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Puppet Master Advise Please!

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  • Puppet Master Advise Please!

    Hello everyone

    After a long break I have just decided to come back to the game. I have sent for my expansion pack on ebay and my new pc arrives from Dell soon. I have a lv 56 Summoner and was wondering is this job difficult to open for a lv 56 summoner? Also can I use my WHM sub and be PUP/WHM and still be wanted for partys?
    What kinda stuff does PUP do in partys. If whm sub isn't any good would /blm or /smn work?


    Fenrir Won: 11/08/2006
    Diablos Won: 07/03/2007

  • #2
    Re: Puppet Master Advise Please!

    The quest is doable from a 56 summoner all you need is sneak/inv. and pups/whm is not a good idea if you wanna party. it might be good just like bst to have /whm for the moments where your low on hp. and finally Pups usually just send there puppet have it fight. and You just melee its just like a mnk.
    I'm only 10 pup waiting to get the upgrade for my pup. Goodluck w/ pup i really enjoy it


    • #3
      Re: Puppet Master Advise Please!

      For the pup quest, you basically just have to make it through one zone alive. However, the zone contains fleas which are capable of killing lvl75s and are basically invisable until they aggro you so be vigilant. Also, the map of the area is somewhat difficult to obtain. Other than that, sneak/invis should get you through.

      On the subject of pup subjobs, whm probobly isnt the optimum because pup is a DD job and somewhat gimped in its skills with weapons. This gimp pretty much mandates the use of war or mnk as a sub, sorry .

      Despite anything you might here elsewhere, i think you should go for pup. I like it a lot. It requires timing, strategy and a little luck but it isnt too gil intensive. My favorite part is its ability to fulfill various roles in a party depending on frames and attatchments and also solo somewhat effectively while lfg.

      I hope this helps and GL.
      Woodworking: 72
      Fishing: 16
      Smithing: 4

      Redmage: 48
      Blackmage: 25
      : 20
      : 10

      "Everyone Sucks But Me!!"
      - Tom Brady


      • #4
        Re: Puppet Master Advise Please!

        yes pup is my fave youll love it and its not a hard quest

        Which FF Character Are You?

