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  • #16
    Re: Solo

    Originally posted by SevIfrit View Post
    Alot of the jps on my server solo as /bst in toa.
    Are there many decent pets for BST (or /BST) to charm in ToAU area?
    Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
    yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
    Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
    leaving no trace in the water.

    - Mugaku


    • #17
      Re: Solo

      yes the puk camp i have seen alot of /bst ppl make some good exp to bad my bst lvl fails lol. =/
      [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


      • #18
        Re: Solo

        I find as a taru pld that i can solo pretty well even at lvl 15. It might just be my MP though. I know as other jobs i couldnt solo DCs nearly as easily.


        • #19
          Re: Solo

          Most jobs can solo to 20, but the question really is whether or not you should. Some jobs would have PT skills to gain from partying that you can't exactly learn soloing and vice versa. Learning to tank and conserve MP early on is rather vital to you long term and some people never learn that.

          But at the same time PLs are a plague to this game and you can't find a PT without people telling to not voke off the PL (WTF, how do you ever learn to tank if you don't?) and generally don't learn to conserve mana properly as a result. So either way, you're not learning much from early PTs these days. I'm soloin BLM to 18 for my BLM just so I don't have to suffer the dunes. Been there and done BLM before, been there and done the WHM sub I'm levelling it for.


          • #20
            Re: Solo

            Soloing to 20 for any job isn't going to be detrimental to their long term career. You don't have that many abilities pre-20 anyway, so it's not like you're missing out on key job functions.

            If you're new, yeah, you should probably figure out how that whole "partying" thing the kids are all talking about works, but quite frankly, if you're soloing an advanced job to 20, you probably have already been in a party or two. You're not missing anything essential by waiting until 20 to party, and you're gaining a lot of peace of mind. And beastmen seals.

            The only two jobs that I wouldn't want to solo to 20 are WHM and BRD. It could be done, sure, but 16 is enough for me. By then I just want to get the teens over with.


            • #21
              Re: Solo

              I particularly like solo lower level jobs to cap skills that may lay by the side.

              I'm picking up all my jobs to 37 to decided what to level next, and while soloing them may take a little longer it gives me a chance to leveling everything. So far upto 25 (where I am in most jobs) I've capped every weapon, and all the other combat and magic skills.

              This way when I party I just bring one of each weapon and have every possible skillchain available and my accuracy and damage wont be suffering for it.

              Leveling nin without leveling throwing tought me this, I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with a volvo, much less a thf mob with a shurikein.

              Personally I feel solo gives you much more than partying does. You can try out each piece of equipment, each new ability, each type of food without worrying about effecting a party with poor performance.

              But a lot can be learned from partying as well, so I wouldn't totally seclude yourself form dunes parties. At least till you've been through a couple jobs to know the basics of each type of job. Now that I have, I'll never go there again, unless I'm doing Dynamis-Valkrum.


              • #22
                Re: Solo

                I'm on my like, 18th character so I feel justified in skipping the dunes, but I can totally see where someone else would benefit.


                • #23
                  Re: Solo

                  I had considered using alt characters before. Have a Galka Mnk, Taru Blm, Mithra Thf, etc until I did my first promy and everything that comes with CoP, Rank and RoZ missions.

                  But CoP alone convinced me that when I level my taru war that it's worth it to not have to do those again.

                  Then I find out that Limbus is nothing but Promy-hell <.<
                  Oh well, got 6 coins on my first run.


                  • #24
                    Re: Solo

                    I'd recommend new players go to dunes just to ease the boredom of soloing, and because you WILL look back and laugh on it in a year or two.

                    For more experienced players, it's their choice.

                    I wouldn't say PLs are a detriment, i'd say stupid people are a detriment. For example, leveling my NIN up to 37 I only tanked about half the time, so I never became very good at shadow tanking (well, compared to what I consider good anyway), and PLing would've had the same effect, so it wouldn't have been much of a detriment there.

                    When i'm leveling my WHM, I actually like PLs, because 1- I don't intend to take WHM farther than 37 (or maybe 40 something for teles. I really hate WHM though), and 2- My healing isn't getting any better. I might be a bad healer, but it has nothing to do with me being PLd, and everything to do with me hating the job.

                    Likewise, most experienced players know what different jobs have to do in a party, and even after 35 levels of PLing, would be fully capable of picking up on what's needed ASAP. Many new players, cannot.

                    PLing shouldn't be done liberally, but it shouldn't be seen as a sin either. An LS static, or a static of experienced players should have no shame in having a PL, but your standard "PL PLZ I BAUT GILZ I CAN PAY U 50K TO GET ME TO LEVEL TEN" obviously should be shunned and told to 'level yourself noob.'

