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Tarutaru PLD

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  • #31
    Re: Tarutaru PLD

    Missed the post previous to mine. Suppa.


    • #32
      Re: Tarutaru PLD

      Another question regarding PLD gear..I have been doing alot of campaign trying to reach my Wings Medal of Honor to purchase the campaign exclusive gear with Allied Notes. At first i wanted the full Cobra set (68) for the Acc. and Store TP for my BLU. This would be pretty difficult considering i am from Sandy(S) rather than Windy(S). However, now that i am leveling PLD i have been leaning more towards the Iron Ram set (68). Correct me if i am wrong but i believe thats the set of armor that contains HP, Enmity, and Magic DEF? Anyways from the BLU mage forums it seems to me that over time the Cobra set will be replaced (Homam, Morrigans, Relic etc etc.) so i figure i am already from Sandy(S), the Allied Notes gear will be cheaper, and it seems it will last me a good long time on PLD.What do you all think?Thank you in advance.
      ---Trying to level everything to 37---
      75WHM, 40BLM, 37SMN, 37SCH, 32BST, 32BLU, 37DNC, 32DRK, 32DRG, 32MNK, 32NIN, 32PLD, 37RNG, 37RDM, 32SAM, 37THF, 32WAR, 40COR, 37BRD, 1PUP.
      JOBS OF INTERESTS: BLU / PLD / COR / DNC / BST. [Tarutaru][Allright!]
      Sand'O'ria: Rank 10


      • #33
        Re: Tarutaru PLD

        Let me say it like this, The Iron Ram is Free, you get exp and stuff in the process of getting it, and it's 100% better than the Adaman gear in every way.

        So yes, Get the Iron Ram set. I'm starting with the legs, since I plan on using Dusk for Flash Macros, but the whole set is awesome.

        Everything gets replaced by other gear eventually, so don't worry about "being phased out."

        You need to focus on your needs at the moment. No use being gimp for a few months because you're "holding out for something better". Trust me, I was thinking the same way.

        Just rock out with what you can get when you can get it.
        The Tao of Ren
        FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

        If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
        Originally posted by Kaeko
        As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


        • #34
          Re: Tarutaru PLD

          So i was looking into getting a Paramount Earring for my Sinfender sword. The stats combined looked promising for a tarutaru PLD. I was thinking a Paramount/Ethereal combination for /WAR and Suppa/Ethereal for /NIN, and possibly /WAR for certain situations. Any thoughts?
          ---Trying to level everything to 37---
          75WHM, 40BLM, 37SMN, 37SCH, 32BST, 32BLU, 37DNC, 32DRK, 32DRG, 32MNK, 32NIN, 32PLD, 37RNG, 37RDM, 32SAM, 37THF, 32WAR, 40COR, 37BRD, 1PUP.
          JOBS OF INTERESTS: BLU / PLD / COR / DNC / BST. [Tarutaru][Allright!]
          Sand'O'ria: Rank 10


          • #35
            Re: Tarutaru PLD

            Looks very gimmicky. Unless the +Accuracy is high it won't outperform a Joyeuse, Company Sword or Organics.


            • #36
              Re: Tarutaru PLD

              Speaking of which, what are your thoughts on the Organics? I can snag one for 300k from a friend of mine.
              The Tao of Ren
              FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

              If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
              Originally posted by Kaeko
              As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


              • #37
                Re: Tarutaru PLD

                It's kind of a souped up fully-powered Company Sword which is even better for Dual Wielding due to the Attack+10 affecting both hands. I wouldn't single-wield it over a Joyeuse, but Dual Wielded, I think it's the best offensive non-relic main weapon we can get.

                It's a good sword but I sure as hell wasn't paying anywhere close to 1+ mill for one. If you can get one and it won't break your bank, go for it. I haven't checked the prices on Midgard lately. I should get me one. But I also have a lot of things to get with Ancient Beastcoins now that I have Sea access...

                That stupid 150 coin Flawless Ribbon is tempting me. There must be a reason for its obscene price.


                • #38
                  Re: Tarutaru PLD

                  I agree. Cheapest i have seen Organics was 1.1mil in someone's bazaar. Its very tempting but i am having a difficult time finding Chardy for the Joytoy. I very like the stat bonuses from the Paramount/Sinfender combo, but i guess its seem more of a bloodtanking combo considering the VIT, HP, and Acc bonus combined with the +5 shield skill from the sword. I may just end of picking it up for fun.
                  ---Trying to level everything to 37---
                  75WHM, 40BLM, 37SMN, 37SCH, 32BST, 32BLU, 37DNC, 32DRK, 32DRG, 32MNK, 32NIN, 32PLD, 37RNG, 37RDM, 32SAM, 37THF, 32WAR, 40COR, 37BRD, 1PUP.
                  JOBS OF INTERESTS: BLU / PLD / COR / DNC / BST. [Tarutaru][Allright!]
                  Sand'O'ria: Rank 10


                  • #39
                    Re: Tarutaru PLD

                    Thing is, VIT and Max HP don't really help you much. VIT is just ineffective and Max HP barely doesn't mean much if you're not at serious risk of OHKO. For something serious like HNMs you can't hurt well you'd be using an enmity paddle anyways.

                    I highly recommend you round up some friends and get a Joyeuse. It's a stupidly strong weapon. In the meantime, the sheer DPS of a Company Sword in a full party will do.

                    Getting ToD on Charybdis is easy, you just go AFK near the door in her spawn room, filter out everything and leave your character there overnight. The Conquest message shows up every hour, so you can count them to know between which two hours Charybdis was killed. The real trick is having enough people to kill it.


                    • #40
                      Re: Tarutaru PLD

                      You dont even need a lot of people, in fact, you DONT want a lot of people for Charby. Too much TP and she becomes a nasty bitch. When I go for Charby, i take the following setup: nin/war, thf/nin, rdm/blm, whm/blm, brd/whm. Between the blind, slow, paralyze, eva songs, and shadows, poor Charby cant even hit me or the THF LOL

                      But Armando here has a great point. that sword is insane for pld and also for rdm. Listen to Armando, for he is wise, and knowledgeable.
                      Originally posted by Van Wilder
                      Worrying is like a rocking chair, gives you something to do, but doesnt get you anywhere
                      Originally posted by Taskmage
                      No matter how far an ass travels he will never be a horse. Some people are just bad players and no amount of tools you give them will change that.
                      Hexx of Quetzalcoatl - 78PLD, 90NIN, 90WAR, 90SAM, 90BLU,90THF, 90SCH,90COR
                      I'M BACK BABY!


                      • #41
                        Re: Tarutaru PLD

                        Originally posted by Armando View Post
                        Max HP barely doesn't mean much if you're not at serious risk of OHKO. For something serious like HNMs you can't hurt well you'd be using an enmity paddle anyways.
                        Although not a deal breaker, higher max HP does mean less enmity loss when hit (for same amount of damage), for starters.

                        An HP gear macro is also good for temporarily creating space on HP bar so one can cure himself anytime, on demand. This is especially helpful when kiting. In tank party setup where the WHM can spare a non-emergency Devotion (or SAM willing to donate TP to non-Atonement tank for Chivalry use), this trick can be used generate enmity much faster than just Flashing and waiting for 'natural' chances to cure.

                        The combination of large MP pool and MP recovery from Devotion and/or Chivalry means that HP gear can help make a Tarutaru the fastest PLD/NIN at generating enmity. (That, or make WHMs mess with HP gear to create space on their HP bars--they should already have HP gear for their Devotion set anyway.) The importance of HP gear should not to be underestimated, especially for a Tarutaru PLD.

                        "The paddle" is generally the wrong choice when toe-to-toe tanking, at least for PLDs with Atonement unlocked. Unless a PLD truly cannot hit the monster or can only hit for 0, Joyeuse is the correct weapon, and Homam are some of the most sought after idle gear. TP to 100% then unload Atonement in full enmity gear is the way to go. Even in fights needing full time resist/MDB gear and Homam pieces are for recast only, I'd stick with Joyeuse if I have Atonement unlocked--the WS is that powerful of an enmity source.

                        By the way, enmity aside, OHKO isn't the only situation to worry about; Byakko has an uncanny ability to string a { Diaga -> Triple Attack (with 1+ crit) -> Claw Cyclone } combo on tanks. HP helps.

                        Originally posted by Armando View Post
                        I highly recommend you round up some friends and get a Joyeuse. It's a stupidly strong weapon.
                        Every PLD75 should get one at some point. It's that good.

                        Originally posted by hexx View Post
                        You dont even need a lot of people, in fact, you DONT want a lot of people for Charby. Too much TP and she becomes a nasty bitch. When I go for Charby, i take the following setup: nin/war, thf/nin, rdm/blm, whm/blm, brd/whm. Between the blind, slow, paralyze, eva songs, and shadows, poor Charby cant even hit me or the THF LOL.
                        Don't need THF; 100% drop rate. Properly geared NIN won't need the WHM, either.

                        NIN, RDM, and BRD can trio it with some patience and steady work. Probably safer with NIN/DNC, but NIN/WAR works, and works faster. RDM and BRD use /WHM, of course. Can swap out the NIN for THF/NIN or DNC/NIN if NIN not available, I think.
                        Last edited by ItazuraNhomango; 04-24-2009, 06:50 AM.
                        Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                        yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                        Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                        leaving no trace in the water.

                        - Mugaku


                        • #42
                          Re: Tarutaru PLD

                          I am in the process of getting the Joyeuse, i got some help but i just have a few concerns. My current party setup is RDM/WHM, WHM/SCH, and NIN/WAR. Would this setup suffice? The NIN preffered to come MNK/NIN preferably because between Byakkos (5%haste), Black Belt (12%haste), Fuma's (3%haste) Walmart Turban (5%) and Haste (15%haste) he could keep shadows up pretty smoothly and the timers are considerably low.

                          What do you guys think?

                          Its actually pretty cool, lol it looks like he has Hundred Fists active all the time.

                          Also the RDM/WHM has a 69BRD, im thinking maybe RDM/WHM would be better.
                          ---Trying to level everything to 37---
                          75WHM, 40BLM, 37SMN, 37SCH, 32BST, 32BLU, 37DNC, 32DRK, 32DRG, 32MNK, 32NIN, 32PLD, 37RNG, 37RDM, 32SAM, 37THF, 32WAR, 40COR, 37BRD, 1PUP.
                          JOBS OF INTERESTS: BLU / PLD / COR / DNC / BST. [Tarutaru][Allright!]
                          Sand'O'ria: Rank 10

