Here's from my experiances doing the PUP quest.
I'm using Gobo's info on the NPC names so I dont have to find them myself.
Start the quest in Bastok markets, near the fountain by the AH on the side with the Homepoint Crystal you can start the PUP quest, speak with the elvaan male with the dancing puppet then head to the new TOA area's.
Once you get to Aht Urhgan Whitegate you need to first speak with a Taru.
K-9 in Aht Urghan Whitegate and talk to Iruki-Waraki- He is on top of the wall(not on the ground level).
After that head to the Automation shop located at I-7 (Also on the wall) and speak with the galka inside named "Ghatsad", he will ask you to get him a puppet.
Now head to H-6, and get on that boat that goes to Nashmu.
Once in Nashmu head out the north exit. Heres were it gets a bit tough, so I made a small map guide to help out on this part. Just try and follow the line I made on the map.

Once inside Arrapago Reef, you will be in a cave, just take a few left turn's and you will see a pirate ship, walk onto the rear end of it. Now that your in the back of the boat, you will see two staircases, one on the right and one on the left, the staircase on the right will be broken, inspect the ??? in the broken staircase and you will get a small cut-scene showing the puppet you were sent to find.
After that head back to Ghatsad in the automation shop in "Aht Urhgan Whitegate" . You will get another cut scene, after that wait 1 game day and speak with him again. (You may need to zone).
After that head back to the taru you first spoke with at K-9 "Iruki-Waraki". After you finish the cut scene you are offically a Puppetmaster congrats
*I did the entire quest as a Lv1 Samurai, thats how I found out what mobs aggro, lol*
I'm using Gobo's info on the NPC names so I dont have to find them myself.
Start the quest in Bastok markets, near the fountain by the AH on the side with the Homepoint Crystal you can start the PUP quest, speak with the elvaan male with the dancing puppet then head to the new TOA area's.
Once you get to Aht Urhgan Whitegate you need to first speak with a Taru.
K-9 in Aht Urghan Whitegate and talk to Iruki-Waraki- He is on top of the wall(not on the ground level).
After that head to the Automation shop located at I-7 (Also on the wall) and speak with the galka inside named "Ghatsad", he will ask you to get him a puppet.
Now head to H-6, and get on that boat that goes to Nashmu.
Once in Nashmu head out the north exit. Heres were it gets a bit tough, so I made a small map guide to help out on this part. Just try and follow the line I made on the map.

Once inside Arrapago Reef, you will be in a cave, just take a few left turn's and you will see a pirate ship, walk onto the rear end of it. Now that your in the back of the boat, you will see two staircases, one on the right and one on the left, the staircase on the right will be broken, inspect the ??? in the broken staircase and you will get a small cut-scene showing the puppet you were sent to find.
After that head back to Ghatsad in the automation shop in "Aht Urhgan Whitegate" . You will get another cut scene, after that wait 1 game day and speak with him again. (You may need to zone).
After that head back to the taru you first spoke with at K-9 "Iruki-Waraki". After you finish the cut scene you are offically a Puppetmaster congrats

*I did the entire quest as a Lv1 Samurai, thats how I found out what mobs aggro, lol*