Well I know the first thing people are going to say is "Paladins are for parties" or something similar. True, however I like trying unconventional things and honestly, I'm not really into partying with random strangers each and every night, so until I find a good LS and form a static party I'd rather duo and solo.
Having said that, since I'm mostly going to be duoing with my girlfriend until I can setup a dependable static for us, I'd appreciate some help deciding how we need to set this up. My Girlfriend adores being dps and hates being healer or tank, which is what gave me the idea to use Paladin in the first place. The tricky part is what job should I sub if she's going to play as a drk, drg, dnc, or possibly war?
I know Provoke from /war would be very handy and is mostly likely going to be the best option in my opinion, but I might be overlooking some benefits from other jobs. For instance I have read that paladin/rdm makes a very good combination, but what I've read mostly suggests that combination for soloing. Any advice you fine people can provide is greatly appreciated.
Having said that, since I'm mostly going to be duoing with my girlfriend until I can setup a dependable static for us, I'd appreciate some help deciding how we need to set this up. My Girlfriend adores being dps and hates being healer or tank, which is what gave me the idea to use Paladin in the first place. The tricky part is what job should I sub if she's going to play as a drk, drg, dnc, or possibly war?
I know Provoke from /war would be very handy and is mostly likely going to be the best option in my opinion, but I might be overlooking some benefits from other jobs. For instance I have read that paladin/rdm makes a very good combination, but what I've read mostly suggests that combination for soloing. Any advice you fine people can provide is greatly appreciated.