I have hit level 30 as a whm and now ive totally changed what i wanted for my advanced job and i no its hard to level a race that can be one shot drop in later levels from what ive heard. I was woundering if anyone knows any good equipment or good places to farm for my equipment. Plus i also started levelin warrior to sub with Pld since i should get more pts with that combo.
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Taru Pld help
Re: Taru Pld help
I'd suggest you get the Tarutaru RSE. At least the body and legs. Other than pump vit and hp as much as you can. I'd get a warrior belt+1, a couple of vit rings, maybe some mp > hp earrings, a holy phial, and if you have one a happy egg. That's just a few things off the top of my head that comes to mind. Let me know how it goes ^^
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Re: Taru Pld help
Originally posted by vampz View PostI have hit level 30 as a whm and now ive totally changed what i wanted for my advanced job and i no its hard to level a race that can be one shot drop in later levels from what ive heard. I was woundering if anyone knows any good equipment or good places to farm for my equipment. Plus i also started levelin warrior to sub with Pld since i should get more pts with that combo.sigpic
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Re: Taru Pld help
First up, Taru's make fine Paladin, don't worry about that. You'll want a decent selection of gear, good food and skill at casting without getting interrupted....just like every other Paladin out there.
As for farming locations, as a Whm lvl 30, I've got 2 suggestions for you.
If you really want to just farm, your best bet may be the starter zones. Kill Bees for beehive chips and honey, or Saplings for seeds. It's not great gil per hour but anyone can do it with enough patience. The key with these mobs is that you can kill them and amass a stack of ingredients to sell reasonably quickly.
Better though is to find another way to make money. Grab a fishing rod and some little worms and pull up Moat Carp to sell on the AH for example. You can make gil faster, easier and safer that way generally.
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Re: Taru Pld help
Taru PLD tank just fine like other race ^^b
As for level WAR as subjob for PLD, treat WAR as your main job while you are leveling it to 37. Your experience or things your learn from leveling WAR will benefit your PLD. Level your WAR in a proper way ^^Server: Quetzalcoatl
Race: Hume Rank 7
75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU
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Re: Taru Pld help
Tarutaru make decent Paladins, but it should be noted that the gear you need to do so tends to be a bit more expensive than what's needed by other races, particularly in the 60+ range. If you equip your Tarutaru sufficiently you'll do fine; it's just somewhat harder to get what you need than most races since you need so much more specialized gear to perform well.
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Re: Taru Pld help
Originally posted by dirtyclown View PostIcemage, how come you're making it sound like he's got a tough time ahead of him when he doesn't? Stick to what you know, guy.
You can say all you like about Tarutaru being good paladins - I even said as much myself above, but aside from the larger base MP pool (which is a nice safety buffer but doesn't actually improve your performance once you hit Refresh/Evoker's Roll/Ballad II levels), Taru PLDs basically have to cover shortfalls in most of the stats that matter to PLDs (STR, VIT, HP). The difference isn't enormous, but you do have to deal with it as a Tarutaru, and there's a lot of ground to make up... and for the most part, "dealing with it" means you're going to need more expensive and more specialized gear if you want to perform as well as someone with a more balanced race for tanking.
Now, naturally, if you're a good player you can get around some of this since skill is still the most importact factor in performance, but if we're just factoring in raw stats and abilities, your average non-Taru PLD at any level will have more miscellaneous perks from gear than a Taru PLD will since they don't have as much of a pressing need to push up their defensive stats (VIT, HP) and can instead focus some energy on getting neat bonuses like Enmity+.
This is true of any job that is HP or MP dependent. Races that are naturally inclined towards a job will generally have an upper hand when choosing their gear - it's not an accident that Tarutaru make for slightly more effective BLMs and WHMs; they have the natural stats for the job, and every other race is just playing catch-up most of the time. Unfortunately for Tarutaru Paladins, the reverse is true for that job, since they literally have hundreds of HP to make up for by level 75; not an easy task considering most other races can wear similar gear and stay ahead in performance.
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Re: Taru Pld help
I'm not a Tarutaru, nor am I especially qualified to talk much about Paladin. I am however, a Galka White Mage, so I know a little something about leveling jobs not fitted for one's race. What Icemage says is 100% correct, Taru PLD will require harder work...which is not to say they can not be good, because I've healed for Taru tanks that put other races to shame.
However, make no mistake, it can prove a difficult road to travel, but you will find that leveling and adapting to your racial weaknesses, in the end, will make you a better Paladin than Elvaans/Galkas, or the Taru mages I continue to out perform, who rely on their race choice to substitute for their lack of skills.
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Re: Taru Pld help
Originally posted by Icemage View PostMaybe because there's three Taru PLD75s in my HNMLS who do a great job and I see what they have to go through to work their magic?
Originally posted by IcemageYou can say all you like about Tarutaru being good paladins - I even said as much myself above, but aside from the larger base MP pool (which is a nice safety buffer but doesn't actually improve your performance once you hit Refresh/Evoker's Roll/Ballad II levels), Taru PLDs basically have to cover shortfalls in most of the stats that matter to PLDs (STR, VIT, HP). The difference isn't enormous, but you do have to deal with it as a Tarutaru, and there's a lot of ground to make up... and for the most part, "dealing with it" means you're going to need more expensive and more specialized gear if you want to perform as well as someone with a more balanced race for tanking.
tl;dr version: Lurk moar.sigpic
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Re: Taru Pld help
A lot of ground = around 300 HP at level 75 compared to a Galka Paladin give or take if you factor in the useful pieces of racial gear. It's not enormous - you CAN get to a point where you're perfectly functional and effective, and some wise gear choices can get you part of the way there.
Nonetheless, as a Tarutaru where are you going to find those 300 HP? Koenig armor? Gigant Mantle? Bomb Queen Ring? These items don't exactly grow on trees, and their lower level analogs aren't much easier to acquire.
I spend quite a large percentage of my playing time going after hard-to-acquire gears just like this, and I'm lucky enough to play with a group that honestly enjoys doing so and is successful at it. That doesn't give me any delusions about how hard or expensive these things are to acquire, which you seem to think is just a walk in the park.
As for your point about taking damage - absolutely, the damage taken by decently equipped Taru paladins is almost exactly equal to what other similarly equipped races will take. A few points here or there isn't going to make a big difference overall.
What IS a consideration is how you and your healers behave. For Paladins, the biggest problem is overcuring; both for the Paladin and for any healers. Less max HP means you have less of a cushion to soak up damage and make maximum use of incoming healing spells.
I love Tarutaru Paladin tanks that know what they're doing because they typically have a larger MP reserve to cover if things get out of hand. However, there's no denying that I also dislike them because unless they are very well equipped, it's harder to keep them alive efficiently, particularly in XP parties. This isn't a one-shot problem; it's the fact that any time your tank gets below 50% HP or so, you start to worry, and that happens noticeably faster on Tarutaru than with other races. This causes a lot of missed cues, overcures, and stresses out your support and healing party members.
I've played both WHM and RDM to 75 and healed for more Paladins of every race than I can even recall, so I can tell you from personal experience; there is a distinct and very visible playstyle difference between Taru PLD and Elvaan or Galka PLD. I can be a lot more conservative with high-HP tanks - wait a bit longer, and make sure my Cures and Regens give maximum effect for MP spent. With Tarutaru Paladins who don't have top-notch gear, I always end up watching them like hawks to make sure they don't get into trouble while I'm casting something time-consuming like Regen III.
You want the difference? There's your difference.
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Re: Taru Pld help
Originally posted by Icemage View PostA lot of ground = around 300 HP at level 75
OP, if you're still reading, here's some advice you can really use at all levels, not just 75. Grab some decent gear, don't skimp on anything that gives + enmity, and above all, don't turtle up. I sincerely hope that you enjoy this job, and if you've got any questions, don't hesitate to ask your fellow tanks.sigpic
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Re: Taru Pld help
Originally posted by dirtyclown View PostYour entire point has just been invalidated. Let's talk about endgame in a thread started by someone who's a new Paladin, because every thread should degrade into endgame discussion. Yay!
It starts at level 1 and grows progressively wider as you gain levels - which means to stay on pace with other higher-HP races, you're going to have to spend some extra time on your gear.
This isn't an issue that you can just put off and worry about at level 75. It's an issue you (and everyone assigned to keep you alive) will have to deal with every time you take a hit.
But thanks for jumping to pointless and inaccurate conclusions.
To the OP: Yes, you'll do fine as a Tarutaru Paladin. Just pay attention to what's happening in your parties, make sure you pick up important pieces of HP-boosting gear if at all possible, and ask questions here if you're not sure what to do.
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Re: Taru Pld help
Well to me, having to buy HP gear to get your HP at the level of a galka or an elvaan is futile, because the galka or elvaan - instead of having to fill up slots w/HP gear can get other benificial gear - the taru will always be tryin to catch up to the stats. Just like a Elvaan tryin to catch up to a taru blm - elvaans gotta load up on +int where the taru can load up on Magic acc, etc because they already have the base int. I'm not saying you can't do it - because I myself do like blm as an elvaan, but you really do have to understand that you will never be as good as a race that is meant to play that job as long as the players are of equal skill. In other words taru pld vs galka pld = galka better (taking into account both players are equal)
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