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Elyn's Ultimate Guide to PuppetMaster!

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  • #16
    Re: Elyn's Ultimate Guide to PuppetMaster!

    so far as a level 31 pup i have seen my pup do the following wepon skills:

    - Chimera Ripper
    - String Clipper

    - Slapstick

    - Acruballista

    - Slapstick

    There are probably more with the ranger frame but my skill is not yet capped
    I reccomend Shock Absorber (stoneskin), Volt Gun (enthunder), and Inhibitor (ability to SC) as the first attachments to get, they are very nice and help out a lot

    GL to all starting pup masters ^^
    Last edited by mytoy; 07-08-2006, 08:30 PM.


    • #17
      Re: Elyn's Ultimate Guide to PuppetMaster!

      in hope to make light to all magic of automation at level and skill i have to post this link as it has helped me out so much as to what element to use to get certain spells to be cast it has loads to help out for any level PUP so enjoy


      • #18
        Re: Elyn's Ultimate Guide to PuppetMaster!

        Last edited by Guren; 12-18-2006, 11:49 AM. Reason: cuz
        Nagasaki - Odin - 75 Puppetmaster


        • #19
          Re: Elyn's Ultimate Guide to PuppetMaster!


          I hear about auto's having heads and frames. Do you get both when you upgrade at 10/20/30?

          Can you switch out frames/heads at a later time? Or do you have to know exactly what frame you want once you reach level 30?


          • #20
            Re: Elyn's Ultimate Guide to PuppetMaster!

            Patchinko, if the attatchment doesn't say "Adds xxx effect when using xxx maneuver" or whatever, then you don't need to use it to add the affect. Otherwise I believe that the effect is already in place. Like you don't need to do ice maneuver to make a loudspeaker increase your attack, and so on.

            So, the only other way your maneuvers will affect your puppet (other than that stat increasing deal) is when you have an attatchment.

            Good luck, and if you have any other questions just post them

            According to FFWiki, this is wrong. You may not notice a big boost on a single maneuver, but stacking 2 (or 3 if you're brave) will have a notable effect.

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • #21
              Re: Elyn's Ultimate Guide to PuppetMaster!

              Originally posted by Elyn View Post
              After he receives the ingredients, you have to wait one JP day. (Pick up at 10 AM central)
              I have found that you only have to wait 12 RL hours


              • #22
                Re: Elyn's Ultimate Guide to PuppetMaster!

                There are a lot of attachments missing from the list...

                Also, I want to point out that while you do not need to use maneuvers to activate some attachments (such as Tension Spring I/II) stacking them will increase the effect. Stacking 3 maneuvers of the same element is very risky however, as it tends to overload your automaton. I don't know how much the heat sink can help unfortunately for trying to stick 3 fire maneuvers.

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                • #23
                  Re: Elyn's Ultimate Guide to PuppetMaster!

                  I'm just starting PUP, and although I keep hearing how much other people really dislike PUP's, I'm liking it anyway. I just dinged 10 this morning (haven't done the quest to get the upgraded heads yet), so I'm wondering, Ricochet has a magic skill of 17, but I've only seen him do poison, cure and dia. Is there any way to make him do his abilities more? Or is that dependent on the head/body attachments?
                  This is Jazz. Jazz is mine. He 50% awesome combined with 50% win. That makes him 100% full of vitamins Awesome and Win.


                  • #24
                    Re: Elyn's Ultimate Guide to PuppetMaster!

                    Yes, there is!

                    Get and attach a Mana Booster.

                    Use "Ice Maneuver".

                    For every Ice Maneuver you have on, your Automaton will cast more often. It will increase the chance of him being Overloaded, though.

                    This is actually the essence of how to play PUP. Use the Maneuvers to emphasize the attachments it has on and augment its behavior.

                    Good luck!
                    There will be cake.


                    • #25
                      Re: Elyn's Ultimate Guide to PuppetMaster!

                      Now see, at first I had no idea what the Maneuvers were. Silly me thought they were like enfeebles that just weren't working for me for some reason. *sigh* It's been too long since I played this game I don't remember how everything works anymore ><;

                      Thanks Patchinko, I'm sure I'll have more questions later!
                      This is Jazz. Jazz is mine. He 50% awesome combined with 50% win. That makes him 100% full of vitamins Awesome and Win.


                      • #26
                        Re: Elyn's Ultimate Guide to PuppetMaster!

                        Also, some attachments like Shock Absorber (which gives your automaton Stoneskin) will take effect only if you have an Earth Maneuver up.

                        You are going to be using maneuvers a lot while playing PUP and you should definitely set a macro for each one.

                        <pettp> is also a nice one for timing your weapon skills better. Slapstick + Combo = Fusion(?)


                        • #27
                          Re: Elyn's Ultimate Guide to PuppetMaster!

                          Acuraballista + Combo = Fusion. I finally got around to using SS (needed a cure buddy up until 38 *wince*) and we're getting a lot of mileage out of that pairing.

                          I've inserted a pet hp and pet tp line in each of my maneuver macros to keep tabs on what's what. With the new tp change (keep during rest) Foucade is up a lot and tends to screw up other chains by coincidental timing. My partner and I get a lot of "Ok, hold on a sec. Fou's about to pop."

