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Considering PLD

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  • Considering PLD

    OK, I had planned to level DNC to 75, but after months of being all over the game as COR/DNC, I'm really not feeling the need to take it all the way to 75. To be honest, COR/DNC just owns DNC in the face for most endgame "events." While DNC certainly has the edge on healing, COR and use is Quick Draws and Phantom Rolls to extend the advantages that Steps and Sambas provide, making the combo rather potent, so I've felt less and less of a need to level DNC as a main.

    I've given a lot of thought to persuing Death Penalty and while RNG and COR certainly are welcomed in a lot of endgame events, I still feel I need to have something else on Kitten's Resume just to have something else I can do.

    And so I'm looking at PLD. I have /WAR, /DNC, /WHM and /NIN ready, have a Joyeuse and a lfair but of Haste gear for it that I could use at intermediate and high levels. I also have full sword merits and plan to work out a few more MP merits.

    And now, some concerns:
    • How much would Sheild merits end up mattering? I have no space to add them, given Kitten is ranged attacker at heart.
    • I stupidly tossed Bibiki Shell on Kitten long, long ago. Will Rosenbergen be enough and are there other options for the ammo slot?
    • Do Mithra PLDs even get much attention? I have to admit, I've seen many out there, but I haven't seen them allowed to tank much of anything at high level outside of EXP/merits/campaign. They have the same VIT as a Taru, this much I do know and generally I've seen Elvaan/Galka end up being favored.
    • Aside from Jelly Ring, Hercules' Ring, Parade Gorget and the level 68 Iron Ram gear what other NM/quest items would I wish to seek out to prepare in advance?
    I still not sure PLD is what I want, but its certainly seems I have the means to do it. I really wish I could find another ranged attacker, but THF and SAM don't really do it for me at all >.> I guess this would be a "side job" much like DNC would have been, but it also like it would be more useful. I like DNC and all, it just seems like it has no place in high level content for the most part and would be outranked by what I currently have.

  • #2
    Re: Considering PLD

    I haven't experienced endgame yet so I can only address the Bibiki Seashell question. It sucks, but it's no big deal. 4 points of VIT will NEVER make or break anything; 1 point of VIT, much less so. The only time you'd really miss it would be against Aquan enemies.


    • #3
      Re: Considering PLD

      You could always use the Happy Egg BBQ. +1% HP and +1 VIT usable from lv 1 (and HP matters most by 75 when tanking those HNMs that simply have too much of a STR/LV advantage)

      SAM can be a pretty damned good ranged attacker BBQ, though it's mostly from using Soboro to build TP for Sidewinder and you seriously need archery merits and gear swaps (Melee TP gear and Ranged Acc) but I doubt you're a stranger to this.

      As for the shield skill I honestly can't say as I don't have much experience in it myself, though my PLD buddy swears by it.



      • #4
        Re: Considering PLD

        Well, the ulterior motive is to also pick a job that can put me close to parrying skill cap on COR. While it seems SAM is up there with NIN and THF in this regard, PLD would be facing the mob the most often and also have merits in its favor, even thought it only has B skill in parry. Only way COR gets parry skillups is if I solo or pull hate. If Campaign gave me parry skillups, I'd cap it eventually, but alas, no dice there.

        Also, I tend to dislike being a "bandwagon" job, I gravitate toward the niche roles. I also know the moment I mained SAM I'd become an instant role model on the LBR forum and linkshell. We were hip-deep in SAMs before Sekkanoki.
        Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 06-21-2008, 02:06 AM.


        • #5
          Re: Considering PLD

          there's Lamian Kaman +1 eventually as well

          Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


          • #6
            Re: Considering PLD

            Originally posted by eticket109 View Post
            there's Lamian Kaman +1 eventually as well
            Suddenly all the bows my RNG snickered at have a point!!!


            • #7
              Re: Considering PLD

              BBQ, I'd thoroughly recommend PLD! You've got all but one of the subjobs ready (the final one is RDM, but after three years of being a PLD, I have only just finished that myself as a sub).

              As you know, your levelling sub will be /WAR. Not having the Bibiki Seashell, although it will be a loss, is by no means job-breaking. As a kitty you'll probably be wanting to add a bit of HP+ here and there, so the egg will do you fine to 75, when you'll eventually swap to /NIN for most things. The Jelly Ring is great for /WAR, except when you start tanking the Eruca in Mount Zhayolm. Add in the usual heavy armour as you level, plus some VIT/DEF/AGI/Shield Skill bits and you're set all the way to 75. You can even use your AF all the way to 73.

              As /NIN at 75 you'll either go for Rosenbogen or Lamian Kaman (+1) for your ranged slot and you'll also need about 15% haste equipment, so you should be looking at the following bits of gear: Swift/Velocious Belt (Waist), Homam Manopolas or Dusk Gloves (Hands), Walahra Turban (Head) and Homam Cosciales (Legs). Homam is the prefered option due to the +enmity on the hands and the extra HP and MP on all Homam gear. Some PLD's also like to use the Homam Gambieras too in place of Gallant Leggings (+1). Ares's gear, especially the body, is something you'll want to aim for too.

              I can't remember how high mithra are in AGI, but I bet it's higher than my Galka, so lacking in Shield merits won't be too much of a problem for you, as the AGI will help with your shield blocks. As PLD you should also see your parrying fly up in level, but remember that PLD parrying rating is quite low, so when you eventually cap it on PLD, it will be well below your COR cap.

              Other gear you need to start looking out for, apart from what you mentioned in your last question and what I have mentioned above is stuff for enmity and MDT-/+MDB, plus a few other things. I find Boxer's Mantle very handy (for Shield skill), with Cerberus Mantle macroed in for enmity. Loquacious and Ethereal Earrings are also godsends. Get yourself a Harmonia's Torque for more enmity and a Shield Torque for when casting shadows. on the -MDT/+MDB side, go grab yourself a Resentment Cape early on (as you can also use whilst levelling as it has enmity on it), add in Merman's Rings and Earrings, plus your Iron Ram gear and a Lamian Kaman +1 and you'll be sorted.

              Finally, if you plan on meritting as PLD/NIN (unlikely, I guess as I'm sure your COR will be far more in demand), you'll want a DD/WS setup of some sort. A Company Sword to go with your Joyeuse, plus Suppanomimi, Haubergeon (+1), Rajas Ring, Ulthalam's Ring, will help, as well as some Heca gear for WS'es.

              I know that some of the stuff above may take you a good while to get and some of it you may not be able to get at all because you may or may not have made your CoP/DM/ToAU choices already, so apologies if you just wanted some quick and simple advice! Alternatives can be found though.

              As for your subjobs, and this is my own experience, at 75 now, I can't remember the last time I used /WAR. I'm almost always on /NIN nowadays, but for campaign, I switch to /DNC, which is absolutely ideal as it allows me to solo many mobs (not NM's and a few of the magic based mobs, of course). I've still to level my /WHM, but I've never really seen any need for it and have yet to use my /RDM, but do expect to at some point soon.

              Hope this helps!


              • #8
                Re: Considering PLD

                * How much would Sheild merits end up mattering? I have no space to add them, given Kitten is ranged attacker at heart.

                Shield skill merits can help you as it removes the need of having to get 8 more skill to get your shield over 300 (the area where your shield block rate caps on a Koenig Shield: 65%, which is also the same block rate for Aegis). However, there are a few equipment items that can help you get over 300 without the need of those Shield Skill Merits. Blocking really really helps you as a Paladin as it negates a huge amount of damage and reduces your spell interruption. However, if you're not doing end game at all, shield skill isn't gonna be that important. However, for end game, its highly recommended that you get some sort of build over 300 for those times where you need your shield capped. It doesn't have to be 300 all the time but if you can get it up next to it and then swap in more shield for important moments where you need that shield to be capped, try to.

                * I stupidly tossed Bibiki Shell on Kitten long, long ago. Will Rosenbergen be enough and are there other options for the ammo slot?

                Lamian Kaman is great for magic damage and even gives you some MP. You really don't need Bibiki Bay as that extra VIT might be beyond your caps at the point of where you just don't need it. Rosenbogen is enough if you really need something there.

                * Do Mithra PLDs even get much attention? I have to admit, I've seen many out there, but I haven't seen them allowed to tank much of anything at high level outside of EXP/merits/campaign. They have the same VIT as a Taru, this much I do know and generally I've seen Elvaan/Galka end up being favored.

                I'm a Taru PLD, I used to main tank a lot of things in my LSes. I haven't done so in awhile because now I'm focused on SAM. But, don't let races effect if you can do things or not, instead, adjust your play style and equipment accordingly. Besides, if I can survive Citadel Buster and make fun of all the other PLDs that can't, I think you could do it to. (Okay, so I got lucky with the resists.... but still! I survived it! >.>)

                * Aside from Jelly Ring, Hercules' Ring, Parade Gorget and the level 68 Iron Ram gear what other NM/quest items would I wish to seek out to prepare in advance?

                Limbus would be something you may want to consider for gearing your PLD. You don't need a big group for it or even a Linkshell. If you can plan out a strat to do Limbus zones for coins or AF1+1 materials, you can do it with as little as 5 people. Homam might be another problem but again, a well planned out group can kill it with very little players. From Limbus, you'd want Gallant Feet for that Shield Skill and probably the body if you don't have anything else. For Homam, you'd want the hands and the legs and maybe the feet.

                The only real AF2 you "REALLY" need are the feet as they can be macroed in for Sentinel and instead of 90% initial damage mitigation, it starts at 100%. So, if you have them and you're fighting a MNK NM for example, pop up Sentinel with the boots and be prepared to take 0 damage for a bit.

                As far as quests... nothing really comes to mind, Bomb Queen Ring is very nice, the Ethereal Earring from Apoc Nigh is also kinda cool to have but not very important. If you want to do a DD PLD, you might want to look into a Suppanomimi if you don't already have one and probably a Justice Sword to go with that Joytoy of yours. Otherwise, nothing else really comes to mind... OH, Swift Belt is nice too for if you wish to go the haste route with your PLD.
       - Casually Casual FFXI Playing... or something like that.


                • #9
                  Re: Considering PLD

                  Well, what I think I'm gonna do is get DNC to 60 and see how I really feel about continuing forward with it. There's really no rush to getting PLD to 75 and I do need to work out the RDM sub for COR anyway, And this would give me ample time to work out some of the Limbus Accessories, Iron Ram gear and NM stuff.

                  Homam's a tad ambitious, but I do have Dusk Hands, the turban and Swift Belt for Haste Build. I could snag Dusk feet as well, but as COR I was planning to hold out for Enkidu's Leggings. I would be wearing AF feet as PLD anyway, though, so perhaps PLD wouldn't need to worry there.


                  • #10
                    Re: Considering PLD

                    Another thing I should note about Limbus items.

                    Boxer's Mantle does look like a good replacement for Shield Merits but take note: There are some better capes out there like Resentment Cape or even High Breath Mantle. If you use the HBM, note that you can't swap Boxer's in as you would lose the HBR effect. Really, Boxer's is nice only as a macro thing to keep your shield skill high. You can keep it on full time too as long as you're not kiting and if you don't feel you need the extra enmity but otherwise, try to swap it in and out for where you want to block (Ichi Casting being a prime example)

                    Loq. Earring is also very nice but get it as your very last time. If you want to get Brutal or Boxer's or what not, get those out of the way first and save this for very last.

                    And finally, /RDM is very useful for PLD as well to sub. They can use it to tank certain mobs (Jailer of Love comes to mind) and its great for soloing... probably even deadly for Ballista if you were into that.
           - Casually Casual FFXI Playing... or something like that.


                    • #11
                      Re: Considering PLD

                      Just got Lance Corporal and Sentinel Shield caught my eye. I hear a lot of talk about sizes of shields and such, curious if this one is worthwhile.


                      • #12
                        Re: Considering PLD

                        Sentinel Shield isn't bad, it's not that great compared to the competition. 1 STR and 1 % Haste over R.K. Army Shield is practically intangible, and the R.K. Army Shield has 5 Def over it. Sentinel Shield looks much nicer. R.K. Army Shield is sellable. Sentinel Shield will ultimately be replaced by Iron Ram Shield at 60.

                        If you don't mind the 8k cost and the fact that you'll replace it eventually, go for it.


                        • #13
                          Re: Considering PLD

                          I only have 3 VIT less than the (totally awesome) PLDs in my Dynamis shell, but they have a crapload more DEF and VIT in gear.

                          So gear really makes all the difference.

                          You can forgo Haste gear until end-game, I never had much of a need for it in exp. I rarely get Haste, so I learned to live w/o it. (LOL.... sigh...)

                          Homam is definitely high on PLD List though if you want to go for it.

                          Oh and if you think that you'll raise Parry on PLD, just fugedaboutit. I haven't had a parrying skillup since 60.

                          Hell, the only time I get to raise Shield is by being beat on by Dynamis MNKs. Usually NMs. So I usually average .5-.8 skillups a death. ; ;
                          The Tao of Ren
                          FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                          If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                          Originally posted by Kaeko
                          As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                          • #14
                            Re: Considering PLD

                            Capping Parry takes forever... Getting a skill up is like rolling 20 die, and hoping they all land on 1. And then hoping one of those die doesn't roll off the table into teh abyss.
                            It's possible, but you've gotta be incredibly lucky to pull it off.


                            • #15
                              Re: Considering PLD

                              Just a bunch of patience and... well... a few shots to the face with Parry Skill. @_@

                              I managed to cap my Parry but I started playing PLD in 2005... now it's 2008 and I have 3 other jobs leveled to 75 along with PLD. >.>;

                              A long process indeed.
                     - Casually Casual FFXI Playing... or something like that.

