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Hauby vs Byrnie

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  • Hauby vs Byrnie

    I'm a big fan of attack stats on my pld. I try not to make significant def and vit sacrifices, but I'm currently wearing stuff like Royal Guard's Collar (+4 acc, +4 atk) and Jaridah Peti (-25 hp, +5 atk, +5 acc).

    Next I was thinking on if I should get a byrnie at 60 or perhaps spend all my gil on a haubergeon. Hauby has a couple points (or one?) more def and better damage stats, but it also comes with a whooping -20 evasion and -5 agi. I don't think I actually evade very much at all during exp anyway, but I haven't parsed anything so I can't be sure. What do you think? Will the -20 evasion cause me to take noticeably more damage if I decide to buy a haubergeon?

  • #2
    Re: Hauby vs Byrnie

    This is one of those things that are still up in the air (I'm not high enough to wear a Haubergeon yet.) Haubergeon is arguably better than Byrnie, because 10 Accuracy will have a bigger impact on your damage (and WS) than 10 more Attack. The question is: are PLDs at the point of minimum evasion against IT mobs? I've been meaning to test this myself - if I only evade 95% of an IT mob's attacks, then Haubergeon can't hurt.

    My own opinion is that you probably wouldn't notice a difference in attacks evaded with the Haubergeon on. Even if you did, it's still a good/useful purchace in my opinion. However, take note that while it probably won't hurt against IT mobs, it WILL kill your evasion when soloing (not that you'd need +12.5 Attack/Accuracy on DC mobs anyways.)

    By the way, your sig is awesome. S.O.S. Brigade for the win ^^
    Last edited by Armando; 06-13-2006, 09:27 AM.


    • #3
      Re: Hauby vs Byrnie

      I have never used a Byrnie but I recently acquired a Hauby. I like it alot. Not only
      do I think it looks cool but it helps out my damage dealing capabilities greatly.

      If your parties target VT's - low IT's I think you could use either just fine. I would think
      that you wouldn't want to wear those when fighting high IT's because of increased
      damage taken (but I haven't tried it) When fighting IT ++ you can just put on your
      suit of white shining armor (that I used to 75) and go defensive style again.

      Since this big purchase you are about to make will be somewhat situational gear, you
      might want to also think about what other jobs you have leveled or plan on leveling in
      the future and buy the armor that would work well for those jobs too.

      Remember though, the Gallant Surcoat is a great piece of gear, and full Paladin AF
      really looks great (although I am biased).


      • #4
        Re: Hauby vs Byrnie

        Originally posted by Davitron3000
        Since this big purchase you are about to make will be somewhat situational gear, you
        might want to also think about what other jobs you have leveled or plan on leveling in
        the future and buy the armor that would work well for those jobs too.
        Yeah, it would be just about all of my gil and I might have to farm a little bit for it also. However, I can just sell it back later if I don't need it on my next job.

        I think I'll go for hauby after all. I'll still have my gallant surcoat in case I take too much damage with hauby on. Now if only my emp. hairpin would sell so I could afford it.

        By the way, your sig is awesome. S.O.S. Brigade for the win ^^
        Yep! The sig isn't actually made by me, though.


        • #5
          Re: Hauby vs Byrnie

          Haubergeon > Byrnie in the looks department, in my opinion.

          Another reason to get Haub!
          Generic Info!


          • #6
            Re: Hauby vs Byrnie

            I use the Byrnie over the Hauby. I tried both for tanking and DD'ing. I don't like the -20 evasion. It does make a difference to PLD, especially since I also use a Boxer's Mantle when tanking. I actually evade often enough to notice. The -20 evasion is enough to make flash worthless for evading anything. For DD'ing, I already have max sword merits. Since I can't get Homan easily, I go with an ATK/STR DD build with sushi. Sushi + RG Collar + Venerer's Ring (I'm thinking of using a Ruby instead) is more than enough to give me around 90% or more accuracy. Another +10 ACC from Hauby just isn't worth it to me. It's not like PLDs will be DD'ing on IT++ and HNMs, where that ACC will matter. Now, if I could get 4/5 Homan pieces, then I'd go with Hauby. Homan is designed to be for a Haste+acc gear and meat for attack.

            I'm sorry, but I have to disagree. I think Byrnie looks better than Hauby. Though, Adaman Haubrek looks even better.

            Be like a Paladin.
            Take the hit, shrug it off, and ask if their mom hits any harder.


            • #7
              Re: Hauby vs Byrnie

              personal preference as 75nin, i am very happy with hauby, the accuracy from it really helps. the -20eva seems like nothing when you have a lil +eva skill equipped. This is at 75, i didn't tank with it as much in the 60s, but kept it in my WS macro for sure.

              As 75 Warrior, well acc was better for me to have with my available equipment.

              hauby ftw


              • #8
                Re: Hauby vs Byrnie

                Look wise, I like Hauberk the most ^^ The dark color looks so sexy
                Hauberk > Adaman > Byrnie > Hauberageon
                When I sometimes see people in Adaman I always think they're too bright. Almost like a running candy.

                When you are still taking a heavy tanking role, I think Byrnie is a better choice for no evasion. Maybe more important for Nin.

                At 75 many PLD use Hauby with /nin in burn style PT. It works out great with Utsusemi doing all the dodging.
                There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                - Pablo Picasso


                • #9
                  Re: Hauby vs Byrnie

                  I always thought the AGI-5 would be the main problem with the Hauby. Isn't the Shield skill effected by AGI? The reason why so many PLDs wear AGI+3 earrings. Would that AGI-5 be that harmful?

                  PLD has a C rated Evasion skill. So Eva-20 would move into the SMN range, which is E. lol I know you guy's bread & butter isn't Evasion, but I'm sure it would be nice to evade a few. lol
                  PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
                  RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

                  Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
                  SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


                  • #10
                    Re: Hauby vs Byrnie

                    Evasion and evasion skill are different things. Although the -evasion would hurt, it wouldn't put them at mage evasion levels. The -AGI might hurt for shield/parry though. I forgot about the -AGI on the haubergeon.
                    Generic Info!


                    • #11
                      Re: Hauby vs Byrnie

                      Yes, the - Agility and - Evasion are bad for main tanking. But I would think a Paladin
                      would only wear a major DD piece of armor if he/she was not getting hit hard or in
                      a tp burn situation. If you wear a Hauby you are not thinking defensively at all, you
                      are thinking kill the mob before it can do any real damage. So, those - stats really
                      shouldn't matter that much if you choose to wear it.

                      I personally don't know any Paladins who used Hauby before they were 75 (or very
                      close to 75). Anyone here use it at level 60 in experience parties?


                      • #12
                        Re: Hauby vs Byrnie

                        Personally, I prefer the Haubergeon because of the increased ACC. Byrnie has some nice stats too, but I think the Hauby outweighs them. I don't think the -EVA would hurt you too much, because, honestly, PLDs don't evade many attacks as is.


                        • #13
                          Re: Hauby vs Byrnie

                          Originally posted by Davitron3000
                          I personally don't know any Paladins who used Hauby before they were 75 (or very
                          close to 75). Anyone here use it at level 60 in experience parties?
                          Well, lately I've noticed that sometimes the PT regens MP much more rapidly than is necessary, so why not sacrifice defense for offense? I ended up tanking with kabobs (yeah, I know, I should have bought bream sushi) and berserker on a few times and it never caused any additional downtime.


                          • #14
                            Re: Hauby vs Byrnie

                            I agree with you totally. If it makes the party better go for it.

                            I was just asking if anyone had actually used a Hauby in experience
                            party at level 60. (I wasn't saying you shouldn't, just thought it would
                            be interesting to hear some accounts from people who had done it)


                            • #15
                              Re: Hauby vs Byrnie

                              Honestly, I'm not going for either one... the Siphai Jawshan is waaaaaay cheaper and provides competitive stats. Hell, even the HQ Jawshan is less than a Hauby or a Byrnie.

