Re: This job is too easy.
Are we contributing to the argument or are we repeating what Feba and Mog have already said?
EDIT: Oh, no, don't get me wrong. I'm talking from level 20 until burn parties. NIN/DRK is a fine tank, as is PLD/NIN. Both keep hate very well.
It's not as though PLD needs help with invites. Or soloability. Or endgame (or mid-game) viability. They aren't super fantastic with the shield blocking though so suddenly we should feel give them a new spell that gives just over 50% shield activation normally?
Are we contributing to the argument or are we repeating what Feba and Mog have already said?
EDIT: Oh, no, don't get me wrong. I'm talking from level 20 until burn parties. NIN/DRK is a fine tank, as is PLD/NIN. Both keep hate very well.
It's not as though PLD needs help with invites. Or soloability. Or endgame (or mid-game) viability. They aren't super fantastic with the shield blocking though so suddenly we should feel give them a new spell that gives just over 50% shield activation normally?