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BCNM lvl 40

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  • BCNM lvl 40

    hiya all! ^^
    i have a problem/question
    my friend wants an erase scroll from bcnm(don't want to buy one >.>)
    i really want to help her(plus bcnm is fun ^^)...but......(there's always a "but" ^^)
    i only have war(37) & pld(65) as jobs... (i know i'm a shame but i only like pld)
    i did a lot of times the bcnm "Carapace combatants" without any good drop(lvl 30)
    so i'm thinking to move into a lvl 40 bcnm...the problem is that i don't know one that works for pld...since i'm still kind of a n00b...i want to request your help ^^
    here are the bcnm lvl 40 (3 people, 6 can work too...but i hate looking for random people to get into bcnm ):

    Under Observation:
    Royal Jelly:
    Royal Succession :
    Undying Promise:

    any strategies to share?comments? which one may work for me....?
    and btw... which other bcnm can be done by pld's? (any kind of lvl 30,40,50,60...)

    thanks everyone for your help, and sorry for my english m(._.)m

    Rei, pld of Asura
    Last edited by wardog; 09-12-2006, 01:08 AM. Reason: typo

    "Born to fight, trained to kill, willing to die, but never will." - Unknown Paladin

    "i'm a man who will fight for your honor, i'll be the hero you're dreaming off!" - Reiyel Paladin of Asura(me)

    "Live for everything, Die for nothing"-Therealblackwallstreet

    You know you've been a pld too long when...
    "You try to cover your mage when youre both waiting at home point and a Galka comes running up to get signet"

  • #2
    Re: BCNM lvl 40

    Unfortunately the only BCNM40 I ever did as PLD was Steamed Sprouts, but you didn't list it as an option, and I honestly wonder if anyone does that one anymore.

    A question, however. How pricey is Erase on your server, exactly? It's at or around 100k on Bahamut, which can be easily farmed by other means without having to spend seals and do a risky BCNM run for the hope of getting the scroll to drop. You might want to consider saving your seals for now, and helping your friend farm/craft the gil for the scroll.^^


    • #3
      Re: BCNM lvl 40

      checked actual price on :

      seems to be around: 400-450k
      even if i farm that scroll, i have seals, that i "need" to spend ^^

      if you have done a bcnm and win as pld, please share your tactic ^^
      that might be usefull for everyone to know which bcnm they can do
      as pld i only know about "carapace combattants"(lvl 30) and "Celery" (lvl 60)

      thanks again ^^

      "Born to fight, trained to kill, willing to die, but never will." - Unknown Paladin

      "i'm a man who will fight for your honor, i'll be the hero you're dreaming off!" - Reiyel Paladin of Asura(me)

      "Live for everything, Die for nothing"-Therealblackwallstreet

      You know you've been a pld too long when...
      "You try to cover your mage when youre both waiting at home point and a Galka comes running up to get signet"


      • #4
        Re: BCNM lvl 40

        Originally posted by wardog View Post
        checked actual price on :

        seems to be around: 400-450k
        even if i farm that scroll, i have seals, that i "need" to spend ^^

        if you have done a bcnm and win as pld, please share your tactic ^^
        that might be usefull for everyone to know which bcnm they can do
        as pld i only know about "carapace combattants"(lvl 30) and "Celery" (lvl 60)

        thanks again ^^
        That site hasn't been updated for a long time. The current price on Midgard is around 200k.


        • #5
          Re: BCNM lvl 40

          not updated?!? Oo

          works very fine for me...
          i can even see what was my last items sold Oo

          Sep. 11, 2006 02:06:35AM Aigy Yoruiichi 440,000
          Sep. 11, 2006 09:27:49AM Moz Fale 450,000
          Sep. 11, 2006 04:32:46PM Ziteen Gideun 430,000
          Last edited by wardog; 09-12-2006, 02:08 AM. Reason: typo

          "Born to fight, trained to kill, willing to die, but never will." - Unknown Paladin

          "i'm a man who will fight for your honor, i'll be the hero you're dreaming off!" - Reiyel Paladin of Asura(me)

          "Live for everything, Die for nothing"-Therealblackwallstreet

          You know you've been a pld too long when...
          "You try to cover your mage when youre both waiting at home point and a Galka comes running up to get signet"


          • #6
            Re: BCNM lvl 40

            If you really want to do a BCNM for it, you can do Royal Jellies. This is providing that you get your Warrior up to 40. One of the more popular strategies is to go DRG/DRG/RDM, but I have done about 10 runs with WAR/MNK, WAR/MNK, WHM/BLM. I was the Whitemage and I was only at 38. One of the Warriors was at 39, too. We only lost once, and that was due to my stupidity.

            The battle plan is for the mage to go in and Elemental Seal - Bind a jelly to make sure it doesn't get to the center. If RDM, Gravity is good, too. Then the DDs run around the room killing all the other Jellies, while the mage keeps them alive. As long as the mage has decent Enfeebling skill, you should be good.

            i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
            I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


            • #7
              Re: BCNM lvl 40

              I did Royal Jelly as a Paladin. If I were you I would do that one. It my first Beastman Seal BCNM. My group was Pld/war, Drg/war, and Whm/blm(I think blm was sub).

              We did it several times and had no troubles, and I never felt that we were close to losing. We did have to fight the Queen Jelly sometimes but we won every time. We had bad experiences with drops, but we were kinda greedy and wanted a big money item. We did get things like Erase scrolls, and Utsusemi: Ni scrolls.

              As a Paladin I geared up with as much DD gear as I could. (nothing crazy, just a few things here and there). Our strat, Paladin and Dragoon go in and kill mobs one by one going clockwise until they were all dead while the Whitemage healed and tried to delay the others. Sometimes we had to fight the Queen Jelly but I tanked it and it was not a problem. This BCNM seemed ridiculously easy for us. (might not hold true for everyone though)

              Good luck!


              • #8
                Re: BCNM lvl 40

                Originally posted by wardog View Post
                not updated?!? Oo

                works very fine for me...
                i can even see what was my last items sold Oo


                Sep. 11, 2006 02:06:35AM Aigy Yoruiichi 440,000
                Sep. 11, 2006 09:27:49AM Moz Fale 450,000
                Sep. 11, 2006 04:32:46PM Ziteen Gideun 430,000
                Oh they seem to have fixed it recently.


                • #9
                  Re: BCNM lvl 40

                  Originally posted by wardog View Post
                  checked actual price on :
                  seems to be around: 400-450k
                  even if i farm that scroll, i have seals, that i "need" to spend ^^
                  if you have done a bcnm and win as pld, please share your tactic ^^
                  that might be usefull for everyone to know which bcnm they can do
                  as pld i only know about "carapace combattants"(lvl 30) and "Celery" (lvl 60)
                  thanks again ^^
                  I noticed that keeps track ok. If you check it a lot it will skip days sometimes and leave a lot of transactions off.


                  • #10
                    Re: BCNM lvl 40

                    Oh, I want to add one more thing about Royal Jellies. The mage generally doesn't have to worry about hate. The Jellies will not chase, they are on a straight track to the center. As long as he doesn't get near that track, he will never get hit. And no nuking or elemental weaponskills are allowed, SCs either. All jellies are aligned with a different element. Your attempt may actually heal the Jelly. Example: Gale Axe or Aero on the Wind-aligned jelly.

                    i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
                    I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


                    • #11
                      Re: BCNM lvl 40

                      Here is a list of all the bcnms that drop Erase.
                      Thanks Kazuki.
                      Dragoon Equipment


                      • #12
                        Re: BCNM lvl 40

                        Originally posted by Davitron3000 View Post
                        I did Royal Jelly as a Paladin. If I were you I would do that one. It my first Beastman Seal BCNM. My group was Pld/war, Drg/war, and Whm/blm(I think blm was sub).

                        We did it several times and had no troubles, and I never felt that we were close to losing. We did have to fight the Queen Jelly sometimes but we won every time. We had bad experiences with drops, but we were kinda greedy and wanted a big money item. We did get things like Erase scrolls, and Utsusemi: Ni scrolls.

                        As a Paladin I geared up with as much DD gear as I could. (nothing crazy, just a few things here and there). Our strat, Paladin and Dragoon go in and kill mobs one by one going clockwise until they were all dead while the Whitemage healed and tried to delay the others. Sometimes we had to fight the Queen Jelly but I tanked it and it was not a problem. This BCNM seemed ridiculously easy for us. (might not hold true for everyone though)

                        Good luck!
                        I've always been shuned away from BCNMs. "Bad PLD, Royal Jelly is for NIN onry!"
                        In fact, the only BCNM I've ever done is BCNM30 and that was as WAR/NIN.

                        But hey, people are always underestimating PLDs. Rock that sucker and show 'em who's wrong.
                        "Oh, you ca'n't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're Mad."
                        "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
                        "You must be", said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

                        Welcome to Alice in FFXI =P


                        • #13
                          Re: BCNM lvl 40

                          Why would people say Royal Jelly is Nin only?
                          Thanks Kazuki.
                          Dragoon Equipment


                          • #14
                            Re: BCNM lvl 40

                            No reason, really. Most people haven't even bothered trying it, and are too set in their ways to allow it. Last time I checked Jellies hit like schoolgirls.


                            • #15
                              Re: BCNM lvl 40

                              Wow. I didn't know people were like that. I've "tanked" Royal Jelly as WAR/THF.

