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Galka Best with Puppets?

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  • Galka Best with Puppets?

    Albeit the fact that you might need some mp to summon the puppets, does the fact that the Puppet Masters are inclined towards hand-to-hand combat, and Galkanianians (as I put it so smoothly ) are the "best" Monks, and also taking into account that during the video, there was a Galka as the puppet master, does that mean that our race will be the preferred ones to be the leaders of the job?

    I just want to make sure at least one of the three will be good for us that are few. :D

    EDIT: I'm sure a lot of you don't know the answer to this question since SE hasn't really discussed the job's potential as much as they have the Blue Mage, but I just felt the discussion should be brought up.
    Last edited by Mitsurugi; 04-11-2006, 05:12 PM.
    RNG 60 | WAR 49 | NIN 29 | THF 21 | MNK 17

    My Final Fantasy XI Character

  • #2
    Re: Galka Best with Puppets?

    Well first off its only a opionion that glk's are the best mnks (i think ELV are) n second i think just about any race is great for any job. if the glk are gonna be great for aNY of the jobvs i thinks its gonna be COR
    Many people call me but i think they are just jealous that the voices are talking to me

    Hahahaha check this *BLEEP* out


    • #3
      Re: Galka Best with Puppets?

      I totally understand that any race can excel at any job depending on one's own skill. I was mostly referring to the stats that each race will have accordingly. So far, the debate has been over the best subjob, so I thought I'd throw in a thread about the different races.

      I guess we'll just have to wait and see in a week what it'll be like.
      RNG 60 | WAR 49 | NIN 29 | THF 21 | MNK 17

      My Final Fantasy XI Character


      • #4
        Re: Galka Best with Puppets?

        I hope this job is based on inteligence for controling the puppet, then my taruness wont me an dissadvantage, but then ballenced out by str and dex needed for H2H, which imo would make it a great job for every race, but just slightly differant aproches (kinda like taru pld, you will play the job alot differant that a galka pld)

        Tarutaru PUP FTW!


        • #5
          Re: Galka Best with Puppets?

          Galka might be best if Puppet master uses STR and CHR. I think CHR will be big with PUP as only 1 job has a big use for CHR right now...which is BRD.
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          Homam Gear: 2/5


          • #6
            Re: Galka Best with Puppets?

            Originally posted by LadyPeorth
            Galka might be best if Puppet master uses STR and CHR. I think CHR will be big with PUP as only 1 job has a big use for CHR right now...which is BRD.
            Actually a lot of jobs use chr, just some aren't huge into it like brd is... pld, war, and nin use it to help gain an extra smidgeon of hate via provoke. It's just not super noticable, plus they mainly aim for agi/vit to help the more constant melee sideof things...


            • #7
              Re: Galka Best with Puppets?

              Originally posted by METDeath
              Actually a lot of jobs use chr, just some aren't huge into it like brd is... pld, war, and nin use it to help gain an extra smidgeon of hate via provoke. It's just not super noticable, plus they mainly aim for agi/vit to help the more constant melee sideof things...
              At the fan festival they said that CHR has nothing to do with provoke >_>


              • #8
                Re: Galka Best with Puppets?

                Originally posted by METDeath
                Actually a lot of jobs use chr, just some aren't huge into it like brd is... pld, war, and nin use it to help gain an extra smidgeon of hate via provoke. It's just not super noticable, plus they mainly aim for agi/vit to help the more constant melee sideof things...
                Hacked on 9/9/09
                FFXIAH - Omniblast


                • #9
                  Re: Galka Best with Puppets?

                  Originally posted by LadyPeorth
         only 1 job has a big use for CHR right now...which is BRD.
                  You forgot about BST, but I do agree with your assumption that PUP's main stat will be CHR.
                  "From the void all things are born.
                  To the void all things return."

                  -philosophy of the Walahra


                  • #10
                    Re: Galka Best with Puppets?

                    The video didn't really showcase much for the PUP. The damn Puppet died pretty quick in the BCNM they showed. I wanna know will they have a Sic like ability, or will they be able to Skillchain with Puppet. It looked pretty sweet in the video, just BLU was the showcase dropping Gobby Bomb after Gobby Bomb. Have we even seen any video of COR yet? I didn't see anything at all for it.
                    PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
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                    SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


                    • #11
                      Re: Galka Best with Puppets?

                      I noticed that. It seemed the Blue Mage was doing most of the work, too, which shows that without the Pup, the PM was slacking behind against the three opponents.

                      Of course, it was a tiny video, so it could've been showing the PM doing large amounts of damage. Maybe someone has it blown up, I don't know. I'm just hoping there isn't anything to really worry about (they can always tweak the strength of the puppet through patches, after all, but the first impression is most important).
                      RNG 60 | WAR 49 | NIN 29 | THF 21 | MNK 17

                      My Final Fantasy XI Character


                      • #12
                        Re: Galka Best with Puppets?

                        First off, S-E said that chr don't count at all vs Provoke (just a side note)

                        About Galkas being good monks, its true, because they have the best HP/vit, but Elvaan are superior on the str part, so its all a matter of what you wanan do with your monk.

                        And about Puppetmaster, i guess the best stats wont be vit, but more like str and int, and maybe dex since they are very nimble to manipulate/fix their puppet (i know that now they use the remote tool so they have no use for strings, but my bet is they still are very dextrous with their fingers/hands), and of course CHR is a very plausible possibility, since they ARE performers after all. (And btw humes and Elvaans have the best basic CHR, with the tarus, mithras and galkas equal behind)

                        So yeah, either int (tarus), dex (mithras), str (elvaans/galkas) or chr. (which means that a lot of races are gonna be good at it, and since its such a large array of stats, humes are gonna be pretty good if, of course, all those stats end up being important.)

                        (This is all from a logical point of view and pure speculation, so don't take this for granted lol)
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                        Former beta tester (Yoko)(drk43/mnk36/sam20/war15)

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                        • #13
                          Re: Galka Best with Puppets?

                          Originally posted by Yoko
                          First off, S-E said that chr don't count at all vs Provoke (just a side note)

                          About Galkas being good monks, its true, because they have the best HP/vit, but Elvaan are superior on the str part, so its all a matter of what you wanan do with your monk.
                          and MND (for chi blasting)
                          It would be nice to see CHR play a "bigger" role. So far only bst and brd is really affected by it.

