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What DO PUP s do anyway ? =/

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  • #16
    Re: What DO PUP s do anyway ? =/

    well right now... PUP is a pretty decent DD. in a bunch of parties i've been in, i've outparsed other DD's such as Sam, War, etc.

    They cant really be support because mp pool is gimped no matter what subjob or equip you use, unless it's like massive convert hp->mp (even then it sucks). Can't quite tank yet in a party, however it is pretty helpful for those last minute saves (flash+voke) if you're a melee puppet. the ADD exploit is still there for mage puppet, and rng pupet is good for pulling i guess? an exceptional dd too.


    • #17
      Re: What DO PUP s do anyway ? =/

      I can't put it any better than Patch did:
      Originally posted by Patchinko
      *tips hat and puts hand on chin as if in thought*

      As others have said, there was a time when the Red Mage was just a weak Black Mage and White Mage combined. It's true, they could land any enfeebling spell they wanted on monsters, and they were okay with a sword and shield, especially with a few nice enhancing spells like Stoneskin and Blink available to them, but beyond that they couldn't do very much. That was a sad time for Red Mages all over Vana'diel.

      Then a great Red Mage by the name of... well, his name escapes me now, but he was very famous and intelligent... but anyway, this great Red Mage found an ancient tome that described the magic abilities that stradle the line between Black and White magic. He learned how to reverse the famous Erase spell and use it on a monster and he called it Dispel. And he learned how to make the famous Regen spell regenerate MP instead of HP and he called that Refresh. And then he returned to, I believe, San d'Oria and taught other Red Mages these abilities. He even learned a spell called Phalanx that increased the amount of damage the Red Mage could withstand by an incredible amount, and how to imbue his sword with the power of any of the major elemental magic schools!

      Now of course almost every Red Mage knows these spells, but the older Red Mages can remember a sad time when they were unknown to us.

      And of course, now the Red Mage is revered as one of the most powerful types of mages on Vana'diel. It's a rare party that doesn't want to have a Red Mage along because of all the wonderful abilities they bring with them.

      And that is the story of how Red Mages became the greatest mages in Vana'diel.

      This was before my time too, probably before NA release, but at one point a rdm was just a sub-par nuker and a sub-par healer, with no refresh or dispel to make them useful to a party. Rdm was just what you invited if you couldn't get a whm or blm.
      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


      • #18
        Re: What DO PUP s do anyway ? =/

        Originally posted by Grandsummoner_Kairos
        Obviously square didn't learn their lesson with the old redmage and the old and current summoner, hopefully they will adress this in the next version update.
        Actually since PUP was SE doing their best to bow to the demands of the players (PUP was created because of the cry for necromancer) and not even the people who wanted a necromancer knew what they would do, how would SE know what the players wanted them to do.

        I was hoping someone had answered the topic question when I came back here.
        I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

        HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



        • #19
          Re: What DO PUP s do anyway ? =/

          I've never heard of this (I started FFXI after PS2 version was out for a while). When was this, and how was RDM then?
          From how I understand it, RDM didn't have refresh. They just had a little bit of everything. I think it seemed like a good idea on paper, but in reality, you've got limited slots to fill, and a full healer or full nuker fills a slot much better than a half healer and half nuker.

          Basically, rdms were never invited so SE gave them something that would make them wanted. That's when they became refresh-tastic.

          On topic, from what I've seen and heard, PUP needs and will get a major overhaul.

          edit: woah, people were fast on this subject. I guess the legend of the unpopular rdm is interesting.

          In reply to the last reply before mine, I think you can approach it logically. There's 6 slots to fill, and limited roles necessary.

          Number1, you need a tank. It's clear neither the puppet or the puppetmaster is going to be able to do that as well as a pld or nin.

          Number2, you need someone to heal. Nope, not better than smn, or rdms and smns.

          Number3, you need support. Puppets don't support to my knowledge.

          And finally, you fill the rest with people to kill it. And the more the better. That means, if you can compress the first 3 into 3 single players, or even 2 with a rdm healing, you will kill mobs quicker and get xp faster.

          But the problem with jobs that are "jacks of all trades" is that they can never fill one of those crucial slots, and because they can do so much, SE will never make them as good at dealing damage as regular damage dealers.
          Last edited by Hamlet; 06-16-2006, 10:51 PM.


          • #20
            Re: What DO PUP s do anyway ? =/

            Originally posted by lionx
            I am sorry if this seems stupid but...what do they do? Most PUPs that i partied with only melee and i see their automatons use Dia...ever since a few Dune parties i havent partied with them at all.. and i havent invited any to my party since because i wasnt sure what i can invite them for...DD? Support ? This one guy said they can do it all...but most PUP dont have much search comments that say what they are willing to do in the party or what subs(what are the subs they use anyway?) they have..

            So basically i am confused....what DO PUP do in parties...?
            Well I just got PUP yesterday, and I really like it. The puppet is very strong, and last night I went to go get my upgrade (Stormwaker). Thing that I've been worrying about is how this will change in the higher levels. I haven't really fought much, I've sent my puppet to do all the fighting because he is very strong and works well with the attachments I gave him, and the maneuvers I use. There were times I had to intervene, and I did pretty high damage (probably because I use the combination PUP/MNK.) There were times that I died though because I accidently deactivated my puppet, which presents a problem because the Puppetmaster can't use very strong armor.

            I don't know how this will change at higher levels though... Based on what I've seen about what the PUP can do at lower levels, I think I would use the PUP as a subjob to help start out my lower level jobs. I might get Bard soon and sub PUP, so it makes soloing a bit easier for those first few levels.

            As for parties? I've seen Mage and Melee puppets in parties, the mages look like they do pretty decent damage with enfeebles and nukes. They can also hit, and that does so-so damage, but not nearly as high as other DDs. The melee I don't know really. It didn't seem like it was doing much to me... Maybe this will change soon. The PUP him/herself does pretty good damage as well.

            As of right now, I don't know how far I will take PUP because I am just starting out, and the job still has missing pieces. Let's see how it goes in the future, but that's my take on it.

