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Maat - By The Numbers

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  • Maat - By The Numbers

    I decided today, after a glance at Mithrapride, that tonight I'd take my first shot at Maat. 7:38pm started Lightsday Full Moon which seemed like an auspicious time to try.

    For gear I went in with the following:
    Weapon: Company Sword
    Shield: T.K. Shield +1
    Ranged: none
    Ammo: Bibiki Seashell
    Head: Gallant Coronet
    Neck: Royal Guard's Collar
    Earring: Drone Earring x2
    Body: Gallant Surcoat
    Hands: Gallant Gauntlets
    Left Ring: Hercules Ring
    Right Ring: Chrysoberl Ring
    Back: Amemet Mantle
    Waist: Life belt
    Legs: Gallant Breeches
    Feet: Gallant Leggings:

    Food: Carbonara

    Drinks: Yagudo Drinks x5 (drank 2), Persikos au Lait x2 (drank 1, lasted the whole fight)

    Medicines: Icarus Wing x1 (used), Hi-Potions x22 (used 7), Vile Elixir (did not use), Vile Elixir +1 (did not use)

    Other Gear: Light Staff, Dark Staff, Paladin testimony

    My strategy was pretty simple:
    - Equip Light Staff
    - Trade Testimony to Maat
    - Trade Testimony to Burning Circle
    - Eat Carbonara
    - Drink Persikos au Lait
    - Drink Yagudo Drink
    - Cast Cure 2 to fill in Carbonara hp (could have skipped this I think - it's what I had the Light Staff along for though)
    - Cast Protect IV
    - Cast Shell III
    - Equip Dark Staff
    - Rest to near full mp.
    - Get up
    - Equip Company Sword and T.K. Shield +1
    - Eyeball gear to make sure everything's on.
    - Run to Maat and Engage (mp is full by this point)
    - Use Cure III for maximally efficient healing while keeping hp high.
    - Once 100% tp is reached use Vorpal Blade (in reality got a little delayed by Maat's Flash).
    - Eat Icarus Wing and use Vorpal Blade again (got very delayed as Maat used Invincible right after I ate the wing).
    - Use Sentinel after Invincible and kite Maat until Sentinel wears off.
    - (Used Vorpal Blade at this point)
    - Build up TP switching to Hi-Potions when MP taps out (forgot to gulp another Yag at first - might not have needed Hi-Pots at all if I'd remembered).
    - Hit Maat with 3rd Vorpal Blade when TP is ready and just slug it out from there.
    Maat wound up giving up just as I reach 100% tp for the 4th Vorpal Blade, so it never got thrown.

    My numbers on him looked like this:
    32, 47, 107, 93, 21 (Shield Bash to interrupt Banish 2 - should have saved vs a Cure 4), 34, 43, 42, 53, 30, 45, 47, 47, 217 (1st Vorpal Blade), 29, 45, 35, 41, 305 (2nd Vorpal, Icarus powered), 52, 47, 42, 47, 46, 50, 47, 227 (3rd Vorpal), 47, 40, 50, 47, 30, 47, 51 -> Win

    Maat's numbers on me looked like:
    106, 36, 96, 45 (Maat's Bash), 105, 101, 34 (Banish 2), 106, 86, 80, 36, 31, 103, 68 (Banish 2), 37 (Maat's Bash), 45, 74, 75, 86, 71, 39, 106, 106, 102 (Maat's Bash), 106, 45, 69, 74 (Banish 2), 104, 106, 106, 66 (Maat's Bash), 84, 166 (crit hit), 91, 106, 25, 25, 40 (Weapon Skill: Tackle), 85, 106, 25 - Done

    My Cures were:
    Cure3 - 191, Cure3 - 191, Cure3 - 191, Cure3 - 162, Cure3 - 191, Cure3 - 191, Cure3 - 191, Cure3 - 191, Hi-Pot 100, Hi-Pot 100, Hi-Pot 100, Hi-Pot 100, Hi-Pot 100, Hi-Pot 100, >Win<, Hi-Pot 100 (yep - wasted one).

    Total Numbers Looked Like This:
    Slip's Damage Dealt: 2,172
    Maat's Damage Dealt: 3,203
    Slip's Curing: Cure 3 = 1,499, Hi-Potions = 700 = 2,499 total + healing from Persikos
    Final HP = 682
    Fight Time: 7 minutes and 25 seconds (record is current 5 minutes 53 seconds)

    My Take-Aways from the fight are:
    - Carbonara was a decent food but I seemed to take some pretty hefty damage as a result of having no +Def. A lot of Maat's hits were 106 which seems to be a soft cap on damage for him. Ultimately it was no big deal as I had plenty of mp and hi-potion based healing available to keep me in good shape.
    - Maat's Bash can deal a lot more damage than Shield Bash. Since it can also strike through Invincible it's worth keeping your hp about 170 or so even then.
    - I never had to Invincible or use Elixirs - a steady stream of Cures/Potions in between Maat's hits was plenty to keep me up even with no emphasis on Def or Vit.
    - Artifact armor was fine for this fight. I had a few bits of DD gear but nothing all that pricey or special. I'd guess that the guy who holds the record was probably geared to the hilt for damage but if you just want to break G5 that's not even vaguely required.
    - 22 Hi-Potions is way overkill but it makes a very nice security blanket. I didn't have to think or plan about using them, my mp ran out and I knew I was perfectly good to go with burning 1 Hi-Pot for every hit Maat connected with.
    - The old myth of 4 weapon skills being required to beat Maat isn't true. Either it was time based or he has a little over 2k hp before he gave it.
    - The Opo-opo Necklace -> Sleeping Potion trick isn't needed either. I gained 100% fast enough without it and surviving the damage Maat did in the meantime was a cakewalk.
    - For a faster fight time, Mulsum's might have helped - I "wasted" a bit of time resting back the mp for the Cure2 + Prot4 + Shell 3. If you're not desperate to break the record though the "wasted" time is no big deal.
    - For a weapon I went with the Company Sword for the higher base damage and better Vorpal Blades. In practice I think an Espadon +1 would probably work just as well.

  • #2
    Re: Maat - By The Numbers

    grats on win :D

