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what if?

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  • #46
    Re: what if?

    Post moar cats. Because that's what this thread is about.

    auto refresh will help out to some degree. something i heard S.E was gonna do, but has not.
    Hahaha, you're doing part C! Way to speak from your ass, sir.



    • #47
      Re: what if?

      Originally posted by Armando
      Maybe I misread, but S-E DID give PLD Auto Refresh already.
      i thought it was something they were gonna impliment in a later patch. not to sure if they have already. because pld isnt a job i play. but if so it must really suck. otherwise my ls mates would be talking smack about it. an i havent heard them say anything of it as of late.

      Double Post Edited:
      Originally posted by dirtyclown
      Post moar cats. Because that's what this thread is about.

      Hahaha, you're doing part C! Way to speak from your ass, sir.
      i know the moment i retort to this, i will have every M.C mod on these boards spamming me with warnings. must be getting a ton of AllA mods now.
      Last edited by little ninja; 07-08-2006, 02:33 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

      Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


      • #48
        Re: what if?

        They gave PLD a 1mp/tick Auto Refresh and it does help a lot, but until PLD can spam cure on itself infinitely while at the same time dealing respectable damage it won't be able to compete with NIN.

        Personally I would make changes to NIN, not PLD. NIN subbed should not give access to Utsu: Ni. Utsu: Ni should be buffed by cutting down its cooldown, but casting Utsu: Ni should also start the cooldown for Utsu: Ichi so you can't juggle back to back between Ichi and Ni. That way NINs would find themselves out of shadows more often and we could start talking of a tank job that actually needs healing support. It would also solve the problems caused by melee burn PTs at L74+.


        • #49
          Re: what if?

          I still say nerfing shadows either as main or as sub is not the answer. Where we are in the game, you simply can't kill NIN's main tanking ability that much. It wouldn't amount to "Nins need more help now" it'd amount to the general populace going back to "PLD or bust." Why? because we're lazy and stupid.

          And I do love ninjas dearly and thus don't want them nerfed, but anything a /nin does, a nin main is guilty of worse (what were the numbers? an effective pair of 80 delay weapons with base DMG 3x as high as daggers?).


          Now then: back to PLD and please don't talk about nin if you can ^^ it only makes people angry at this point in the game.

          As far as what PLD really needs... I would be inclined to say more damage, and I think auto-refresh + shield mastery helps keep that up. I think PLDs should still have dark staves around but I honestly don't think they should be using them when they have such high potential for tp-gain these days. Your healer should still be doing a lot of the curing considering their mp pool is 2-3x the size of yours and they get more chances to rest afterall...

          From what I've seen, if a PLD wants to keep up in one of these melee-based Aht Urgan parties, they don't get to rest much. And usually, mp isn't a problem with 4mp/tic.
          Last edited by Lmnop; 07-08-2006, 08:04 AM.
          "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


          • #50
            Re: what if?

            Originally posted by Lmnop
            I still say nerfing shadows either as main or as sub is not the answer. Where we are in the game, you simply can't kill NIN's main tanking ability that much. It wouldn't amount to "Nins need more help now" it'd amount to the general populace going back to "PLD or bust." Why? because we're lazy and stupid.

            And I do love ninjas dearly and thus don't want them nerfed, but anything a /nin does, a nin main is guilty of worse (what were the numbers? an effective pair of 80 delay weapons with base DMG 3x as high as daggers?).
            You talk about ninjas.

            Originally posted by Lmnop
            Now then: back to PLD and please don't talk about nin if you can ^^ it only makes people angry at this point in the game.
            You tell people not to talk about ninjas.
            ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


            • #51
              Re: what if?

              He's the only one allowed to talk about Ninjas. Ninjas are special apparently, and anyone suggesting anything other than buffing up their godliness deserves to die in a fire.

              know the moment i retort to this, i will have every M.C mod on these boards spamming me with warnings. must be getting a ton of AllA mods now.
              Cry in a corner, emo kid.


              • #52
                Re: what if?

                orz Cut the spam and flames, please. (Almost typed cut the spam and fleas. ><) If you have something meaningful to add to the conversation, go for it, but no more cat pictures and sniping.
                lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                • #53
                  Re: what if?

                  Originally posted by Maju
                  Personally I would make changes to NIN, not PLD. NIN subbed should not give access to Utsu: Ni. Utsu: Ni should be buffed by cutting down its cooldown, but casting Utsu: Ni should also start the cooldown for Utsu: Ichi so you can't juggle back to back between Ichi and Ni. That way NINs would find themselves out of shadows more often and we could start talking of a tank job that actually needs healing support. It would also solve the problems caused by melee burn PTs at L74+.
                  If I'm understanding you correctly, that would break NIN as it currently stands. Not that I'd have a problem with that, but I don't think killing NIN's current job trend is the answer.


                  • #54
                    Re: what if?

                    You're right... killing NIN isn't really the answer, I still think that giving PLD a couple of DD traits is all we need. Dealing more DMG would enhance our already hate-holding ability, allow us to kill faster, and by proxy take less DMG due to shorter fights. All of which would undoubtedly increase xp/hr, which is the whole reason we goto xp/merit parties.

                    btw, nice to see someone else around here goes to 4chan.(desu spam sucks btw)
                    lolfang-tan > desu


                    • #55
                      Re: what if?

                      I still don't know about this. It seems to me that the original 12 jobs were designed to have very specific strengths and weaknesses to underscore the teamwork aspect of the game. Maybe SE messed up by making nin too strong in each area without compensating enough with weaknesses, but even if that's so I don't think the right response is to "break" another job by taking away its weaknesses too.

                      I still think the answer is to give pld something to make it more unique and do what it already does better instead of making it more like other jobs by boosting its DD ability. If pld needs to be fixed it should be by making plds better plds instead of knockoff nins.
                      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                      • #56
                        Re: what if?

                        Originally posted by Maju
                        They gave PLD a 1mp/tick Auto Refresh and it does help a lot, but until PLD can spam cure on itself infinitely while at the same time dealing respectable damage it won't be able to compete with NIN.

                        Personally I would make changes to NIN, not PLD. NIN subbed should not give access to Utsu: Ni. Utsu: Ni should be buffed by cutting down its cooldown, but casting Utsu: Ni should also start the cooldown for Utsu: Ichi so you can't juggle back to back between Ichi and Ni. That way NINs would find themselves out of shadows more often and we could start talking of a tank job that actually needs healing support. It would also solve the problems caused by melee burn PTs at L74+.
                        Ahhh didnt know they already added it to the game. i know sometimes S.E drags things on for yrs on end before they attempt to fix it. but 1 mp a tic to me still seems low especially at higher lvls. LoL ninja dont spam utsu, an ninja dont need to have it on a longer cooldown, because as it is we already get stuck in alot of situations with no utsu up, an our cool down timers have a long way to go. nin do shiiii for DD until the high 60's.

                        what your doing with nin shadows would not only kill the job totally, would kill the jobs off as a subjob. why not impliment that with pld cures as well.

                        at 74 you guys can go pld/nin an tp burn like everyone else. most pld are just to stuck on themselves to adapt this concept of not having everything focused on them. seriously you can wear a number of DD gear, a number of Acc gear.

                        Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


                        • #57
                          Re: what if?

                          Originally posted by Taskmage
                          I still don't know about this. It seems to me that the original 12 jobs were designed to have very specific strengths and weaknesses to underscore the teamwork aspect of the game. Maybe SE messed up by making nin too strong in each area without compensating enough with weaknesses, but even if that's so I don't think the right response is to "break" another job by taking away its weaknesses too.

                          I still think the answer is to give pld something to make it more unique and do what it already does better instead of making it more like other jobs by boosting its DD ability. If pld needs to be fixed it should be by making plds better plds instead of knockoff nins.
                          The problem is that a PLD type job (high defense, low offense, low support) is simply not needed in the most efficient parties, which are of course burns. This is because NIN subbed is enough protection in this type of parties. A low damage and low support job will always be dead weight because defense is the only thing it has and defense is not needed, especially when the nature of burn PT fights makes it so that a DD/NIN actually takes less damage than a primary tank job.

                          Originally posted by little ninja
                          what your doing with nin shadows would not only kill the job totally, would kill the jobs off as a subjob. why not impliment that with pld cures as well.

                          at 74 you guys can go pld/nin an tp burn like everyone else. most pld are just to stuck on themselves to adapt this concept of not having everything focused on them. seriously you can wear a number of DD gear, a number of Acc gear.
                          Well how did you level up to 37 then? NIN does just fine dual tanking with Ichi alone, so why not with an improved Ni?

                          Yes, PLD can wear DD gear, but no matter how much DD gear they wear, they will always lose to other DD because they have, in addition to DD gear, DD traits and better WS. But they're good enough you say? Nothing in this game is ever "good enough", people only want the best.


                          • #58
                            Re: what if?

                            Originally posted by TenchiHawkwing
                            btw, nice to see someone else around here goes to 4chan.(desu spam sucks btw)
                            lolfang-tan > desu
                            But that's exactly why I use it. Anything related to Haruhi needs to die in a fire. 9M GET was fail incarnate. Also, I'd like to point out that there is no 4chan and there is no /b/.

                            Originally posted by little ninja
                            at 74 you guys can go pld/nin an tp burn like everyone else. most pld are just to stuck on themselves to adapt this concept of not having everything focused on them. seriously you can wear a number of DD gear, a number of Acc gear.
                            And become a subpar DD with inferior WS and a few gimped shadows? No. The entire concept of a "Burn" PT breaks this game's flow. There isn't a whole lot SE can do about "fixing" the situation unless they were to directly affect the Burn PTs. SE are the reigning kings of indirectness, so I don't expect a fix to show up anytime soon.

