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mantle & cape & armor advise

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  • mantle & cape & armor advise

    Hiya all.
    sorry for my bad english... -.-
    i'm looking for some advice about a mantle for my pld....

    i'm actually lvl40 pld and i'm wearing a "Night Cape"(Def: 3 / Vs Dark: 3 Evasion:+3)( and while browsing for some new equipement, i found the "Earth Mantle"(Def: 6 / Vit+1 / Vs Lightning: 5 / Vs Earth: 5) ( my question is...should i move to earth mantle and lose my Evasion+3 to gain Vit+1 and Def+3 more...??

    and by the way..about armor
    actually wearing Kampfbrust(Def 25 Agi+3)( i move to "Royal Squire's Chainmail"(Def:31 Dex+1)( for more def and +Dex ability... and lose the the Agi bonus?
    (i'm actually wearing 2 drone earrings who gives some agi bonuses...(

    thanks in advance for your great help (^^)(_ _)(^^)

    "Born to fight, trained to kill, willing to die, but never will." - Unknown Paladin

    "i'm a man who will fight for your honor, i'll be the hero you're dreaming off!" - Reiyel Paladin of Asura(me)

    "Live for everything, Die for nothing"-Therealblackwallstreet

    You know you've been a pld too long when...
    "You try to cover your mage when youre both waiting at home point and a Galka comes running up to get signet"

  • #2
    Re: mantle & cape & armor advise

    Earth Mantle is what I wore back in the day, but you might want to check out the High Breath Mantle. It's a newer item that adds to enmity. Apparently a lot of PLDs swear by it.

    I'd upgrade to the RS Chain. Well, I did, when I leveled PLD. That seems to be the standard to change to. I know I kept my Kampf boots for near forever, but a lot of the other pieces got replaced here and there as I leveled.

    As an aside, which race are you? That will help to further advise.^^


    • #3
      Re: mantle & cape & armor advise

      kampft set armor is really good..that's why i'm not sure if it's worth to move to another armor...^^ but after getting drone earring...i keep wondering...
      i'm an elvaan ^^

      "Born to fight, trained to kill, willing to die, but never will." - Unknown Paladin

      "i'm a man who will fight for your honor, i'll be the hero you're dreaming off!" - Reiyel Paladin of Asura(me)

      "Live for everything, Die for nothing"-Therealblackwallstreet

      You know you've been a pld too long when...
      "You try to cover your mage when youre both waiting at home point and a Galka comes running up to get signet"


      • #4
        Re: mantle & cape & armor advise

        You're really ok to upgrade the body to RS. The AGI bonus isn't really that important, and more DEF and DEX can't hurt. You'll upgrade to IM Head at 40, and then you'll start to move towards full IM eventually the closer you get to 50. At least, that's what most PLDs do. But I still used my Kampf feet even then. They're that good.


        • #5
          Re: mantle & cape & armor advise

          I lvl my pld with a partial static which includes a war/thf and we will be picking up a drk soon, and I personally hightly recommend the High Breath Mantle, the +5 hate is just spectacular, i was able to keep hate from hitting my warrior, or in the case of last time we lvld, the mnk, without having to use cover

          I personally use the Ryl chain mail and legs, IM hat and hands, the Kampf boots, verve rings, spike necklace (yeah i know but i dont have the gil for anything else right now and i havent died and my pt has maintained chain 5 so i am stickin with it for now) war belt +1, honor sword, kite shield (no jennets have been for sale for a while now), happy egg, and the drone earrings. I have found this to work best for me.

          RNG67 BRD66 THF55 NIN35 WHM31 RDM35 WAR24 PLD30


          • #6
            Re: mantle & cape & armor advise

            um...i'll move to RS armor, seems to be better ^^ thanks ^^

            but for mantle... i check stats of High Breath Mantle.... +5 more hate, is very good well now i know i'll drop my Night Cape...but for what...? earth an high breath mantle seems both very good...trying both would be great....but i'm not that rich... i don't know wich one to take...actually keeping hate is not a really problem...flash is the most usefull spell for a PLD and it works well....coupled with pld abilities...i rarely lose hate...but sometimes BLM give me a hard i'm wondering wich one to take (i wish i was i could buy both items... )

            "Born to fight, trained to kill, willing to die, but never will." - Unknown Paladin

            "i'm a man who will fight for your honor, i'll be the hero you're dreaming off!" - Reiyel Paladin of Asura(me)

            "Live for everything, Die for nothing"-Therealblackwallstreet

            You know you've been a pld too long when...
            "You try to cover your mage when youre both waiting at home point and a Galka comes running up to get signet"


            • #7
              Re: mantle & cape & armor advise

              Well, with the High Breath mantle, you'd have to keep it on to maintain the enmity +. You couldn't swap out for Earth Mantle or anything. You have plenty of VIT as an Elvaan, so I'd suggest giving the HB mantle a go.

              Oh, and it's a charged item, so you can't resell it on the AH later.


              • #8
                Re: mantle & cape & armor advise

                Cape wise:

                Resentment Cape.

                It is just lovely. However - if this is your first job, you'll need some help acquiring it. But... it's totally worth it if you can get it. Like totally totally totally. ^^

                - Saeriel


                • #9
                  Re: mantle & cape & armor advise

                  Yeah, that is pretty dang nifty. I'm going to put it on the list with things like a Voyager Sallet. You know, that stuff I'd love to have, but will proabably never own. ; ;


                  • #10
                    Re: mantle & cape & armor advise

                    I thought the same till I picked up my Ajase Bead Necklace, as a 40 Drg/Whm (with help).

                    Now I think anything's possible if you work for it. ^^

                    - Saeriel

                    P.S. I only use it when in Regional Control and for tp building.. but the extra HP's and Def add up when something is trying to eat your face! ^^


                    • #11
                      Re: mantle & cape & armor advise

                      Originally posted by Spinnthrift
                      Cape wise:

                      Resentment Cape.

                      It is just lovely. However - if this is your first job, you'll need some help acquiring it. But... it's totally worth it if you can get it. Like totally totally totally. ^^

                      - Saeriel
                      woooow OO lovely OO permanent's better than High Breath Mantle enchantement(after 50 times you lose it T_T)...but acquiring this mantle won't be easy T.T

                      "Born to fight, trained to kill, willing to die, but never will." - Unknown Paladin

                      "i'm a man who will fight for your honor, i'll be the hero you're dreaming off!" - Reiyel Paladin of Asura(me)

                      "Live for everything, Die for nothing"-Therealblackwallstreet

                      You know you've been a pld too long when...
                      "You try to cover your mage when youre both waiting at home point and a Galka comes running up to get signet"


                      • #12
                        Re: mantle & cape & armor advise

                        I would get the Earth Mantle and the High Breath. Use the Earth Mantle and change
                        to High Breath if you are having problems holding hate. (you do have to keep the
                        High Breath on to keep the enchantment). High Breath mantle is cheap on my
                        server. 50k for 50 charges is a steal. I know you said your hate is good now, but
                        I think once you try the High Breath Mantle out, you will really enjoy watching DD
                        try to rip hate off of you.

                        I think you could easily wear the Kampf set all the way to 50 (except for the head)
                        if you wanted. I don't really see any "great" grear for Paladin in those levels. If
                        you really want the RS stuff then go for it, but I think the Kampf would be just as
                        good. (I am a big fan of +AGI and the Kampf set gives a lot of that). Wear feet
                        until AF if you want.

                        At 50 get your I.M. Cuirass and I.M. Cuisses and consider Rush Gloves for your hands.

                        EDIT: sorry, I said buy both mantles and the OP said they didn't have enough gil. I
                        would just go with whichever you can afford then.
                        Last edited by Davitron3000; 06-08-2006, 06:19 AM.


                        • #13
                          Re: mantle & cape & armor advise

                          At 42 you should consider earth doublet, it has +4 VIT on it. I personally found DEF pretty easy to get, so I concentrated on VIT where I could. For neck, I like medival collar. +2 VIT on it, and if you can't afford it you can just do the quest for it. On back...high breath mantle is pretty good. There's a lack of +enmity items at that level, and there's really not much to wear on the back at that level anyway. Your other options are a mantle with +2VIT/-10eva, a +1VIT mantle, or the +2 enmity resentment cape.
                          Generic Info!


                          • #14
                            Re: mantle & cape & armor advise

                            I considered the Earth Doublet, but I guess I'm just too worried about how I look, because I didn't want to wear a doublet. XD Bad PLD, skipping out on VIT to look pretty.


                            • #15
                              Re: mantle & cape & armor advise

                              Woo! Fashion parade time! ^^

