Anyone noticed anything good about this job in a party? I've partied with a few pups and it was sort of underwhelming to say the least. I don't have any parser information or raw data to back anything up, but I haven't seen anything that says they're any good as a DD or any other role in a party. Have I just had bad luck by partying with crappy pups? Just how well are you guys doing in parties and what sort of damage can you do or what sort of useful roles can you fill in party play? Or is pup another bst?
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So how is Puppetmaster doing?
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So how is Puppetmaster doing?
Last edited by nanatsu; 06-07-2006, 08:38 AM.My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.
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Re: So how is Puppetmaster doing?
I've only leveled mine to 10, and I can already tell you that their gear selection makes absolutely no sense to me. Why can't they use armor? They aren't mages, and have no inherent MP, so what's up with limiting them to mage-type gear?
I love the control you have over the Automaton though. That's pretty cool.
I've only partied with two. And both situations were sub-25. Once was in the dunes, and that person didn't do anything, and the other was in Qufim, and their puppet cast flash a lot, which was cool, and generally seemed to at least vaguely contribute to the party. I didn't see the PUP doing much though. She was using a dagger, which made no sense to me at all.
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Re: So how is Puppetmaster doing?
I've partied with a PUP in Crawler's Nest. It was... okay. Not great damage from the master or the automaton, but the automaton seemed to cast enfeebs pretty regularly which helped I suppose.
I love PUP. I levelled it to 10 and want to take it all the way someday, but I'm going to wait until I see if any good patches for it come along. Because at the moment, it really doesn't have a role in the party as far as I know."If you keep me waiting much longer, it damn well better be the end of the Galaxy." ~ Kaidan
~There's gonna come a day, and I can't wait to see your face...~
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Re: So how is Puppetmaster doing?
I lvled my pup to lvl 23 and had alot of fun. The thing is that some people aren't doing any research on the job before playing so their robot (where most the power is) is not functioning properly. If my valor edge pops out I make sure that it is properly equiped with the right attatchments. Valor edge must be able to strobe and stoneskin atleast to be used the way it is suposed to, which is to take the heat when times are tough, and to damage comparable to the master. The mage puppet must have the magic leveled up to near max to be effecient in parties and the master must cast the ice move alot to ensure that it casts often. There is proper gear for mage robot tho have to cast properly also.
When I partied with my puppet I had fun and nobody complained because I did my job competantly and helped the xp roll. I almost soloed a IT worm to death with stormwaker just lvling up the magic. I didn't die its just that when I pulled the robot back to gather some strength the worm started to regen itself, so almost got it down below 20%, which is not bad for such a shotty type of job that the pup is. In the dunes I took out 3 T mobs all at once using valor edge. Automoton oil is a MUST. From what I gathered when I did my stint to lvl 23 with the pup job is that if played incoreectly it is a terrible thing. If played correctly the job has alot of potential.sigpic
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Re: So how is Puppetmaster doing?
I'm thinking it has a solid career as a solo or duo/trio job, but that's a pretty slow and kind of lonely way to go about things. I'd hate to see it be the target of the same sort of ostracism that BST was and is (stupid Brady guide), just because we can't figure out what role it fills in a party.
Then again, it's not really our fault if it doesn't fit a role in a party. SE was supposed to have a clearer idea about this, right?
Well, maybe they'll figure it out.
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Re: So how is Puppetmaster doing?
When I heard about the job, I figured it was gonna be BST's new best friend, but I just don't see that happening now. I've been using PUP to farm Beastman Seals, and for that, it's great. I've duo'd, and there's a lot of down time, even with Oils, and Light Manuever set to Regen. Just doesn't kick out quite enough damage from what I can see at Lv.17. If I'm on my Stoneskin cycle, and we have TP, we can solo a T, but both PUP and Automaton are nearly dead at the end, making Chaining impossible.
A BST75 friend has PUP to Lv.33, and told me not to waste the time on it. It just isn't going to do enough damage in a party for a party leader to say, "oooh!! There's a PUP Seeking!" He said go level BST until PUP's fixed.
Another person in my LS, who's PUP33 now, and has spent bazillions of gil to help make up for PUP's weak H2H skill seems to like it. And some how manages to find other people's testimonies saying how good PUP is, and how PUP can parse out to be the 2nd highs DD in a party.
I've yet to EXP with a PUP, so I can't say anything about that side of the fence. All I can say is that PUP needs to be Adjusted, and as much as I'm loving BLUs, they're probably going to be nerfed. They're very Powerful! Solo Skillchains, good enough DD to pull hate a some levels. No real experience with COR to give my impressions there.Odude
PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4
Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1
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Re: So how is Puppetmaster doing?
I'm 41 PUP and I think it needs a lot of work
PUP can almost keep up with some DDs in party, but why get a PUP when one of those other DDs will do more dmg?
and soloing anything over a decent challenge gets harder the higher level you get.
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Re: So how is Puppetmaster doing?
Originally posted by Sugesuke_PlainI'm 41 PUP and I think it needs a lot of work
PUP can almost keep up with some DDs in party, but why get a PUP when one of those other DDs will do more dmg?
and soloing anything over a decent challenge gets harder the higher level you get.
Plus, try adding in the damage your puppet is doing as well. I have the mage gear on mine, and he nukes, enfeebles, and all sorts of stuff; not to mention his melee damage. When I was soloing the last 1.5k exp I had left until 20 he even casted cure II on me a few times! Honestly, I have no idea what you are talking about when you say "almost keep up with some of the DDs."
Main Job: 70RDM/BLM or WHM ~ Fairy (I hate you, Maat)
Currently Leveling: 49WHM/BLM
Windurst Rank 10 ~ As of 5/25/07! Woot!
My Fanfiction (please read, or at least skim!)
Susan>> Babies are just like people.
Susan>> Just smaller.
[GM]Dave>> But I don't like people.
[GM]Dave>> I hate people.
Susan>> Babies are like small people that can't talk.
[GM]Dave>> ...
[GM]Dave>> I'm listening.
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Re: So how is Puppetmaster doing?
I would point out again that from 11-20, rdm is a decent DD. What your job can do in the dunes shouldn't be taken as an indicator of what it can do at higher levels.
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Re: So how is Puppetmaster doing?
Precisely. Would you compare RDM at level 20 to RDM at level 41? Of course not, the job completely shifts between those 20 levels.
PUP's C rating in H2H starts to catch up to it in later levels. That, combined with very limited access to the best DD gear in late levels, makes it a sad DD on it's own. And unfortunately it seems that the Automaton isn't able to make up for the weak DD of the PUP itself. I've seen a PUP with the best DD gear available in the early 70s, but according to him, the job is just abysmal at DD in these late levels.
This job needs a lot of retooling before it's any good, basically. I think it's too bad, because those first 10 levels were a lot of fun.There will be cake.
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Re: So how is Puppetmaster doing?
Originally posted by LilaniMaybe you don't have the right gear, I used brass banhkas +1 (yes I know I spelled that horribly wrong) from levels 11-20 and I sometimes out damaged the tank and the rest of the DDs in the party. I did find that accuracy was a problem sometimes, but then I tried out sole sushi and it worked marvelously.
Plus, try adding in the damage your puppet is doing as well. I have the mage gear on mine, and he nukes, enfeebles, and all sorts of stuff; not to mention his melee damage. When I was soloing the last 1.5k exp I had left until 20 he even casted cure II on me a few times! Honestly, I have no idea what you are talking about when you say "almost keep up with some of the DDs."
When I said PUP can almost keep up with other DD I was including the puppets dmg. Even with the puppets damage added PUP will never/rarely do as much damage as any other DD with decent gear on. 70+ there is some pretty good gear PUP can wear to help with damage, but by then all other DDs can wear the same thing or something 3X better.
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Re: So how is Puppetmaster doing?
Ive been poking around with nin, i want it for subs for rdm soon and mayhap, who knows, someday... ill have nin ready for a melee job, or something.
Ive been subbing pup while i solo nin, i can safely assume pup is the best sub for any job on those early solo levels: its like a second you, and you can skillchain too! Another perk is you can run away from mobs to save your ass, and each time the mob turns to the 'maton and misses, you glee in joy because thats another hit you dodged, twice. Also? If you have the melee parts, he even stuns the mob with shield bash! Bomb tosses and other nasty moves are a thing of the past if you have your maton right beside you, so yea, its pretty kickass!signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine
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Re: So how is Puppetmaster doing?
i've been wondering abut this... i've partied with a couple of BLU and a couple of COR, i kinda get their role. But PUP? i still don't have a clue what you guys do. reading this it seems like you are just a weak DD? i always said that there would be balance problems with the new jobs, it was to be expected, thats why i think it's great that they've taken the oppertunity to reassess the balance between all the jobs. Expect a fix but don't expect SE to jump straight on it, they need time to see how it's working.Kylestie was defeated by Curiosity.
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Re: So how is Puppetmaster doing?
I've got a Pup friend, he doesn't do great damage, but he says the way to go is enhancing your Puppets DD skills. C rating in H2H isn't going to cut it :/
Drk62, Rdm58, War39, Blm36, Thf33, Whm26, Nin25 and others~!
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