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A DD/healer role experiment

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  • A DD/healer role experiment

    Today I made a PT where I was in a DD/healer role.

    Maju: 74PLD/WAR
    Ravion: 75NIN/WAR
    Thandere: 75WAR/NIN
    Megazero: 75WAR/NIN
    Sagiri: 74BRD/WHM
    Allowei (not visible in parse): 74BRD/WHM

    As you can see it's quite a TP burn. We camped at the Jade Sepulcher zone in Bhaflau Thickets. Our highest XP/h without exp rings according to Expwatch was ~11400/h.

    My DD gear for TP building:
    Company Sword
    Royal Guard's Collar
    Assault Earring
    Royal Knight's Mufflers
    Sniper's Ring
    Venerer Ring
    Life Belt
    Royal Knight's Breeches
    Psilos Mantle

    For WS (Vorpal Blade) I switched in a Ruby Ring and a Sun Ring. At first I also switched Life Belt out for Warwolf, but I felt my Vorpal accuracy suffered too much from it.

    Food used: Sis Kebabi
    Songs played by BRDs: 2x Minuet, Madrigal, March

    I think I did quite alright. I'm still missing some pieces from my DD kit because I ran out of gil (damn you AH undercutters who make selling things impossible!), so I might have better gear next time. I was also the only L74 melee in the PT while the other melees were 75 with merits.
    Last edited by Maju; 09-14-2006, 01:28 PM.

  • #2
    Re: A DD/healer role experiment

    Nice job. I have yet to even come close to those kinds of numbers of experience points per hour.

    I got a few questions:
    So basically, you were the main healer? Do you think a Galka could do this with a similar party set up, or do you think I would struggle with my mp pool?


    • #3
      Re: A DD/healer role experiment

      wow 2 Brd. 4 songs? add a cor and that will be uber fun.
      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

      - Pablo Picasso


      • #4
        Re: A DD/healer role experiment

        Originally posted by Jei View Post
        wow 2 Brd. 4 songs? add a cor and that will be uber fun.
        That COR better be up to par with DD otherwise adding a COR is redundant. for TP burn. You mean swap one of the BRDs for a COR.


        • #5
          Re: A DD/healer role experiment

          Originally posted by Davitron3000 View Post
          Nice job. I have yet to even come close to those kinds of numbers of experience points per hour.
          I got a few questions:
          So basically, you were the main healer? Do you think a Galka could do this with a similar party set up, or do you think I would struggle with my mp pool?
          Bear in mind that Maju had TWO BRD/WHMs for backup though. Replace one of the Bards with a RDM, and I think you'd be fine with just a bit of gear to boost MP - maybe just Dune Bracers or a Desert Rope. Anything that pushes you up around 250MP should be more than adequate - enough to cast a couple Cure IVs in an emergency with a bit of extra leeway.

          I've personally earned 14K+/hr with a PLD/NIN in TP-burn, though I was playing RDM at the time. The XP numbers speak for themselves as far as the naysayers who say PLD/NIN will gimp a TP-burn. Even though the damage output from PLD/NIN isn't spectacular, it doesn't have to be because you're doing something more important - keeping chains alive. I consider the damage to be gravy.



          • #6
            Re: A DD/healer role experiment

            Originally posted by Icemage View Post
            Bear in mind that Maju had TWO BRD/WHMs for backup though. Replace one of the Bards with a RDM, and I think you'd be fine with just a bit of gear to boost MP - maybe just Dune Bracers or a Desert Rope. Anything that pushes you up around 250MP should be more than adequate - enough to cast a couple Cure IVs in an emergency with a bit of extra leeway.
            Neither of the bards ever sung Ballad, though, so I always had the melee songs only. The other one was always busy pulling and the other one would melee with us. Sometimes I would retreat from the fight and sit down to regain MP, but I didn't have to do it very much.


            • #7
              Re: A DD/healer role experiment

              Thanks for that info. I don't do many experience parties on my Paladin anymore, but occasionally I need to get my buffer up there or I just feel like trying to get merits.

              Maju, I have also done parties where I was the pseudo DD/tank as a Pld/War. I basically tried to balance DD gear, Enmity gear, and Shield Skill. (this may have been talked about on here before, so sorry if it has) My idea was to try to use a balance of + enmity backed with some DD gear to help hold hate, and as much + Shield as I could use to help my gain TP. We fought Trolls and it worked really well for me. I don't know exact experience per hour but it was on the better merit parties I have been in.

              My gear set up was:

              Head: Optical Hat
              Hands: Gallant Gauntlets
              Body: Haubergeon
              Legs: Galliard Trousers (nice + acc and free if you farm pop item)
              Feet: Gallant Leggings
              Earrings: Suppa/Buckler ( + shield and + sword skill )
              Rings: Sattva/Hercules
              Weapon: Company
              Sub: Keonig (for the + enmity and more shield blocks over Tatami)
              Ranged: Rosenbogen
              Ammo: none
              Waist: Warwolf
              Back: Boxers Mantle

              I have a couple of shield merits also, so with a fairly high shield skill and decent acc (I used sole sushi also) I was able to build tp fairly fast. My party was somewhat suprised with my hate holding and tp building with this set up.


              • #8
                Re: A DD/healer role experiment

                if your brd are given you 2x minuet & 2x march, just take out kinkonbo when you need mp, get 100 tp once and spirit taker, and switch back to your sword, you will never have to rest
                Weeee of Kujata(Main)
                PLD 75
                Ninja 75
                RDM 75
                THF: 75
                RNG: 75
                BST: 75
                BLM: 70
                BLM: 75
                THF: 71
                Heeeeeee(RL GF):
                Mnk, BRD, WAR ,BLM: 75
                Cooking: 96
                ClothCraft 94+5
       My Blog

                Fyi: No Excalibur or aegis(working on aegis) rest is legit ;o


                • #9
                  Re: A DD/healer role experiment

                  Originally posted by Weeeekujata View Post
                  if your brd are given you 2x minuet & 2x march, just take out kinkonbo when you need mp, get 100 tp once and spirit taker, and switch back to your sword, you will never have to rest
                  Good idea. Unfortunately I don't have any staff skill.


                  • #10
                    Re: A DD/healer role experiment

                    Another go:

                    Amara: 75WAR/NIN (had a Ridill and was in every way pimped out)
                    Maju: 75PLD/WAR
                    Toyonyo: 75NIN/WAR
                    Ainak: 75WAR/NIN
                    Wilza: 75RDM/BLM
                    Allowei (again not in parse): BRD/WHM

                    My gear was otherwise the same as before except I managed to get myself a Minuet Earring. I was again eating Sis Kebabi.

                    This party was a pain in the ass to parse since members changed so frequently. I forgot to stop parsing every time someone was replaced so I had to scrap lots of good data. That is why this parse comes from only 12 fights.

                    We camped at the troll fortress in Mount Zhayolm. Unfortunately they did not pop fast enough so we peaked around ~9k/h without exp rings.

                    The presence of Amara clearly had an effect on my damage dealt percentage. As a nice little detail I cured more than the RDM.

                    It's quite obvious that this type of PT is more or less superior to one where the PLD is tanking. Sure, you can come close tanking but in the end a TP burn always wins. It's pretty sad, really.


                    • #11
                      Re: A DD/healer role experiment

                      Originally posted by Maju View Post
                      Another go:
                      Amara: 75WAR/NIN (had a Ridill and was in every way pimped out)
                      Amara is(was? haven't seen him in a while) in ParadiseOblivion, formerly one of the best HNMLS on Midgardsormr. His gear is very good (and if you think his WAR gear is good, ask him to show you his PLD gear sometime ).

                      It's quite obvious that this type of PT is more or less superior to one where the PLD is tanking. Sure, you can come close tanking but in the end a TP burn always wins. It's pretty sad, really.
                      Truth. Anyone who doubts that Utsusemi is a game-breaking mechanic is welcome to show me what sort of PLD-blood tanking XP party can make chain 100+...



                      • #12
                        Re: A DD/healer role experiment

                        Game-breaking mechanic only for those who want the same amount of xp as burn parties, normal parties keep working like usual (around 6-8k/hr without xp ring).

                        Btw, these setups look like fun.

                        So PLD becomes a DD/healer in this kind of setup huh? Not my kind of party as a PLD but it would be fun to try if I ever wanna go DD.
                        "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                        Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                        • #13
                          Re: A DD/healer role experiment

                          I keep collecting gear to do these kinds of parties, but I never get invited to DD as /NIN. Usually I'm invited to tank. Then I go with the DD/tank setup and PLD/WAR.

                          Main: Joy-toy
                          Sub: Koenig Shield
                          Ranged: Bibiki Seashell
                          Head: Valor Coronet or O-hate. Depends on how hard I get hit, and whether I can use meat or not. I swap in O-hate for WS.
                          Neck: Shield Torque, Soil Gorget for WS
                          Earring 1: Etheral Earring
                          Earring 2: Kinght's Earring, Hospitaler's Earring for cures
                          Body: Byrnie or Haubergeon. I prefer Byrnie with sushi. I just don't feel my acc is enough with meat. I have an RPG curse where my acc always sucks. Valor Surcoat for Cover. I'd like a Hecatomb for WS.
                          Hands: Homam. Tarrasque Mitts for WS. I'd like Hecatomb to compare with WS.
                          Ring 1: Sattva ring
                          Ring 2: Woodsman Ring. I don't swap rings for WS while tanking.
                          Back: Boxer's Mantle or Amemt+1. Depends on how hard the mob hits. Amemet swapped in for WS.
                          Belt: Swordbelt+1, Lifebelt, or Warwolf. Depends on the situation. I don't swap in this slot when tanking. I want a Swiftbelt, with Swordbelt+1 or Warwolf for WS.
                          Legs: Valor Breeches.
                          Feet: Gallant Leggings. I swap in Hecatomb for WS.

                          I'd also like to give Homam pieces a try in the head, legs, and feet slots to see if the speed, along with using meat, would be even better.

                          For PLD/NIN DD'ing:
                          Main: Company
                          Sub: Joy-toy
                          Ranged: bibiki Seashell still >.>
                          Head: Homam. O-hat for WS (I'll never be able to get Heca cap). My acc curse prevents me from ever having enough acc.
                          Neck: RG Collar. I'd like a Fortitude torque. I have Soil Gorget for WS.
                          Earring 1: Etheral Earring
                          Earring 2: Brutal Earring, with Hospitaler's for Cures
                          Body: Byrnie and Hauby. I'd use Hauby more if I have more Homan. I'd like Hecatomb for WS.
                          Hands: Homam. Tarrasque for WS, but I'd rather have Hecatomb.
                          Ring 1: Woodsman ring. Ruby for WS.
                          Ring 2: Venerer Ring. Ruby for WS.
                          Back: Amemet+1
                          Waist: Swordbelt+1 or Lifebelt. Typically Sushi+Byrnie+Swordbelt+1. I'd liek a Swiftbelt. Warwolf for WS.
                          Legs: Valor Breeches. I want Homan, with Valor being WS swap.
                          Feet: Valor Leggings. I haven't got Amir do to lack of Assaults, and I'm holding off for Homan, since I'd toss Amir after getting Homan. I have Hecatomb for WS already.

                          I'd also like to see just how fast a PLD/WAR with Joy-toy and Homan could attack pimped out in haste. I helped with an NM once, and got double march(haste song) and haste.. With just my one piece of homan, any double attacks made me look like I had hundred fists on. It was crazy.
                          Last edited by csBahamut; 09-20-2006, 01:05 PM. Reason: Just got Homan Head last night.

                          Be like a Paladin.
                          Take the hit, shrug it off, and ask if their mom hits any harder.


                          • #14
                            Re: A DD/healer role experiment

                            I would like to see the attack speed of a Pld/nin with Homan, dual wielding Justice Sword and Joyeuse Fun times.

