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PLD/BLU - Early testing and theories

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  • PLD/BLU - Early testing and theories

    My BLU job hit 30 last night, and that means it's capped for my 60 PLD. Although I don't intend on continuing my PLD journey yet, I've been rambling on and on about the possibilities of /BLU for PLDs and WARs for a few weeks now. Since my BLU sub is now fully powered, I've begun doing a few experiments concerning the efficiency and application of physical blue magic spells when subbed. Basically, this thread is here to post my findings and discuss the possibilities. If you do your own testing, by all means, feel free to share it here as well. Knowledge is power, after all.

    To make sure we're all on the same page, let's start with what we already know about physical blue magic. Once again, the geniuses of Studio Gobli have already figured out the general formulas as well as a large portion of the specific stats of each spell. VZX took the liberty of translating the info; you can find it all at his site. Most of what I know about blue magic comes from that information. Basically, the damage formula for any given physical blue spell boils down to:

    ---Feel free to skip this part if you already know how the formula works---

    [(D + fSTR + Stat modifiers) * fTP] * PDIF

    Looks just like the WS formula, huh?

    D stands for DMG. No, not your weapon's DMG. It's a DMG value calculated with your Blue Magic Skill: [(Skill * 0.11) * 2] + 3. Each spell has a maximum DMG. At 30 BLU, Blue Magic Skill caps out at 83, which is 23 DMG. That means that at level 30, the DMG for your spells up to Claw Cyclone is capped. I'm mainly using Head Butt and Bludgeon, so we can just use their max DMG values (17 and 21 respectively) in the calculations.

    Most of you should already be familiar with stat modifiers - a certain percentage of your stats that gets added to your DMG. The stat mods differ from spell to spell, just like they do from WS to WS. The correct way to calculate it is to multiply each stat by the percentage that corresponds to it, add the products together, drop all decimals, multiply that by the level correction factor (0.90 for level 60) and drop all decimals again.

    Then there's fSTR. For normal meleeing, fSTR tends to go up by 1 for each 4-6 points of STR you add. Also, weapons are divided into "ranks" given by their DMG/9. The higher the weapon's rank, the higher its fSTR cap (8 + Rank) and the earlier you start getting positive fSTRs (for example, a Rank 4 weapon achieves an fSTR of 1 at -11 STR, whereas a Rank 1 weapon needs -4 STR.) However, my testing suggests that Blue spells actually don't have a cap at all. Just this morning I did a Feather Storm for 390 damage which had an fSTR2 of 38 (refer to the ranged calculations section of VZX's site for the difference between fSTR and fSTR2). Since Blue Spells don't seem to be bound by ranks and caps, I currently don't know at which STR-VIT values you'd have X fSTR.

    fTP is basically the spell's multiplier. This only applies to the first hit. Since you can't use Burst Affinity with /BLU sub, always use the TP = 0 values. According to Studio Gobli's info, using a spell from a mob family that beats the target's mob family adds 0.25 to the spell's fTP, and the opposite applies if the mob's family is strong to the spell's type. Mob family also affects the spell's accuracy.

    Then there's PDIF. Blue spells use the same PDIF ranges as physical melee swings. However, there's one big difference: while PDIF is normally calculated using your Attack and the mob's Defense, for blue spells, a different attack stat based on your Blue Magic skill is used. In other words, Attack (and by consequence Berserk, food, gear, etc.) has absolutely no effect on physical blue magic damage; only the mob's Defense. My tests suggest that the value for the "attack" stat that gets used in blue magic is 8 + STR/2 + (Skill). As some of you may already know, that's also the formula for your base Attack stat.

    ---Explanation ends here---

    Right. Now on to the meat of the dicussion. I started out testing Studio Gobli's formulas by doing SA'd Foot Kicks and point-blank Feather Storms on Savanna Rarabs. Basically, I was getting consistent 3.0 PDIF on both spells. Everything added up neatly except for one thing - my fSTR was higher than it should be. That is, its value was higher than both the fSTR cap for my weapon, and what the fSTR cap for a weapon with the spell's max DMG would be. After messing around a lot with Feather Storm, I reached the conclusion that if there is a cap on fSTR, reaching it isn't feasable.

    I was busy after that, but after returning in-game and helping Ashly (a good friend whom I met when asking random SAMs to help me with my skillchain damage tests) with her AF weapon, she returned the favor by helping me out with my tests. She changed to her 62 RDM and we set out to Wajaom Woodlands. I had two goals: 1) to get a feel for the damage I can expect from subbed spells on VT mobs, and 2) isolate the value for the attack stat used in blue spells. The fights were long (since it was basically just me vs the mob when it came to damage) and we got a bit sidetracked/distracted, so right now I only have parses against three mobs. I'll attach the parses to this post, as usual.

    I went as PLD60/BLU 30. The details are as follow:

    Total Stats:
    HP 1165
    MP 259
    STR 65+5
    DEX 45+13
    VIT 66+11
    AGI 34+11
    INT 34
    MND 62+4
    CHR 55+8

    Attack 255
    Accuracy: (202 from skill + 29 from DEX + 22 from gear) + 15% from sushi = 290
    Defense: (313 base + 40 from Pro.III) * 1.5 (Cocoon) = 529

    Sprout Smack
    Wild Oats
    Battle Dance
    Head Butt
    Feather Storm
    Bomb Toss

    Food: Squid Sushi (already taken into account in the stats)

    Now, on to the details of the first fight. It was against a (T) Lesser Colibri. These range from 63-65, and at level 60 a mob 4 levels higher starts checking as VT, so it must've been Lv.63. I had originally intended to stick to Head Butt and Feather Storm and ignore Bludgeon (since Bludgeon is a three-hitter and only shows me the sum of the damage, it's not useful for finding PDIF, fSTR, etc.). However, I couldn't land a single Feather Storm for reasons that still escape me, and halfway through the fight I decided that I had to kill it faster. So, I started alternating Bludgeon and Head Butt instead. Total melee damage: 1958. Total spell damage: 978. It's not hard to see that through blue magic spam, I increased my damage significantly. Ok, so Blue magic isn't a lost cause when subbed. However, I wanted to try to figure out the mob's Defense by falling into the PDIF tier in which mobs start to check High Defense, since in that tier, your max PDIF is always 1.0, which lets you figure out your fSTR easily (see this PDIF chart to see what I mean.) The colibri wasn't high defense, but I was hoping the level difference penalty would bump my Attack/Defense ratio low enough. This wasn't the case.

    And so, I tried a VT colibri. Since I pretty much gave up on Feather Storm, I decided to just spam Head Butt/Bludgeon all the way. The damage came out much closer: 1595 melee damage, 1471 spell damage. You could almost say that the blue spells doubled my DoT. Pretty freaking amazing, in my opinion. Unfortunately, this colibri's defense wasn't high enough either.

    At this point, we moved to Bhaflau Thickets to try some spiders. These are 63-67, so I wasn't supposed to have any trouble finding one that'd check high defense. I was correct - they were all over the place. My spell damage dropped in this fight, because I started using Feather Storm again to no avail. Feather Storm has always performed well for me on BLU main, so I figured it might've been the colibris and not the spell itself. I only managed to land a single Feather Storm. Regardless, 1107 spell damage (compared to 1605 melee damage) is still good. After it died, I found out it was Lv.64 from the EXP it gave us.


    Since it was High Defense, I was able to find that my fSTR for melee swings was 4. Rank 4 weapons achieve fSTR of 4 when STR-VIT is between 8 and 13, so its VIT must've been 57-62. Now, knowing DMG and fSTR, I was able to solve for my minimum PDIF. I looked up the Attack/Defense ratio that corresponded to that PDIF range, then took into account the level correction (-0.05 to your Attack/Defense ratio for each level the mob is higher than you) I found that our Attack/Defense ratio was 0.98. Since I knew my Attack, I was able to solve for its Defense. It had 260 Defense (give or take a point, of course.)

    Now that I figured out its stats, I tried to use the Head Butt data to solve for the blue attack stat, and try to find the relationship between "blue magic attack" and your blue magic skill. I already know Head Butt's DMG and stat modifiers; I knew my melee fSTR, so Head Butt's was probably 4 as well or one higher/lower at best. I just used 4 for the calculations. I also know Head Butt's fTP, and the mob's Defense and level, so it was just a matter of solving for PDIF. Head Butt's damage varied from 0 to 50, although aside from the one that did 50, none of the others broke 40. From there, I figured that the PDIF roll for the Head Butt that did 50 damage was 0.74, and the Attack/Defense ratio that corresponds to it is 0.277 (post-level difference.) So, the original Attack/Defense ratio must've been close to 0.427. Of course, I say "close to" because only one Head Butt went as high as 50; I can't just assume that's the very highest it could go, although it's most likely close to the maximum. So, the "blue magic attack" stat must've been 111 or higher. Now, my Blue Magic Skill is 93. If I plug that into Attack/Defense, the max PDIF that corresponds to it is 0.58, which would've produced a max damage of 40, much too low. Of course, your Attack isn't just your skill with your weapon. If you use 8 + STR/2 + Skill instead, then the max damage for its PDIF is 53, close to what I found. I'll do tests with a larger ammount of Head Butts to confirm/deny this later on.

    ---MATH END---

    Anyways, while I'd like to get some numbers from a mob that isn't low VT, I'd say /BLU definetely has a lot of DD'ing potential. If magic spam can increase one's DoT by such an incredible ammount, then surely a refreshed PLD/BLU would be able to do as much damage, possibly more, as the other DDs, while tanking efficiently. And, if a refreshed PLD/BLU could do so much, imagine what a refreshed WAR/BLU would be able to do. Thoughts?

    EDIT: Whoops, forgot the parses XD Give me a few...ah, hell, it's not like anyone'll be able to read all that before I upload it anyways.
    EDIT2: Uploaded parses
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Armando; 09-12-2006, 07:29 PM.

  • #2
    Re: PLD/BLU - Early testing and theories

    I can't tell for sure in your parses, Armando, but what was the approximate percentage chance for a physical blue magic spell like Foot Kick to be fully resisted (i.e. you get the yellow "has no effect" message instead of getting 0 damage)?

    I suspect Feather Storm IS calculating its accuracy based off of the same sort of formula that other combat magic uses, which may be why you ended up with the default 5%ish accuracy there.



    • #3
      Re: PLD/BLU - Early testing and theories

      Well, I didn't keep track, but I think my spell accuracy was as good as my melee Accuracy. I didn't really get many failed spells on Head Butt or Bludgeon. The only difference between them is that the game calculates Feather Storm like a ranged attack, but if I remember correctly BLU has no ranged skills anyways; I'm fairly sure it uses your normal melee Accuracy.


      • #4
        Re: PLD/BLU - Early testing and theories

        Very nice job! Please keep it up ^o^
        Server: Quetzalcoatl
        Race: Hume Rank 7
        75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU


        • #5
          Re: PLD/BLU - Early testing and theories

          Two points:

          First, I noticed when I was trying to learn Feather Storm that it misses a lot from point blank range (when yagudo use it). I think it got hit with a side effect of the global change to ranged attacks, and is inaccurate from point blank for both players and monsters.

          Second, while the evidence certainly seems to suggest that Blue Attack is a separate stat from Attack (and doesn't depend on your skill with current weapon), it's a long leap from there to saying that nothing else affects it. Berserk affects both attack and ranged attack; so do some foods; I forget about attack bonus. Without specific testing of those factors, I don't think it's justified to conclude that they definitely can't affect Blue Attack.

          Regardless, it's quite interesting that with the Blue Attack from a subbed blue magic skill level, you were still able to do over 1000 damage with only 250 MP - assuming that the fight wasn't so long that you recovered a significant amount from Auto-Refresh, that is.

          However, I think a WAR/BLU would probably do less than a PLD/BLU. No base manapool or auto-refresh and the higher damage and better WS of axes aren't a factor.

          P.S. Is it possible that the 50 was a crit? Or were you already assuming that it was?
          Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
          RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
          All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae


          • #6
            Re: PLD/BLU - Early testing and theories

            On the other hand, I imagine WAR/BLU will only need Cocoon and Head Butt for damage reduction (def. boost + stun/interrupt). For hate control from WAR/BLU, Provoke + all out DD from Axe or G.Axe should be enough? More practical than spams spell for hate or increase damage output, deal to limited mp pool?
            Server: Quetzalcoatl
            Race: Hume Rank 7
            75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU


            • #7
              Re: PLD/BLU - Early testing and theories

              First, I noticed when I was trying to learn Feather Storm that it misses a lot from point blank range (when yagudo use it). I think it got hit with a side effect of the global change to ranged attacks, and is inaccurate from point blank for both players and monsters.
              Yeah, Yags suck with it, but then again, all mob ranged attacks seem stupidly inaccurate. Like I said, it's just as accurate as the other spells when I go BLU main, so I see no reason why its Accuracy should suddenly change to near-zero. By the way, Feather Storm counts as a throwing attack, so its sweet-spot is at point-blank range.
              Second, while the evidence certainly seems to suggest that Blue Attack is a separate stat from Attack (and doesn't depend on your skill with current weapon), it's a long leap from there to saying that nothing else affects it. Berserk affects both attack and ranged attack; so do some foods; I forget about attack bonus. Without specific testing of those factors, I don't think it's justified to conclude that they definitely can't affect Blue Attack.
              I don't have first-hand experience, but what I had been reading up 'til now on the BLU forums suggests that Berserk doesn't help with Blue Magic. I'll have to look into it myself. But with half-capped skill, a 25% increase just isn't that big of a bonus. +37 Acc from Sushi seems a lot more practical at this level, especially with Bludgeon and Vorpal Blade.
              Regardless, it's quite interesting that with the Blue Attack from a subbed blue magic skill level, you were still able to do over 1000 damage with only 250 MP - assuming that the fight wasn't so long that you recovered a significant amount from Auto-Refresh, that is.
              Yeah, I was pretty surprised myself, especially when you take into consideration my blue PDIF is so low my hits can go as low as 0. Although, I used more than 250 MP - I was getting Refresh from Ashly, and the parser doesn't show the failed spells either. Still, it's not all that inefficient either (though I do want to try against a higher mob too.)
              However, I think a WAR/BLU would probably do less than a PLD/BLU. No base manapool or auto-refresh and the higher damage and better WS of axes aren't a factor.
              I was thinking more about the whole package, actually. WAR has Double Attack, Attack Bonus, Berserk, and Aggressor, and with Shield Break you can increase the damage of your spells as well. Although, the max MP IS a problem. Maybe use Electrum Rings and swap them out? Either way, the spells are cheap so Refresh does allow for constant use to a certain degree, even if it's not as much as PLD/BLU. What intrigues me about WAR/BLU is that it could be more efficient than WAR/NIN - personally, I'm pretty tired of seeing WAR/NIN being used for everything (there are exceptions, but most just jump on the bandwagon.)
              P.S. Is it possible that the 50 was a crit? Or were you already assuming that it was?
              As far as I can tell Blue spells are like WS - they don't randomly crit unless the spell says so. So far I haven't observed any numbers that'd suggest a crit'd spell (aside from using Power Attack,) on either BLU or PLD/BLU. I'll double check on Too Weak mobs later, though.
              On the other hand, I imagine WAR/BLU will only need Cocoon and Head Butt for damage reduction (def. boost + stun/interrupt). For hate control from WAR/BLU, Provoke + all out DD from Axe or G.Axe should be enough? More practical than spams spell for hate or increase damage output, deal to limited mp pool?
              Yeah, WAR/BLU should be able to hold hate very easily. As for PLD/BLU, I think PLD/BLU would be able to hold hate, but it'd be shaky in the first seconds of the fight; a WS right off the bat would be likely to turn the mob. But, it's still worth a shot; maybe it just requires more aggressive use of JA's (I generally use them reactively, not proactively.) But if it can really compete with the other DD's, then in the long run it should hold its own, especially with +Enmity. At the very least, I could see it working very smoothly with a THF.

              EDIT: Oh yeah, regarding Head Butt - its stun really didn't kick in much for me on these. Stunning the mob was fairly rare, and when it did, it didn't last very long. Still, it's a damage-efficient spell, so I still use it.
              Last edited by Armando; 09-13-2006, 09:30 AM.


              • #8
                Re: PLD/BLU - Early testing and theories

                For lvl 50+ exp. parties, I have never seen a BLU use Feather Storm. They used low level BLU spells like Head Butt, Bomb Toss (for MB), Cocoon... but not Bludgeon or Feather Storm, and so forth.

                I am not a high level BLU, so I have no clue =P. Maybe it is good to invite a lvl 60 BLU to join your test, to compare the difference between Feather Storm (or Head Butt, or other spells...) between lvl 60 BLU and lvl 60 PLD/BLU, at least to see what is the upper limit or the ture potential of those spells.
                Server: Quetzalcoatl
                Race: Hume Rank 7
                75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU


                • #9
                  Re: PLD/BLU - Early testing and theories

                  Actually, Refresh is another strike against WAR/BLU - a lot of RDMs feel that the amount of refreshing and hasting they already have to do is quite enough, and adding a WAR who wants haste AND refresh is not exactly going to be popular with the backline that has to provide it. (Especially if I'm with one of those lazy WHMs that will only haste one person, or no people, or no WHM at all and I have to do all the cures too.) The more time and MP they're spending refreshing the WAR, the less they can spend on enfeebling, curing, hasting other DDs, magic bursts, etc. PLD not only has auto-refresh (now), but also since they have a manapool normally, people are used to them needing refresh.

                  And does the WAR/BLU want to jeopardize his damage output by getting Ballad instead of Minuet? (There's another effect that I don't know if it affects Blue Attack or not...) Resting between fights? I have no problem doing either of those as a PLD/anything, but WAR has a different emphasis (particularly if you're envisioning it as a DD rather than tanking build).

                  I don't intend this to sound as if I'm trashing the idea of subbing BLU - actually I find it interesting. But it does look like there are going to be some drawbacks and I'm not sure whether, or under what circumstances, it will turn out to be preferable to other subs.

                  I'm also interested in the possibilies of DRG/BLU and maybe DRK/BLU.

                  P.S. One thing you don't mention in your original post is interruption. Subbed Blue Magic skill would seem to make interruption practically guaranteed if you get hit at all during cast, and with poor Headbutt proc rate, it seems like it would be pretty tough to recast a mid-fight Cocoon. Did you have any interruption problems during your test, and if so, do you have any ideas for how to deal with it?
                  Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
                  RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
                  All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae


                  • #10
                    Re: PLD/BLU - Early testing and theories

                    For lvl 50+ exp. parties, I have never seen a BLU use Feather Storm. They used low level BLU spells like Head Butt, Bomb Toss (for MB), Cocoon... but not Bludgeon or Feather Storm, and so forth.

                    I am not a high level BLU, so I have no clue =P. Maybe it is good to invite a lvl 60 BLU to join your test, to compare the difference between Feather Storm (or Head Butt, or other spells...) between lvl 60 BLU and lvl 60 PLD/BLU, at least to see what is the upper limit or the ture potential of those spells.
                    Well, they probably don't use Bludgeon or Feather Storm because they have better options. Head Butt is always good because of its stun, so it doesn't surprise me that they still use it that high.
                    Actually, Refresh is another strike against WAR/BLU - a lot of RDMs feel that the amount of refreshing and hasting they already have to do is quite enough, and adding a WAR who wants haste AND refresh is not exactly going to be popular with the backline that has to provide it. (Especially if I'm with one of those lazy WHMs that will only haste one person, or no people, or no WHM at all and I have to do all the cures too.) The more time and MP they're spending refreshing the WAR, the less they can spend on enfeebling, curing, hasting other DDs, magic bursts, etc. PLD not only has auto-refresh (now), but also since they have a manapool normally, people are used to them needing refresh.

                    And does the WAR/BLU want to jeopardize his damage output by getting Ballad instead of Minuet? (There's another effect that I don't know if it affects Blue Attack or not...) Resting between fights? I have no problem doing either of those as a PLD/anything, but WAR has a different emphasis (particularly if you're envisioning it as a DD rather than tanking build).

                    I don't intend this to sound as if I'm trashing the idea of subbing BLU - actually I find it interesting. But it does look like there are going to be some drawbacks and I'm not sure whether, or under what circumstances, it will turn out to be preferable to other subs.
                    Actually, I agree. At first I thought /BLU seemed to be too good, since the extra damage output I got as PLD/BLU can technically be exploited by anyone as long as there's a Refresher available. But, like you said, Refresh is a chore, and that balances out the situation. Noone is going to want to refresh 5 or 6 people, and that'd keep everyone from subbing BLU. The reason I put so much emphasis on WAR/BLU, though, is because it might restore Warrior's position among the tank jobs. Let's face it, WARs don't want to take hits nowadays, and it's not like they can go Ichi to Ichi either (maybe with Carnage Elegy + Slow and Paralyze, but...) The problem right now is that if you're going to blood tank, you need to give up Attack for Defense. WAR can't self-cure and barely gets Size 3 shields, so PLD has them beat in both damage mitigation and hate generation. WAR/BLU would let WARs totally let loose with their DD'ing, while also tanking, and holding some very solid hate. It'd make them an efficient solo tank again.

                    As for DRG/BLU and DRK/BLU, I've already looked a bit into it. DRG/BLU works very well, because it gives them Healer type wyvern, not hybrid. They can use Foot Kick and whatnot as a 5 MP 0.5 sec cast healing breath trigger, and Cocoon obviously gives them a whole new level of damage mitigation. Of course, they have to avoid status ailments. As for DRK/BLU, Souleater stacks with blue spells from what I've read. A DRK/BLU would be able to go around the main two limitations for Souleater usage: attacking speed, and survivability. Once again, Cocoon gives them a whole lot more resilience than before, and using a Blue spell every 3 secs while attacking in between spells lets them turn their HP into damage so much more, especially when you consider that Bludgeon is 3 hits and Claw Cyclone is 2. The only limitation then would be HP/MP (having enough MP to cast, and having a healer with enough MP to keep you alive.) I don't know of Blood Weapon stacks with physical blue magic, though; maybe I'll unlock DRK one of these days and see.


                    • #11
                      Re: PLD/BLU - Early testing and theories

                      Originally posted by Armando View Post
                      I was thinking more about the whole package, actually. WAR has Double Attack, Attack Bonus, Berserk, and Aggressor, and with Shield Break you can increase the damage of your spells as well. Although, the max MP IS a problem. Maybe use Electrum Rings and swap them out? Either way, the spells are cheap so Refresh does allow for constant use to a certain degree, even if it's not as much as PLD/BLU. What intrigues me about WAR/BLU is that it could be more efficient than WAR/NIN - personally, I'm pretty tired of seeing WAR/NIN being used for everything (there are exceptions, but most just jump on the bandwagon.)
                      As a main job BLU, I can tell you that those spells reach a damage cap pretty quickly and it shouldn't be hard to for a WAR to do more damage by meleeing. WAR/BLU also will have lower WS damage than WAR/NIN or WAR/THF, and you also lose out of the benefits of Haste because you're stuck casting spells. Bludgeon especially, which is the most MP efficient damage spell you have access to, seems to have a longer spell lock period than most other BLU spells. As I'm sure you already know, Bludgeon also gives the mob 30 TP a pop if all hits land, which is a big downside.

                      WAR/BLU tanking might be a good idea though, Cocoon is really crazy.
                      75WAR 75RDM 75PLD 75BLU 75RNG


                      • #12
                        Re: PLD/BLU - Early testing and theories

                        As a main job BLU, I can tell you that those spells reach a damage cap pretty quickly and it shouldn't be hard to for a WAR to do more damage by meleeing. WAR/BLU also will have lower WS damage than WAR/NIN or WAR/THF, and you also lose out of the benefits of Haste because you're stuck casting spells. Bludgeon especially, which is the most MP efficient damage spell you have access to, seems to have a longer spell lock period than most other BLU spells. As I'm sure you already know, Bludgeon also gives the mob 30 TP a pop if all hits land, which is a big downside.

                        WAR/BLU tanking might be a good idea though, Cocoon is really crazy.
                        Practically all non-AoE physical blue spells will delay your autoattack timer for only 0.5 second. This "lock period" as you call it is purely due to the animation. The animation could last half an hour if SE decided it so, and you'd be unable to move for that entire half hour, but you would continue to autoattack and be able to use other spells and JAs after the spell's 0.5 second casting time is done. Taking that into consideration, you'd need to cast about 19 spells to detract one full Great Axe swing's worth of time from your autoattacking. I'm pretty sure those 19 spells would add up to more than one Great Axe swing's worth of damage. Bludgeon giving the mob 30 TP is fairly irrelevant unless the mob is already below 20% HP (it's at this point that they start to use their TP as soon as it reaches 100); when you have 3 melees swinging away at a mob, the party as a whole easily gives it about 10 TP every second. By your logic, people should never use Joyeuse in an EXP party.

                        The reason spamming Blue Magic works so well, even when my PDIF is so abysmally low from half-capped skill that I can actually hit for 0 on any given single-hit spell, is the fact that it "stacks" on top of of normal autoattacking. That is, I can cast spells over and over and creating a second set of swings (the spells) that interfere minimally with my first set of swings - they sort of overlap. To give you a concrete example...let's take that VT Aht Urhgan Attercop. My average sword swing was 37.3 damage. My Bastard Sword +1 has a Delay of 258. That means that, barring Accuracy (which, save for Feather Storm, is roughly the same in my melee swings and blue spells, and thus the ratio of melee damage to magic damage will remain proportional wether we take Acc into account or not; let's not complicate the math more than we should) my sword would do 37.3 damage every 4.3 seconds. In other words, if I don't cast, I'll do roughly 8.67 damage per second. Now let's take spells - the average damage of all Head Butts and Bludgeon casts was 42.5 damage (this includes spells that landed for 0.) I can repeat a Bludgeon -> Head Butt cycle every 11.75 seconds (less if I have Haste, but then again my sword swings would also be that much faster so once again they'd stay proportional.) This means that I do 85 damage every 11.75 seconds through spells - 7.23 damage per second. Of course, there's casting time to take into account. Using sword swings only, I should've done 101.87 damage during those 11.75 seconds (8.67 * 11.75). If I do my Bludgeon -> Head Butt cycle, I add 85 damage but subtract one second's worth of melee swing damage (since each spell has a 0.5 second casting time.) The melee swing damage would then be 8.67 * (11.75 - 1) = 93.20. So, the total melee + magic damage is 85 + 93.2 = 178.2 damage in those 11.75 seconds. There's a big difference between doing 101.87 damage just meleeing and doing 178.20 damage with melee + magic - in this case, it represents a 75% increase in damage, at the expense of 28 MP every 11.75 seconds (of which I get back about 19 from Auto Refresh + Refresh during the same length of time.) The increase in efficiency is fairly drastic, and if you were to compare that damage to that of a traditional blood tank (WAR/MNK or PLD/WAR) who needs to sacrifice offense via Defense food or Defender, the increase in efficiency is astronomical.

                        It IS true that you'd have lower WS damage than WAR/NIN or WAR/THF, but the damage won't be so much lower that you could say the WAR/BLU's WS aren't hitting hard. You can't win 'em all. But, a WAR/BLU could probably produce about the same numbers as a WAR/NIN or WAR/THF overall, yet solo tank far more efficiently (and strong emphasis on the words "solo tank" - two WAR/NINs can duo tank and go all-out DD without taking damage, making it a moot point; but you can't always get 2 WAR/NINs, and the hate would probably be more solid for the WAR/BLU anyways.) Moreover, the WAR/BLU tank would get TP faster than WAR/NINs because he'd be constantly getting hit. Basically, the party slot that's usually reserved by the tank now doubles as yet another DD. What does more damage, 3 DDs and a tank or 2 DDs and a tank? The big hurdle would be, of course, convincing the RDM to Refresh you, like Karinya said. In a way, it's not that much more of an extra burden - if the WAR is taking the place of, say, a PLD as the party's tank, it technically wouldn't be any difference. If the WAR subbed something else, he wouldn't be able to tank nearly as well, but it'd be one less person to Refresh.
                        P.S. One thing you don't mention in your original post is interruption. Subbed Blue Magic skill would seem to make interruption practically guaranteed if you get hit at all during cast, and with poor Headbutt proc rate, it seems like it would be pretty tough to recast a mid-fight Cocoon. Did you have any interruption problems during your test, and if so, do you have any ideas for how to deal with it?
                        Sorry Karinya, forgot to reply to this. Interrupts were mainly a non-issue because Cocoon has a 1.75 casting time, even lower than Cure I's 2.00. Timing it isn't really a problem.
                        Last edited by Armando; 09-14-2006, 07:33 AM.


                        • #13
                          Re: PLD/BLU - Early testing and theories

                          >.> I think I'ma go de-level Warrior to 41 and level up BLU.
                          "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


                          • #14
                            Re: PLD/BLU - Early testing and theories

                            I'll second Armando's notation about the really fast cast time of Coccoon. It's not hard to cast at all even when under a barrage of fast ttacks.


                            Armando, have you had any chance to test the enmity rating of the various blue magic spells when subbed? I think we can all agree that Coccoon trumps Defender, and the extra damage from blue magic as shown definitely trumps Berserk (even if you just click it on for WS), but losing Provoke means you need another way of generating lots of enmity.

                            Granted, there's a ton more enmity+ available these days, and with Coccoon I highly doubt you'll need DEF+ food to cap out on Defense, so maybe PLD/BLU using Dorado Sushi would be a workable solution to this?



                            • #15
                              Re: PLD/BLU - Early testing and theories

                              >.> I think I'ma go de-level Warrior to 41 and level up BLU.
                              XD You're kidding...right?
                              Armando, have you had any chance to test the enmity rating of the various blue magic spells when subbed? I think we can all agree that Coccoon trumps Defender, and the extra damage from blue magic as shown definitely trumps Berserk (even if you just click it on for WS), but losing Provoke means you need another way of generating lots of enmity.

                              Granted, there's a ton more enmity+ available these days, and with Coccoon I highly doubt you'll need DEF+ food to cap out on Defense, so maybe PLD/BLU using Dorado Sushi would be a workable solution to this?
                              Nope, I'm sorry. Like I said, my BLU just barely hit 30 a few days ago, and I was the only one damaging the mobs in these tests. I still need to do G3 and level my BLU sub to 37, and my RDM is still 27 XD; It'll probably be a while longer before I do any actual EXP party tests (more lying and deception...hurray!) From my observations as BLU main, the spells don't seem to have any significant enmity from casting them, it seems to be all directly proportional to their damage. You are correct, though, without Provoke I'd need a way of securing that hate fast. Flash usually locks hate on me for the first few seconds of the fight, enough to do something before it turns. I'm hoping that with my initial melee hit, and a Bludgeon + Head Butt right off the bat, along with my +Enmity and the hate of Flash, would give me enough of a head-start on hate and damage to keep the mob on me, pop a Cure III, and stabilize hate, all the while doing damage. It sounds iffy, but then again the whole idea of PLD/RDM opening fights with Flash and then quickly going through Bind -> Sleep -> Blind -> Cure III to secure hate early on also sounded iffy, but it still worked. Only time will tell. Dorado Sushi definetely looks like the optimal food for this - I had forgotten all about it, thanks for reminding me. Like I said earlier though, I'm certain this would go smoothly with a THF SATA'ing on to me, so that's at least one circumstance in which it could work. Worst case scenario, maybe we've found an alternative for PLD DD'ing?

                              Speaking of which, I got my hands on a Woodsman Ring yesterday. My damage setup now consists of Jardiah Peti, R.G. Collar, Venerer Ring, Woodsman Ring, R.K. Mufflers and Life Belt. Now I just need to save up 3 mill for my Haubergeon and a bit of chump change for some Spike Earrings and I think I'll be set for the most part

                              EDIT: If I trade my R.K. Mufflers for Gallant Gauntlets (lose 1.5 acc), and assuming Dorado Sushi is +3 enmity, I could have +14 enmity even in my DD'ing gear: +3 from Dorado Sushi, +2 from Gallant Gauntlets, +2 from Gallant Coronet, +2 from Gallant Breeches, +5 from High Breath Mantle. Not too shabby
                              Last edited by Armando; 09-14-2006, 05:38 AM.

