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Another Maat bites the dust~

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  • Another Maat bites the dust~

    Finally I've crossed this last hurdle on my way to PLD divineship.

    I did it at level 70, took me two attempts. The first try I did at 68, more or less of a dry run to see how it goes. I still got the equipement I needed. I was told Gluttony Sword is good, so I kept that. OpoOpo Necklace and an Amenet cape to boost my attack power a bit. Hi-Potions, Vile Elixir as a safety net.

    I did the newbie mistake of forgetting my food thought, so I spent way too much time healing up, despite having Protect III up. I also used too many sleep potions, so I wasted too much time. In the end, I ran out of a time, so it was more or less a draw.

    At 70 I took my chance again. This time it was near flawless. 7m19s is a very respectable time in my opinion, I beat the record (that probably gets reset now and then because it was of 8m40 previously). I took an Espadon with me this time, since it has a better damage-per-second ratio han Gluttony.

    I didn't forget the food this time, Protect IV put on, slept only 4 potions to get my 100 TP. I didn't use Shell, given that all Maat uses is Banish II for poor damage anyway.

    The food made the whole difference, he wasn't hitting for 100+ damage anymore. I still had some MP left, I didn't use all of my potions nor my Vile Elixir. Kiting Maat during his Invincible status was pretty much useless since he caught up with me anyway.

    So to resume, for anyone going to fight Maat, this should be done in order :
    -Cast Protect IV
    -Use 4 Sleep Potions (with OpoOpo Necklace equipped, = 100 tp)
    -Use food (Tavnazian Taco does well)
    -Flash Maat every now and then
    -Use your Sentinel and Rampart abilities between Flashes, but only when he's not Blinded (not useful to boost defense when he can't hit you, waste of time)
    -Use Hi-potions sparingly to keep your HP high enough.
    -Use Invincible after he used his. Or keep it until you need more healing, so you don't get interrupted.
    -Shield Bash can interrupt one of his Banish spells. Remember that he can use Maat Bash in the same way, that interrupts you even while under Invincible, and his recast timer is much lower.

  • #2
    Re: Another Maat bites the dust~



    • #3
      Re: Another Maat bites the dust~

      Congrats and nicely done!

      Also nice to know about Maat's Bash stunning even through Invincible, I hadn't read that before.


      • #4
        Re: Another Maat bites the dust~

        I managed to capture of video of it. I'll edit it and put it up somewhere if you want to check on the fight for data gathering.


        • #5
          Re: Another Maat bites the dust~

          Congrats FranckKnight! If you could post that video, I would appreciate it. I am almost at that time where I need to confront Maat and it's starting to worry me a bit. =)
          Paladin Knight of Vana'diel


          • #6
            Re: Another Maat bites the dust~

            Here, I've made the video. Its 31 megs total, which is about as small I managed to make it and still be able to somewhat read the text. It should give some info.

            Here's what I say again about it, by the small mistakes I've made :

            -Bring as many Hi-Potions can carry, just in case. Take a Vile-Elixir as a safety-net, but I didn't need to use it, and out of some 10 potions or so I had 3 left. It can't hurt to be careful thought. And take a Tavnazian Taco for the most defense/vit bonus.
            -Even if you love Gluttony (its great for tanking, yes), buy Espadon (its pretty cheap). Its faster, the difference in damage is negligible, it has no malus stats, and has a faster delay, making it much faster to get TP.
            -Amenet Mantle is also very useful. Basically put yourself into a semi-DD, because the game is not to outlast Maat, you don't have enough time for that. Mind your defense, but a Life Belt will make your time easier to get TP.
            -The OpoOpo Necklace is used to get TP as you sleep. Sleep yourself with 4 potions, no more, else it might take too much time away from you. 10 minute is pretty short. 4 potions will give you exactly 100 tp.

            -Cast Protect as soon as you get in, before the sleep potions. By the time you're done sleeping, your Auto-Refresh will have given you a few MPs back, it can't hurt.
            -Use your 4 sleep potions, and then your food, switch your OpoOpo Necklace out for a better one (tanking or DD, at your choice).

            -When Maat uses Invincible, strategies say to kite him. But running in circles don't work. Instead, run back the tunnel you've entered. By the time you reach the end, more than half the Invincible timer should be gone. That was my main mistake, as you'll see in the video, but I still won at least.

            -He didn't use Asuran Fist against me, so I can't help you if he uses it. You might want to keep your Invincible until he uses it just in case. But you might want to use it if your HP gets in the red, like it happened to me. I used it so I had some time to cast Cures, but he Maat Bashed me once, interrupting me.

            Video is at

            Good luck with your fight!


            • #7
              Re: Another Maat bites the dust~

              Originally posted by FranckKnight View Post
              At 70 I took my chance again. This time it was near flawless. 7m19s is a very respectable time in my opinion, I beat the record (that probably gets reset now and then because it was of 8m40 previously). I took an Espadon with me this time, since it has a better damage-per-second ratio han Gluttony.
              Just so you know, the record is reset everytime there's a maintance on the servers. Just thought you might like to know.


              • #8
                Re: Another Maat bites the dust~

                Great video FranckKnight! Thanks a bunch, this along with your info will surely help me. I noticed you did not cast Shell. Would that help with Maat's Banish II or not worth it? I am thinking of casting Pro/Shell and taking a Yag Drink while doing the sleep routine at start.

                Paladin Knight of Vana'diel


                • #9
                  Re: Another Maat bites the dust~

                  I didn't bother with Shell, I figured that I'd use the MP with Cures more efficiently.

                  Maat has more or less the same stats that you do. Did you ever use Banish II when soloing? I don't. His Banish, if you look at the log, probably did 40 damage or so, which wasn't any worse than any of his normal attacks, even without Shell.

                  You can try with it if you want, but Maat is mostly Physical.

                  If you drink a Yagudo Drink at start, it should compensate for the Shell's MP, so it would work most probably. I don't know how long Yag drinks last thought, make sure you prioritize your Tank food.

                  EDIT :
                  Some websites say that your requisite is to do 4 TP moves. That isn't completly true nor false. The fight stops when Maat is down to around 20%. And the fastest way to get it down is using TP moves. Thus why the sleeping potion tricks, to get an early one in without losing HP, despite the time it takes to get your 100 TP at start.

                  I'm sure it would be possible to tank Maat from the start without sleeping yourself as a result, because you might build 100 TP through fighting faster than sleeping, but you'd get hurt in the process, its a trade off.

                  Remember to never use your TP if you've been Flashed (Blind), wait for it to wear off first for maximum damage. You wouldn't want to miss on the few chances you have to use it after all.
                  Last edited by FranckKnight; 09-01-2006, 08:19 AM. Reason: Additionnal Info

