't stack 12 when you make them. There's something about rare and useful items that just makes you feel more "Da Bomb" when other players see your puppet do something they rarely see--like the Puppetmaster Joyeuse or the AF Puppet Body. I'd like to see bad-ass looking puppets instead of Dr. Dinkenheimers mini crapotron, maybe the OmniGigas 4000 Adaman Golem.... just a thought (that would be awesome).


                      • #12
                        Re: What DO PUP s do anyway ? =/

                        It seems like SE thought that because a puppet can do anything, they shouldn't have to anything as well as someone else. You'd think they'd have learned the error of that from old red mages, and given them something unique to their job class. Cor has Corsair's Roll and the debuff doubling Quick Draw. Blu has a Terror move, a buff stealing move, and a handful of status effects that are unique to them. What can a pup do that another job can't do better and more reliably?
                        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                        • #13
                          Re: What DO PUP s do anyway ? =/

                          I got Pup to 45. I see Pup as DD with mage gear and a 24/7 Fellowship companion. Weaker and less accurate than Mnk.

                          I wanted to get Pup to a point where I can call both my lvl 65 Npc and automaton and wreak some havoc.

                          Unfortunately, /Pup is very weak.

                          Title: Sergeant Major
                          SAM75, RNG75, PUP75, PLD60, My NPC65
                          Bastok Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Windurst Rank 10
                          Missions: Completed/Zilart Completed/CoP Completed/ToAU: Playing the Part-Sergeant Major
                          Midgardsormr|Cactuar (MNK51)


                          • #14
                            Re: What DO PUP s do anyway ? =/

                            Obviously square didn't learn their lesson with the old redmage and the old and current summoner, hopefully they will adress this in the next version update.


                            • #15
                              Re: What DO PUP s do anyway ? =/

                              Originally posted by Pai Pai Master
                              The development team says Puppetmasters were created in hopes that they could work out another solo-friendly job like Beastmaster. I don't think many people realize that as yet, and try to use it in party environments more.
                              I'm curious where you heard this from as well. I'm a (forever) lowbie who starts party often, and I like BST for filling damage dealer slot. (I always ask if they have jug pets before invite, though.) They do good damage, and with pets, great damage. They're also quite handy for links and such, and I consider them very useful as party members.

                              With PUP's... well, I avoid them. >_>; I just can't figure out what they are good for. Can someone give me some (good) reasons why I should invite PUP's?

                              Note that I invite other "unpopular" jobs like DRK and DRG (happily!) as well, because I can put every job to good use. For example, WAR, DRK, THF, DRG, RDM, BRD was my last party--I was the RDM32 while my static partner was the BRD--I invited no "hot" jobs, and we did quite well.

                              However, what do I do with a PUP? I just can't figure out how a PUP can add to a party... Help?

                              Originally posted by Taskmage
                              You'd think they'd have learned the error of that from old red mages,
                              I've never heard of this (I started FFXI after PS2 version was out for a while). When was this, and how was RDM then?

                              Disclaimer: I'm trying hard not to bash PUP. In fact, PUP was the one ToAU job I wanted to try most of all, but I've been busy with RDM and PLD and other jobs (and RL). All the reading I've done since the expansion pack came out only left me more confused about what PUP is good at.
                              Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                              yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                              Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                              leaving no trace in the water.

                              - Mugaku

