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Opinons on Tarutaru plds?

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  • #16
    Re: Opinons on Tarutaru plds?

    One of the PLDs in my HNMLS is a Tarutaru. To be fair, it DOES take some really good gear to match the performance of higher HP races, but he does just fine in full Koenig with some extras like Cassie Earring. I don't notice him taking any more damage than the other PLDs, and his extra MP pool comes in handy on occasion for sure during those crisis situations when you're spending MP faster than you can recover it.

    In fact, we like him so much he's pictured on our LS website:

    (Yes, that's him in full Koenig).



    • #17
      Re: Opinons on Tarutaru plds?

      Well its good to hear that i will be able to tank well as a taru pld. I was just scared of getting one shoted since I got one shoted in quifim on my warrior last night twice. ^^ Well as long as its just not taru's I am happy lol. Well I will be getting warrior to 37 most likley next week thanks to summer, and I will be posting here about what ever info i need on pld or anything else. =) I am aiming for level 50ish by the end of this summer on my pld. So i will be posting alot, well thanks for the comments!
      Stooky, Tarutaru supreme
      62 PLD 37 WAR 37 NIN


      • #18
        Re: Opinons on Tarutaru plds?

        My opinion: We can always use more meat shields that actually are the size of shields

        In all honesty though, a really well equipped and skilled Taru PLD rocks hard, plain and simple.
        RDM 75 - SMN 72 - WHM 37 - BLM 37 - DRK 37 -
        Bastok Rank 10 Completed
        Rise of the Zilart 16 "The Celestial Nexus"
        Chains of Promathia 8 - 1 "Garden of Antiquity"
        Treasures of Aht Urghan 13 "Lost Kingdom"


        • #19
          Re: Opinons on Tarutaru plds?

          Never played one, but a Tarutaru PLD probably lose enmity fast, since compared to other races (esp. Galka) each hit taken is a proportionally a greater percentage of HP--and, it can get enmity faster since each cure is also greater percentage of HP.

          With its huge MP and tiny HP, a Taru PLD can secure more enmity overall than other races--if the player can master casting between getting hit. If not, then it's going to be game over (death for PLD or WHM) rather quickly...
          Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
          yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
          Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
          leaving no trace in the water.

          - Mugaku


          • #20
            Re: Opinons on Tarutaru plds?

            Can we just stick this on the the older thread with almost the exact same title?

            Then and now is little different, but still the same match ups.

            Taru pld will be slightly weaker then another races pld in many situations.

            Not enough to matter usually, and only the obsessed players would be so baises as that, but the honest answer is you'll not live upto the pld name, only hold it.

            Key areas are offsense and defense. You are not hitting as hard as another race, and you are taking more damage then the other race.

            The common arguement is more MP, but to waste more mp because of your weaknesses doesn't help overcome it. This is MAX mp here, not mp upkeep. So you are spending more "resources" to offset the more damage you'll be taken.

            Enmity is pretty much the same, one can claim they have more mp to spend(only if you can keep the MP full), but the extra damage you take, will equally loose more Enmity.

            Max HP: One shotted becomes an issue, epsecially in end game or ENM or other pressing situations. Reason only in a rare situation where you would have taru pld in HNM going at it.

            Spiders and bats are notorious taru pld killers.

            Face it their str is weak. Just becuase a pld's main idea isn't DD doesn't mean they don't contribute, Damage helps. str helps a pld, nothing like other things, but it helps.

            With that said, we have one character and many jobs. Just like a galka will play a whm, so will a taru play pld. It's not really that bad or that big of a difference, but it's a difference.

            Finally as you reach the end of your lvl 75+merits journey Taru plds get hit way hard. Throwing a taru at Timmy is going to make everyone spam more cures, thus less hate, thus more rotation, thus more resources that need to bleed. Having a pld tanking is better then having no pld, but all the same taru are on the bottom of the totem pole , you were "born" with it, suck it up and move on if it's not going your way.

            I believe someone layed out
            Skill> devotion >equipment>race

            but 1.1 is always > 1.0


            • #21
              Re: Opinons on Tarutaru plds?

              Pretty much true. I don't know that I agree that the difference in performance is 10% though - at end-game things hit in the triple digit or more range, so small differences in damage per hit stop making much difference, though I agree the lack of HP becomes an issue unless you have really good (read: Koenig, RSE2, etc.) gear.

              Also note that, unlike other races, Taru are most likely to put merits into HP instead of MP, so they also catch up at level 75 somewhat in that sense (unless they're MP fanatical Tarus, but such players aren't generally going to be playing PLD anyway).



              • #22
                Re: Opinons on Tarutaru plds?

                I hate to be mean, but you do hear "Galka WHM" a lot when you ask about "Taru PLD"...

                On top of the stat differences, there is a perception problem seeing a taru as a PLD. After all, that does look like a dinner plate on your arm, and you do look like an hors'devoure.

                All PLD get's the last shot you get before you die, and the mob stops hitting you after you're dead^^.

                Being one-shotted from full hp? That doesn't happen a lot, but probably could happen more on taru than, say, elvaan.

                If your heart is Tarutaru, play Tarutaru. If your soul is PLD, play PLD. If you can shore up your weaknesses with expensive gear and food, do it.

                I would so rather play with a happy well adjusted Taru PLD than a grumpy Hume PLD.


                • #23
                  Re: Opinons on Tarutaru plds?

                  It comes down to play style too. Most non-Taru PLDs are very conservative with their MP out of necessity, in case they need to toss a cure in an emergency. I find that good players running Taru PLDs are much more likely to toss a pre-emptive Cure on other damaged party members to help solidify their enmity since they still have a reserve of MP to fall back on in a crisis.

                  I'm not saying this is necessarily going to make up for the loss in max HP or tiny net difference in VIT, but it does change the dynamics of the job in a visible way, and I've never really been disappointed with the Taru PLDs I've partied with at every level, since such players do have a tendency to try much harder to play their best.

                  Alert and skillful Taru PLD > Lazy and clueless non-Taru PLD, every day of the week.



                  • #24
                    Re: Opinons on Tarutaru plds?

                    Well, thanks guys. I will just have to try my best as a taru pld ^^. I hope i will be able to do my job well, I like being a taru and wont go any other race, I like to chose the lesser race for a job don't know why but i always like a disadvantage or a gimp for some odd reason I think it is becuase i like to have to try really hard o.o. If i were to make a mage, would probley be a galka. Well, i got to go level now. Want to start my pld next week! Thanks guys!
                    PS: Should i get my RSE gear for my warrior while leveling him from his 30's to 37? It is less defense then other gear, but has about +100 hp or so and alot of stat bouneses.
                    Stooky, Tarutaru supreme
                    62 PLD 37 WAR 37 NIN


                    • #25
                      Re: Opinons on Tarutaru plds?

                      The RSE +str bonuses are wonderful for war on your trip to 37, definitely worth having if you're allowed to focus on meleeing, if you'll be tanking alot, then you may want to opt for better defense gear. I strongly recommend the HQ Eisenbrust (Kampf) set for taru PLD, it's not cheap, but every extra bit of def/vit/agi helps, and the length of time you can use the set before upgrading pieces to IM gear make it worthwhile in my opinion. Also look into the quest for Power Sandals, lvl 18 footwear +3 vit on them.


                      • #26
                        Re: Opinons on Tarutaru plds?

                        After reading a portion of these i have to throw my 2 cents in... There are many agreeable things in here and one thing i must say is ... I would kill to have Taru MP Pool i would love nothing more than to raise my Galkan arm and cast Cure II as many times as i would like in a battle this generates so much more hate... i love when i can manage to get one so in that sense i say Taru PLD is awesome ... just like everyone says skimp on silly things like rings for mp and mnd and all that ... just use +vit gears and high def items ... +hp is awesome reccomendation is of course to use a Warriors Belt +1 one of the first things i got as a PLD ... hell even go with a Spike Necklace for some Str and Vit... major penalty on the Mnd tho :\ but your MP will allow the slightly gimped heals to be more numerous thus keeping the hate level the same ...

                        Like everyone has said maing exceptions in some areas allows for proper playing or well not proper ... effective ... like before 29 i used devotees mitts for the mp and mnd plus so i could be more effective and heal myself and others when hate was slipping and voke was 10 sec away... this being said its not so much anything thats been touched here that matter it is Role and Resourcefulness ... once you can use everything at your disposale to be the best you can thats when you know you will play as you are "meant to" ...

                        Lastly, and regretably, i mention that as Galkan PLD i managed to lose hate to another PLD in a pt the other night ... i had my heaping 66 MP he had about 120ish i believe... thats proof there that cures will be a major factor ... Oh yea i should have mentioned up there he was healing like there was no tomorrow to himself me and anyone else who needed it ... things that pose a challenge like that are what makes playing any race great ... like a hume BLM out-nuking a Taru BLM ... or even to make it more bi-polar a Taru pld out tanking a Galkan pld... can happen... in my opinion should happen... and will happen... so everyone will try to make their gaming more fun and challenging...

                        Thanks fer reading this maybe it helped i hope it did if not sorry but i wanted to be part of this discussion later and GL Stooky

                        Which FF Character Are You?

                        /check Onikuma

                        No /check for my other char yet :-(


                        • #27
                          Re: Opinons on Tarutaru plds?

                          I'm a taru PLD and I think it's great! Lots of fun and a we do just fine. =)

                          "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."


                          • #28
                            Re: Opinons on Tarutaru plds?

                            Well, i guess i will use my RSE gear as a warrior and then the armor as a pld. Well time for sleep. Thanks for the advice!
                            Stooky, Tarutaru supreme
                            62 PLD 37 WAR 37 NIN


                            • #29
                              Re: Opinons on Tarutaru plds?

                              In the last week, I've been with various groups in Garlaige with my RNG, and the only tank that could keep hate was a taru PLD. I believe only once in 2 hours did I get hate when using Barrage, but the taru pulled it back before it could hit me. My shadows kept wearing off by themselves. In every other group, I'd almost always get the mob's attention each battle.

                              I can't say I have any direct experience with it, but I would view a taru PLD like a Galka mage: You can do the job well, but when it comes to these combinations, I think it's your duty to get the best equipment you can. There's a lot of "Convert x MP to HP" equipment out there. And of course, skill is most important.


                              • #30
                                Re: Opinons on Tarutaru plds?

                                Originally posted by EuphoricOni
                                Lastly, and regretably, i mention that as Galkan PLD i managed to lose hate to another PLD in a pt the other night ... i had my heaping 66 MP he had about 120ish i believe... thats proof there that cures will be a major factor ... Oh yea i should have mentioned up there he was healing like there was no tomorrow to himself me and anyone else who needed it ... things that pose a challenge like that are what makes playing any race great ... like a hume BLM out-nuking a Taru BLM ... or even to make it more bi-polar a Taru pld out tanking a Galkan pld... can happen... in my opinion should happen... and will happen... so everyone will try to make their gaming more fun and challenging...
                                Don't let it get to you, Galka brother. Let them laugh at your pitiful MP pool now. Keep
                                at it. Eventually it comes back around later and it is not about how much MP you have
                                but how you use it and regenerating it. (sorry for off topic)

