Re: who is totaly amped up for pup
I doubt we'll be able to 'become' the puppet like that. But I'm hoping we get a nice amount of control over the puppet. When you think about it, puppetmasters should have more control over their 'pet' than beastmaster and dragoon. Since instead of a living being, it is a device that the master is manipulating to make it seem like its alive.
But then it might actually be an artificial form of life with its own will and intelligence. In this case, it could act like the dragoon's pet, just along for the ride helping it's master and following basic commands. The Sentinel Badge quest in Windurst hints that the puppets are very similar to the cardians, which have their own artificial intelligence, albeit quite simple minded.
Originally posted by Deltran
But then it might actually be an artificial form of life with its own will and intelligence. In this case, it could act like the dragoon's pet, just along for the ride helping it's master and following basic commands. The Sentinel Badge quest in Windurst hints that the puppets are very similar to the cardians, which have their own artificial intelligence, albeit quite simple minded.