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I think I'm in love

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  • I think I'm in love

    My static decided to take a trip to the Wajaom Woodlands earlier tonight. I was expecting the standard boring exp session, but I was taken by surprise. We were fighting Lesser Colibris and maintaining chain 5 with almost no effort. The only negative about them is that they have a slightly lower delay than normal, so I had to be precise with Cures. I didn't mind the TP and food eating moves either, it kinda added to the fun of things. I'm not allowed to participate in SC anyway, so it didn't matter. The reason why I'm bringing this up is for the PLDs who are in the mid 50s who are bored with the normal exp areas, and nobody likes to talk about midgame stuff. >.>

  • #2
    Re: I think I'm in love

    I wish more people would talk about midgame stuff, but oh well.

    Several PLDs in my LS are singing praises of the same mobs you exp'd on. They really are great for PLD tanks.


    • #3
      Re: I think I'm in love

      I have to agree - Lesser Colibris are great for exp! I had heard that the Wajaom Woodlands were great for exp and indeed it was. I went from level 56 to over 9000 exp into level 57 fairly quickly. As you mentionned dirtyclown, we also got constant chain 5. I was a bit suprised at first when the Colibri ate my 3 hour food! Decided not to bother with food after that and it went smoothly. They do hit faster than usual so I had to time my cures well. I had almost no time to rest as our Bard would pull one Colibri after the other. Sometimes I was a bit low on MP but I usually managed ok with Job Abilities while Ballad was filling up my MP. All in all, a great spot for exp and really fun. A good break from the 'usual' exp sessions also. =)
      Paladin Knight of Vana'diel


      • #4
        Re: I think I'm in love

        I was out there with a 4 person pt (nin thf brd smn) and we were rackin up the chain 4s and 5s lvl57-59 and yeah even though it was a nin tank he stopped eating food. Which didnt lessen his effectiveness really, I only bring it up to point out that if you are tanking the birds in the new lands dont use food.

        RNG67 BRD66 THF55 NIN35 WHM31 RDM35 WAR24 PLD30


        • #5
          Re: I think I'm in love

          Once a Colibri tried to snatch my morsels, but he was discouraged to find out that I'm cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. He decided to follow his nose; it always knows. I didn't get any xp after that.
          Last edited by Hantz; 07-11-2006, 08:29 AM. Reason: To be purposefully stupid


          • #6
            Re: I think I'm in love

            Pld Tanks in Wajoam.

            Apart from the Pld tanks who say how crappy Thf's are, and how they don't need us to hold hate off the 1k Sidewindering Rng, the 900 Viper Biting Thf (who's SATA'ing onto them), and the 1k Penta Thrusting Drg's who just happen to be going nuts there...

            Those Pld's don't realise how good they have it - when the mob explodes in 20 seconds of combat from full health.

            But - the ones who realise just how lucky they are to have all those *gimpy* DD's actually in their element and build parties with us in... then it's much . Oh.. and Marids too!


            • #7
              Re: I think I'm in love

              Originally posted by Spinnthrift
              Pld Tanks in Wajoam.

              Apart from the Pld tanks who say how crappy Thf's are, and how they don't need us to hold hate off the 1k Sidewindering Rng, the 900 Viper Biting Thf (who's SATA'ing onto them), and the 1k Penta Thrusting Drg's who just happen to be going nuts there...

              Those Pld's don't realise how good they have it - when the mob explodes in 20 seconds of combat from full health.

              But - the ones who realise just how lucky they are to have all those *gimpy* DD's actually in their element and build parties with us in... then it's much . Oh.. and Marids too!
              I spent 65 levels as PLD with a THF by my side. I never underestimate their usefulness (even though it does change as you go through the levels) THF.


              • #8
                Re: I think I'm in love

                I don't like THF, but that's only because MOST THF make a habit of taking 10 minutes to setup SATA, leaving me to tank with my attacking buffs up, and shadows down. Good THF = Win PT


                • #9
                  Re: I think I'm in love

                  they steal the food you used, not the one in your bag

                  so next time, use some detrimental food ^^ like something that lowers vit or whatever

                  o and maybe you might want to carry some of those drinks that remove food effects in case the colibri wasnt feeling hungry
                  signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                  • #10
                    Re: I think I'm in love

                    I parties in the new areas.

                    Just another note about those Lesser Colibris is that not only will they steal your food
                    but they also will steal your tp. So don't plan on being a part of the Skill Chain on
                    a regular basis if you are tanking.


                    • #11
                      Re: I think I'm in love

                      I used 8 sis kebabi in 2 hours! I loved it!

                      I don't like that the tanks pretty much just don't eat food, but it sure is fun. All my best parties have had PLDs. Do they just hit like 9 year old girls? mp's never a problem, never in danger of dying (well, the iruca occasionally incinerate for 7-900 dmg), exp is always great. Thumbs up, dudes.
                      "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"

