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Taru Pld help

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  • #31
    Re: Taru Pld help

    yeah, attack and agi earrings, like the other races. I don't prescribe to +HP gear in exp parties. Where the game is currently, about your greatest source of damage reduction is shield blocks. Agi enhances that. Taru AGI should give you a slight edge, but it seems once you've reached the high point of shielding rate, there's very little you can do to increase it. However, that not-so-soft cap of shielding rate prolly won't be reached 'til AF (or so I think). Armando can tell you more on that theory.

    Lifebelt @48, too. No PLD can turtle-up and expect to impress any more. Well, I think you're good to Turtle away for the first 40ish levels. After that you need to start thinking about how your small damage contributes to your hate and fight speed. This is what DirtyClown was trying to drive home before he got banned. He didn't want to see Taru PLDs just "keeping up" when all PLDs need to start taking on a 2nd role in a party.

    I originally stayed away from this topic because every Taru PLD thread I've ever seen has ended up with someone getting banned. I see now I should've spoke up sooner.
    "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


    • #32
      Re: Taru Pld help

      Yea i hope that wasnt my fault..... didnt want people to get banned i just wanted some hlp. What does turtling up mean lol ive seen it mentioned a few times and dont no what it means.
      Last edited by vampz; 01-12-2007, 08:27 AM. Reason: Forgot to mention

      San D Oria rank 3-1


      • #33
        Re: Taru Pld help

        You weren't baiting anyone vampz, so not your fault at all. Nor should you be afraid to ask for help. The road to 75 is a tough one for any race and any job, *AND* the game just gets more complex as time goes by, so asking questions is definitely a good idea if you want to keep up.


        • #34
          Re: Taru Pld help

          Originally posted by vampz View Post
          I am right now saving up to by Hope Earrings +1 and i was woundering if they are the earrings i should be saving up for, i no i should be going for HP+ items due to lack of hp but is there somethin better?
          That has nothing to do with the topic of this thread. Don't hijack.
          ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


          • #35
            Re: Taru Pld help

            Originally posted by vampz View Post
            Yea i hope that wasnt my fault..... didnt want people to get banned i just wanted some hlp. What does turtling up mean lol ive seen it mentioned a few times and dont no what it means.
            Turtling means to become huge in defensive with weak attack. You're kind of hurting the party by giving the mob more TP, which means more special moves from them. So you want decent damage with really good defence.

            Originally posted by Mog View Post
            That has nothing to do with the topic of this thread. Don't hijack.
            Lol, how is this off topic? the Thread's title is "Taru Pld help" and the question was made by the OP and it's still asking about his Taru PLD. So I don't see were that is off-topic. >.>

            The real irony is we are actually getting off-topic by asking how it's off-topic.
            Last edited by Macht; 01-12-2007, 09:55 AM.

            Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


            • #36
              Re: Taru Pld help

              There's no denying that Paladins get a significant amount of enmity from their attacks (which is why things like Life Belt are so good, since you get almost no enmity from a missed attack).

              For XP parties, you can't focus entirely on defense and HP - in fact I'd say that overcompensating on VIT/DEF/HP while neglecting ACC/ATK/STR makes your job harder, not easier, especially at higher levels when attackers gain more and more enmity due to higher damage. It becomes increasingly difficult to hold hate as you gain levels; you can really see this happening with NIN tanks. Paladins have a lot more tools to hold hate, and against XP-worthy enemies, you can still deal reasonable amounts of damage, which coupled with some +enmity, will do a lot for your performance.

              This sort of underscores the original point I made though - at a number of levels there are some very potent pieces of gear that can balance the scales for Tarutaru PLDs, but a lot of them are difficult to acquire, or just plain expensive (i.e. Cassie Earring). Unlike other races, it's really not advisable for Taru PLDs to ignore +HP, so you really have more stats to juggle - trying to get good enmity gain while maintaining decent Defense and Vitality, yet not sacrificing too much offensively. This is less of a problem for high HP/high STR/high VIT races like Elvaan or Galka. It's a thornier problem for Tarutaru, who are lacking in STR, VIT, and HP (and still need the same things other races need, like +Enmity and Accuracy).



              • #37
                Re: Taru Pld help

                Originally posted by Macht View Post

                Lol, how is this off topic? the Thread's title is "Taru Pld help" and the question was made by the OP and it's still asking about his Taru PLD. So I don't see were that is off-topic. >.>

                The real irony is we are actually getting off-topic by asking how it's off-topic.
                Whoops. Didn't realize this is the same poster as the OP. Sorry about that.

                If it was another person who is any race other than tarutaru, THEN it would be hijacking. XD
                ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                • #38
                  Re: Taru Pld help

                  Well, i am also a taru paladin and up till 20 i have not had any trouble at all. You Dont really need any too expensive gear (atleast at this lvl, i have no idea about higher lvls) , but the playstyle is a bit different. Your going to be curing yourself alot since you have more MP than other paladins and this helps make up for your lower HP. While the MP > HP earrings are not really required for most things its good to have for monsters like Pugils with nasty abilities like screwdriver, but i did not wear these earrings while fighting normal monsters. I found that the extra MP was more helpful in those situations.


                  • #39
                    Re: Taru Pld help

                    Last edited by Nataka; 04-19-2007, 06:21 AM.


                    • #40
                      Re: Taru Pld help

                      Here is the best advice from one Taru PLD to another...

                      F--K ALL THE HATERS! Let'em talk smack and try to make us lose hate.

                      Best advice to all the haters...

                      Sit back and "WITNESS THE SKILLS".
                      "Excellence is my presence, never tense, never hesitant."
                      - Christopher Wallace
                      "Even on the darkest nights, I have the heart to fight"
                      - Tupac Shakur
                      " A crowded dies a thousand deaths, a Solider dies but one." Only was to play...


                      • #41
                        Re: Taru Pld help

                        Originally posted by Keon View Post
                        Here is the best advice from one Taru PLD to another...

                        F--K ALL THE HATERS! Let'em talk smack and try to make us lose hate.

                        Best advice to all the haters...

                        Sit back and "WITNESS THE SKILLS".
                        What haters?

                        There was a heated discussion over HP disadvantage, but did anyone actually say it makes Tarutaru PLD unworkable? lol.
                        Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                        yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                        Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                        leaving no trace in the water.

                        - Mugaku


                        • #42
                          Re: Taru Pld help

                          Let me clarify. That was directed towards players who raze the taru PLD while in-game, not anything in the thread itself. Just having fun and poking at the players who think Taru PLD are worthless.

                          I was basically saying to ignore the critics and keep bangin' with the big boys. Taru PLD who hold their own always end up getting the respect they deserve.
                          "Excellence is my presence, never tense, never hesitant."
                          - Christopher Wallace
                          "Even on the darkest nights, I have the heart to fight"
                          - Tupac Shakur
                          " A crowded dies a thousand deaths, a Solider dies but one." Only was to play...


                          • #43
                            Re: Taru Pld help

                            taru can tank anything in this game, like any other race. skill+your support group = anything easy. Play it right, and you wont have any problems. (AKA dont focus on HP TOO MUCH,enimity>hp in most cases).

                            Any disadvantage has never been noticible in anything i've fought, and i've fought just about everything at this point HNM wise.
                            Weeee of Kujata(Main)
                            PLD 75
                            Ninja 75
                            RDM 75
                            THF: 75
                            RNG: 75
                            BST: 75
                            BLM: 70
                            BLM: 75
                            THF: 71
                            Heeeeeee(RL GF):
                            Mnk, BRD, WAR ,BLM: 75
                            Cooking: 96
                            ClothCraft 94+5
                   My Blog

                            Fyi: No Excalibur or aegis(working on aegis) rest is legit ;o

