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70 PLD looking for help with gear questions

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  • 70 PLD looking for help with gear questions

    hey i just hit 70 want to know what you think i can keep for end game tanking
    and what i should try and pick up.

    Head: Aegishjalmr
    Body: Gallant/ i have Gem body waiting for me at 73/ and working on neuvo body
    Hands: Gallant right now/ i have dusk gloves form leveling nin/ at 73 i have koenig hands already uncursed too
    Legs: Gallant/ was looking at adaman at 73 not sure if i should get them
    Feet: Gallant dont really plan on changing those except maybe for homam or askar
    Weapon: I have Terra Staff, Macuahuitl +1, Joytoy
    Ammo: i use bibiki seashell
    Earring: i use Cassie earring and Physical Earring plus macro Hospitaler for cures have suppo ring too.
    Ring: Hercules and Jelly, i opted for Rajas so yeah....
    Waist: Swift belt till i can use trance belt and/or warwolf belt
    Back: Boxer's Mantle
    Neck: Shield Torque/ Parade Gorget

    constructive criticism is appreciated dont blast me i do know a thing or two about the game just want some more opinions

  • #2
    Re: 70 PLD looking for help with gear questions

    Nice little place to start: Paladin: Guide to Weapons and Armor - FFXIclopedia, the Final Fantasy XI wiki - Characters, items, jobs, and more
    Originally posted by Raydeus

    Other than that the only thing I'd like to see is SE changing Homam so RDM can use it, but the chances of that happening are the same as those of me winning the Mog bonanza.


    • #3
      Re: 70 PLD looking for help with gear questions

      Hades Earrings are worth looking into but can be very expensive.


      • #4
        Re: 70 PLD looking for help with gear questions

        For /nin tanking, enmity and haste is what you should focus on. Macro in any enmity you have for idling in, then switch to haste when casting shadows and flash. For /war, focus more on reaching your 110VIT/550def build, then once you reach that, throw enmity on the rest of it. Hopefully that gives you an idea of what to shoot for when you're gearing up.
        ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


        • #5
          Re: 70 PLD looking for help with gear questions

          Be careful with the info in the above link; it's not really targeted toward endgame PLD, and it contains at least one major error, saying Hospitaler Earring "isn't very useful." (Which is complete BS; Cure potency +5% is 5% more enmity from cure, plus leaves the target in better health. This is one of the most useful gear a PLD can get for the ear slots.)

          * * *

          Most of the gear listed in OP are good or at least situationally useful, but make sure to get every piece of this set: Iron Ram Sallet Set.

          In general, Haste gear for Utsusemi: Ni and Flash. Shield skilll (and haste) for Utsusemi: Ichi. Enmity gear for JAs and Cure. Also have a Hospitaler Earring macroed in for cure (which you already do).

          Originally posted by Lostprophet View Post
          Head: Aegishjalmr
          Iron Ram Sallet (MDB), Walahra Turban, Koenig Schaller.

          Originally posted by Lostprophet View Post
          Body: Gallant/ i have Gem body waiting for me at 73/ and working on neuvo body
          Hands: Gallant right now/ i have dusk gloves form leveling nin/ at 73 i have koenig hands already uncursed too
          Legs: Gallant/ was looking at adaman at 73 not sure if i should get them
          Feet: Gallant dont really plan on changing those except maybe for homam or askar
          Homam hands, feet, and legs are good if you can get those. Iron Ram gear will likely be useful. Adaman legs is good if you know when to use it; same for Askar feet.

          Koenig hands is mostly just good for /DNC, and only when using Waltz. Can be a part of "Both Ichi and Ni are down!" type of emergency set, if you wish.

          Originally posted by Lostprophet View Post
          Weapon: I have Terra Staff, Macuahuitl +1, Joytoy
          Ammo: i use bibiki seashell
          Add Lamian Kaman (+1) to the list of things to get. Bibiki Seashell is good for skill up and unlocking Atonement on crabs and getting exp buffer on /DNC, but not really that useful for tanking endgame.

          Originally posted by Lostprophet View Post
          Earring: i use Cassie earring and Physical Earring plus macro Hospitaler for cures have suppo ring too.
          May want a Buckler Earring for Ichi. Fowling for accuracy, if you have Atonement unlocked. Alternatively, Brutal Earring and Suppanomimi are good for TP set.

          Originally posted by Lostprophet View Post
          Ring: Hercules and Jelly, i opted for Rajas so yeah....
          Waist: Swift belt till i can use trance belt and/or warwolf belt
          Back: Boxer's Mantle
          Neck: Shield Torque/ Parade Gorget
          Most of PLD's endgame tanking is on /NIN, and most critters have magic type attacks, so Jelly Ring will see little action. Add two accuracy rings for TP'ing once you have Atonement unlocked, and replace Jelly with Unyielding Ring or even just an accuracy ring whenever damage+5% for magic is a liability.

          Lamia Mantle +1 and Harmonia's Torque (or Ritter Gorget ) should be on your list of things to get. Peacock Charm/Fortitude Torque or some other major accuracy piece for neck (and Amemet Mantle +1 for back if hitting for 0's) in the TP set once you have Atonement.

          If you stay on PLD long enough, at some point you'll want a Fire resist set. At that time, you'll either pretty know what you want in that set, or else know who to ask.

          * * *

          Originally posted by Mog View Post
          For /nin tanking, enmity and haste is what you should focus on. Macro in any enmity you have for idling in
          Enmity doesn't do much for a PLD/NIN when idling--it's great for JAs and Cures, though.

          Generally speaking, PLD/NIN has three styles: Toe-to-Toe without Atonement, Toe-to-Toe with Atonement, and kiting.

          Toe-to-Toe w/out Atonement:
          Idle in damage mitigation (in case hits get through Utusemi faster than reaction time), including shield skill, HP, and defense to a lesser extend. Depending on what's being fought, may be geared toward physical or magical damage mitigation.

          Toe-to-Toe w/ Atonement:
          Idle in hybrid of damage reduction, haste, and accuracy gear. Add in attack if hitting for 0's too much. The goal is to balance risk verses building TP at a reasonable rate.

          Can't really call it idling, but a PLD here should run around wearing Crimson Cuisses (if he has it), and usually wear gear for mitigating magic attacks when not casting spell or using JA, since there's often some sort of -ga nuke involved. Change up gear according to what's being fought.
          Last edited by ItazuraNhomango; 07-10-2009, 12:47 PM.
          Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
          yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
          Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
          leaving no trace in the water.

          - Mugaku


          • #6
            Re: 70 PLD looking for help with gear questions

            I'd recommend prioritizing a straight magic damage- set over a fire resist set just in terms of overall usefulness, but pretty much agree with everything else posted above.

            Depending on your cash flow Knightly Earring is nice for Ichi, I already own a Buckler and have other junk to save for so I just use that, but would prefer the Knightly.

            Joyeuse will set you pretty much for good on anything you'll actually be engaging, anything that you will tank face to face but without engaging(occasionally TP feed or counters may be a concern) use the Macuahuitl.

            Don't bother with Adaman legs(in fact any piece of that set aside from the Gem Body you already have isn't worth picking up), Iron Ram Legs will set you in that slot until you get Homam.

            For rings I only use Jelly in my Ichi or bloodtanking builds, Bomb Queen Ring is nice when combined with other HP gear like a Gigant Mantle to make a Cure III swap for hate, generally I use Mermaid + Hercules or Acc rings.

            I usually idle in Hollow/Loquacious with Hades Earring swapped into my Flash/JAs. If you have access to Apocalypse Nigh, Etherreal is a very nice idle earring as well.
            Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

            Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

            Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia

